Developmental Theories Flashcards
Secure Attachment
Explore the environment when alone or with their mother
Show distress when mother leaves
Seek physical contact when she returns
Mothers: emotionally sensitive and responsive
Avoidant Attachment
Uninterested in environment
Show little distress when mother leaves
Avoid contact with her when she returns
May or may not be wary of strangers
Mothers: impatient and non-responsive or overly responsive
Resistent Attachment
Anxious when mother is present
Become VERY distressed when mother leaves
May resist mothers attempt to make physical contact
Mothers: inconsistent in response, sometimes indifferent, sometimes enthusiastic
Conflicting reactions to their mother
Alternate between avoidant/resistent and proximity seeking
Dazed, confused, and apprehensive
*often observed in maltreated children
Kohlberg Preconventional
Avoid punishment
Kohlberg Conventional
Consistent with laws and rules
Approval of others
Kohlberg Postconventional
Correct act is chosen by laws but can be changed
Universal ethical principles (justice and fairness)
Piaget Premoral
Birth-5, limited understanding of rules and morality
Piaget Heteronomous
Age 5-6, rules are unchangeable, punishment, negative consequences, inflexible
Piaget Autonomous
Age 10-11, rules can change and are determined by being in agreement, consider intentions, decline in egocentrism
Freud Oral
Birth-1, pleasure through mouth, tongue and lips (getting food/suckling)
Freud Anal
Age 1-3, anal and urethral areas. Feces and urine, toilet training
Freud Phallic
Age 3-6, genital, Oedipal complex, sexual desires (superego is formed)
Freud Latency
Age 6-puberty, sexual instincts are repressed, playing and identifying with same sex children, social values
Erikson Trust vs. Mistrust
Birth-1, responsive parenting versus waiting too long for comfort/handled harshly
Erikson Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt
Age 1-3, foster motor and cognitive development, overly restrict and shame
Erikson Initiative vs Guilt
Age 3-6, imaginative play to learn about society with sense of ambition and responsibility, parental demands for self control and guilt
Erikson Industry vs Inferiority
Age 6-puberty, productive work and cooperation with others, when others do not foster feelings of competence and mastery
Erikson Identity vs Identity Confusion
Adolescence, transition between childhood and adulthood. Coherent sense of self, confusion.
Erikson Intimacy vs Isolation
Young adulthood, relationships with others enhance identity, inability to form relationships, rejection, and isolation
Erikson Generativity vs. Stagnation
Middle adulthood, contributing to younger generations (mentor teacher) other productive work versus boredom
Erikson Ego Integrity vs. Despair
Old age, look back at life and decide life was worthwhile or having sense of dissatisfaction
Piaget Sensorimotor
Birth-2, learns through sensory and motor activity. Representational thought, object permanence, and deferred imitation
Piaget Preoperational
Age 2-7, imaginative, symbolic function, increased language, symbolic play, problem solving , egocentricism, inability to conserve
Piaget Concrete Operational
Age 7-12, ability to conserve, reason using concrete events, transitivity, hierarchal classification
Piaget Formal Operational
Ages 12+, abstract thinking, hypothetical and deductive reasoning, propositional thought (Elkind perosnal fable and imaginary audiance)