Developmental Pysch Flashcards
Definition of Developmental Psychology
aims to explain how children and adults change over time (socially and pyschologically)
History: 1700
children were seen as ‘mini-adults’; only quantitavely different
History: Enlightenment
John Locke + JJ Rouseau: children development studied
History: 1800’s
Charles Darwin + Evolutionary Theory: adaptation, change, variation and individual differences
Industrial Revolution + 19th-century history
Childhood literary and education begins to be studied
The 1920s History
Dev Pysch becomes a scientific dicisiplines; hwoever broken into ‘nature’ vs ‘nurture’ aspects
20th Century + Now (HIstory)
- nature + nurture brought together
- ‘all encompassing’ study of development from childhood to adulthood (holistic) as whole life span deevelopment is studied
Who was Jean Piaget
a swiss scientists studied logical thinking in children from biological roots and came up with his ‘4 stages of development’ theory
John Locke
NURTURE; childs mind is a ‘tabula rasa’ at birth that sponges up experience
JJ Rousseau
NATURE: child develops due to a preconditioned biology
Genetic Epistemology Theory (2)
Piaget’s points of how knowledge is acquired in children:
- children are active agents in learning
- intellectual development is an evolutionary process occuring in progressive statges of intellectual development (each is fixed + invariant)
4 stages of Cognitive Development
- Sensory Motor
- Pre-Operational
- Concrete Operational
- Formal Operational
What happens in the Sensorimotor Stage
Birth- 2 years old
End: Object Permanence is Acquired After
- uses senses and motor skills
- beings to know items by their use
What happens in the Pre-Operational Stage
2- 6 years old
End: Imagination/Experience grows and Chidl Decenters View
- symbolic thinking
- language acquired
- ecocentrism
What happens in the Concrete-Operational Stage
7-11 Years
End: conservation, matthematical thinking and classification, ideas
- logic applications
- some objectivity
- informal interpretation
- concrete thought to real life
What happens in the Formal Operational STage
12 years- Adulthood
End: acwuire ethics, politics and social/moral interests
- think abstractly
- hypothethical ideas
- broader issues engaged with
Theories of Development (5)
Bowly and Ainsworth
How did Piaget study object permanence
Placed a screen before a 6 month year old baby; showed the object ‘didnt exist’ unless the baby saw it
What was Piagets ‘A not B’ Task
2 cloths and an objec:
researcher places an object under a cloth-> baby grasps for that cloth
reseracher moves object to another cloth-> baby still goes for original cloth as existence of toy was dependent on its own actions
How did Piaget study Conservation
he asked a 6 year old if playdought ofo the same size/shape was the same amount
then changed the shape of one of the playdoughs in front of the child
child in pre-operational stage would say that the changed object is of a higher quanitity
Piagets ‘building blocks of thinking’
- mental schemes guide actions that aid in working through an issue/novel situation
work by:
Assimiliation-> equilibrium (set of rules)–> novel situation (rules dont apply)–> disequilibirum–> acocmodation
- feedback kloop from environment changes shemes to adapt to new situations allowing for the accomodation of learning to occur
Butterworth Criticisms of Piaget
Critiqued his idea that babies are egocentric.
Babies follow where mom is looking= which shows that the undersatnd the mom sees somethign they dont
Donaldson critique of Piaget
Found children COULD conserve earlier than piaget predicted:
- changed the playdought tasks by changing the way the researcher asked the question:
—> used a ‘helper teddy’ that ‘changed the playdough’
Donaldson attributed that a child expects a change when researcher asks a question which influences their answer
Lev Vygotsky: what did he do/study
looked at the role of language in human society/thought
was a social ‘constructivist’; looked at how culture/society infleunces development
developed theory of scafolldly (kinds mind grows by interating with social elements and by paenting)
Theory of Zone of Proximanal Development
By Vygotsky; supposed that culture/society/environment influence social itneractions, speech and language
language and development important to how you structure your thought
Who was Erikson
looked at how individuals resolve pyschosocial conflicts to adjust to environment throughout LIFE SPAN
Theory of Psychosocial Development
the hollistic development (from cradle to grave); Erikson broke it into stages
we go through different ‘stages’ i nlife wherer are personatlities develop (they are pre-determine and progressive)
i.e. trust and mistrust in infancy or identity/role confusion in adolscence
Final stages are intertritgy and despair, stagnation, identity and isolation
Who was John Bowlby
studied the special role of social relationships between parents/children in forming personality and mental wellbeing
used animal studies and modern research and traditional psychoanalysis to conduct his studies
bomined cognitive rsearch with biology and traditional pyschoanalysis (piaget and darwin and freud)
attachment theory general gist
socio-emotional individual development is influenced by early experiences in childhood/infancy
- John Bowlby: studied mother-infant bond
- Mary Ainsworth: tested mother-infant bond
- Lorenz studied Imprinting
Lorenz Imprinting Theory 1935
ethnologist looked at how we’re biologically prepared for life;
looked at how goslings imprint to an object early in life;
used wellington boots to test this theory
found limits of imprinting= a critical window whereby the goslings lose the ability to imprint a few hours after birth
Harlows Experiment 1958
conducted experiments with rhesus monkeys:
1. cloth mom= no milk but cozy
- wire mom= cozy but no milk
1. rhesus monkeys prefer cloth mom for comfort= shows caregiving crucial
- monkeys raised in isolation had severe behavior issues forever (aggression, rocking, OCD) if isolation for +3 months
What types of attachment are there
- Disorganized
- Organized (Secure and INsecutre)
- Disorder
Types of organized attachment
Secure and Insecure
and insecure is split into: avoidant and resistant-ambivalent
whatis the circle of security
parent must act as a secure basis/save haven AND a motiviator/leader to allow for a child to explore a world ‘safely’; inerplay of EXPLORATORY and ATTATCHMEN system
when parent is the ‘safe haven’; they protect/comfort and support the child (welcomes return)
when parent is ‘secure base’; parent watches, helps and enjoys with the child (Supports exploration)
what does the quality of attachment reveal
the quality of the relationship between a parent and a child
what is a secure base
the role a parent must play; this has individual braince in individuals in how stressed they are in being separated or reunited with their secure base
what are coherent attachment strategy
attachment caterogies which useful caterogies that escribe patterns of attachment in adults
what is a strategy
how an infnant uses its organizaing vehaivour relevant to attachment
Describe secure attachment
organised: the most healthy/optimal strategy where children grown up having good relationships in later life and academic success..
in experiment: child is tries to have pxotimity to adult in stress/novel stiuation but returns to exploring once base is secure
in ‘strange situation’; child reduces exploration, is a bit strssed/cries as parent leaves but when attachment figure redurns calm down and resume exploration
Describe avoidant attachment
organized; detrimental attachment behaviour + overfocus on exploration
in ‘strange situation’ experiment; child overfocuses on exploration, might even ignore attachment figure it they return or focus more on stranger
impression; child is fine/non-attached/indepdnent
reality= child just as stressed (shown by heart rate/galbanic skin conductance)
Describe ambivalent-resistant attachment
organised: too much focus on attachment
child= very depdentn on attachment figure
in strange situation experiment; child stressed by seperation, cries a lot while/when parent leaves and then difficult yto calm down even when AF returns (might not return to exploration at all)