Development of Sexual Behaviour Flashcards
What are Male Sexual Behaviours?
What is Female Sexual Behaviour?
Receptive Behaviour
Proceptive Behaviour
How can they measure sexual behaviour in women and males?
Males = Interval between ejaculation and next mount
Females = Lordosis Quotient = lordosis /mounts
What did a Neonatal Gonadectomny cause?
Reduced successful mounts in males and lordosis in females
What does prenatal and perinatal testosterone (T) do?
Masculinate males and defeminize their mating behaviours
What do both T mediates masculization and defeminization require?
What is the critical period for T effects?
11 days postnatally
What are the three cases of Exceptional Human Sexual Developmemnt?
1.) Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome
2.) Androgenital Syndrome
3.) Sex Reassignment due to Ablatio Penis
What is Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome?
- XY
- Normal Androgen Levels
- Unresponsive Testosterone Levels (X -linked)
What is the result of Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome?
- Internal Testes
- External female genitalia
- Uterus and Vagina Smaller
- Infertile
- Female Secondary Characteristics (No pubic hair)
- Female Behaviour, gender identity, and orientation
What is Adrenogenital Syndrome?
Deficiency in Adrenal Cortisol Release
To compensate, it results in adrenal hyperactivity
What does andrenogenital syndrome cause in males ?
Accelerated puberty
What does adrenogenital syndrome cause in females?
What are the effects of the Masculization in XX?
- Enlarged clitori, fused labia
- Normal Ovaries
- Delayed Menstration
- Tomboy
- More likely to become bisexual or homosexual
What is Sex Reassignment due to Ablatio Penis?
“The case of David”
Penis got severed off during circumcision and he was raised as a girl
What are the neuroprotective Effects of Estrogen?
- Neurogenesis. Neuroplasticity
- Neurotrophic Release
- Reduce Hypoxia Induced Brain Damage
- Reduce Trauma Induced Brain Damage
- Reduce Inflammation
Promote Axonal Regeneration
- Improve Cognition
- Contribute to sex differences in the longevity of certain diseases
How did they determine the effects of estrogens on neurogenesis?
Using evidence from natural hormonal fluctuations
What did they find when looking at natural hormonal flunctuations?
Neurogenesis, dendritic spines and long term potentiation (strengthening synapses) occurs highest during high estrogen phases of the estrous cycle and right before pregnancy
What can the structure of dendrites do?
Facilitate memory
What does evidence of exogenous hormone administration show for neurogenesis?
Administration of estradiol has enhanced dendritic spinning, LTP, neurogenesis, new neuron survival, synaptic proteins
What are the effects dependent on?
Sex, age, type of estrogen, dosage
What did they not observe?
Anti neurogenesis-plasticity effects
What were the studies used to look at estrogen on cognition?
They did studies with non-hippocampal depenedence and hippocampal dependence on learning
What did they find regarding the dose of estrogen?
Low level of Estrogen = enhance learning
High level of estrogen = impaired learning