Development Dynamics Flashcards
Define development
The economic , social and political progress of a country. For it to be beneficial it must be sustainable
What is GDP
The total values of goods and services a country produces a year.
What is HDI
A number calculated using life expectancy , education level and income per head . The score is between 0-1 . 1 being the best
What is the gini coefficient
A measure of economic equality . Countries are given a score between 0-1. 1 being completely inequal
What is the gender equality index
A number thats calculated using data including women’s education , jobs ,political rights and health during pregnancy. The higher the score the more inequality
What is GNI
The total value of income a country produces per year. GNI per capita is the GNI divided by the population of a country
including overseas
What is the corruption perception index
A measure of the level of corruption that is believed to exist in the public sector . Scored between 0-100. The lower the score the more corruption .
Why is HDI considered a composite indicator
It is considered a composite indicator is because it uses more than one measure (e.g life expectancy) in its calculations
Explain why solely using GDP to judge how developed a country is could be misleading
Judging a country by one development indicator can be misleading as all parts of a country develops at a different rate . So a country could have a really high GDP however it could have really low life excpectancy
What does a population pyramid show
An illustration that shows the distribution of various age groups in a population .
What is fertility rate
Average number of births per a woman
How does demographic data change as a country develops
Developing countries will have a lower GDP rate as not enough people have jobs
Healthcare in developed countries are insufficient so the amount of doctors per thousand are less
Explain why fertility rate decreases as a country develops
As countries develop women are provided with equal opportunities therefore they will focus on their career more than starting a carrer . More women are having children at a later date therefore less children are born per mother
Explain how social factors
Health and education cause global inequality
Education can provide a skilled workforce
More people get into better paid jobs so people are more wealthy
With a poor education a child will not have a necessary education to achieve better oppurtunities
Healthcare will be lacking in poorer countries
More people are ill
Less people can go to work and school
Less money is made
How has colonialism caused global inequality
Countries that have been freed will not be developed enough to survive independently . They will have been reliant for too long e.g africa with europe
How economic aid and political factors have caused global inequalities
Neo colonism is a huge factor that stops country develops . Previos rulers of countries indirectly manipulate the less developed and weakee countries that previoulsy relied on them by …
Loaning them meaning they have to pay a huge fine and develop in a way these more powerful countries will want them to act
Also corrupt governments
Five stages of rostows society plan
Trad society Pre take off Take off Drive to maturity Mass production
How does the economy change in the take off stage
Economy is less reliant on agricultire. There is a rapid intensive growth of industrial environments therefore more bussinesses start to invest in the indistrial sector and the cyle continues
What does frank mean by neo colonsim
Evem though a country is freed by its rulers it remains reliant on the more powerful countries . These countries indirectly manipulate the development of weaker countries
What is globalisation
All the words systems and cultures become more intergrated
Why does technological development help globalisation
Better technology allows differnt countries to quickly communicate with each other also makes bussiness a lot easier to communicate with
How do TNCS help globalisation
They link together countries through the production of goods and services
How do governments improve globalisation
Governments promotes free trade and reduce the tarrif encouraging more products and goods to be shipped all around the world
Why will globalisation help a country like india
India has a lot to offer so it has a lot to gain . It has free land and less strict building permissions so companies will be attracted to settle there and give the government money
What is an IGO AND NGO
Non governmental organisation
Inter governmental organisation
Example of IGO and its benefits and cons
Sardar sarvorar dam
Provided three point five billion litres of clean drinking water
Provided sustainable source of power
It flooded 234 villages
Destroyed religious buildings
Destroyed many farms
Example of NGO and benefits and cons
The astra slurry scheme
Gave villagers permanent jobs therefore income
Provided a sustainable source of cooking gas
Small scale easy to repair
It is not as beneficial to as many people as the IGO
How can topography effect how a country develops
If the land is to steep then less food will be produced. If people cannot be fed then famine and illness will spread not allowing people to work
Steep lands will also make it hard to build infrastructure meaning it will be harder to transport goods and services and to gain materials from other countries (limit trade)
What is preventing milawi from developing
Life expectancy
Majority of the population are children because due to bad living standards many do not live past 40 . Due to this not enough people are not working therefore not enough wealth is being generated for the government making Malawi a poor country
Another reason is education
A good education system can provide a skilled workforce which allows many young adults to reach well paid opportunities however not enough money is going into the education system therefore children are not getting the qualifications to reach better paid jobs