4.3 B Flashcards
What is storm frequency
Storm frequency is the trends and changes in storm patterns
What are prevailing winds and how do they contribute to longshore drift
The prevailing winds are the winds that blow in the most frequent direction . Prevailing winds change the direction of waves which push up the sediment onto the beach
What are destructive waves
Destructive waves commonly occur due to storms . The are quite large and power. This can only happen when the energy is high . They tend to erode the coastline and have more powerful backwash than swash
How does marine processes effect the coastline
Hydraulic action caused by storms and prevailing winds will increase erosion and create joints and faults. Transportation like saltation contributes to the coastline transporting sediment to beaches
Name all of the sub Ariel processes
Freeze thaw weathering- Exfoliation Biological weathering Chemical weathering Mass movement Rock falls
How do sub aerial processes effect the landscape
Freeze thaw weathering widens cracks by freezing and melting increasing the size of the cracks
Exfoliation is the process of peeling and replacing rocks
Describe the three different types of weathering
Chemical weathering is chemical reactions resulting in acidic substances wearing the rocks away
Physical weathering is the pressure put on rock over time eroding the materials
Biological weathering is when plants grow in cracks and when they increase in size the cracks widen
What is the rate of coastal reatreat
The retreat of the coastline is the process in which hydraulic actions and weathering erodes the rock retreating the remaining materials
How has the rate of costal retreat increased
Strong prevailing winds creating longshore drift that moves material south along the coastline.
The cliffs are made of a soft boulder clay. It will therefore erode quickly, especially when saturated.
What is mass movement
Mass movements. This is where land movement at a range of speeds results in destruction of property and/or loss of life. It is often triggered by human activity.