What are four disadvantages of using portland cement plaster as a finish material?
As a finish material, this has the disadvantage of being - more expensive than gypsum wallboard - slower to construct with than gypsum wallboard - wet and messy to work with - challenging to work with, thus requiring more skilled labor
How does proportion differ from scale?
The former is the size relationship between object or elements in a space. The latter is the relative size of an object or element in comparison to another element of known size (often the human body)
What is a pivot?
This is a type of hardware used to hang doors. It consists of a rotating bottom pin and a corresponding pin at the top of the door.
What are two types of glazing that can be used in hazardous locations, and what test must they pass?
Two materials that can be used for this application are tempered glass and laminated glass, but only if they pass the testing requirements of 16 cfr 1201, category II
What are the three most common types of interior glazing?
The three most common types are -float -tempered -laminated
What are the components of a fire rated door assembly?
These consist of the door itself, the frame, and the hardware
In regards to construction, what is a plenum?
In commercial construction, this is the space between the building structural roof or floor and the suspended ceiling.
What effect does an acoustical ceiling have on sound?
This construction element mainly absorbs sound.
What two materials have largely supplanted plywood in interior construction applications?
Particleboard and medium density fiberboard have generally supplanted this material in interior construction applications.
What are the primary elements used to make bronze?
Copper and tin are used to make this material.
What is another term for raised panel construction?
Stile and rail paneling is another term for this type of construction.
What is high pressure decorative laminate (HPDL)
This is a common finishing material used with millwork, made from kraft paper overlaid with a patterned or colored sheet and a layer of melamin resin.
What is quarter sawing?
This is a method of sawing lumber in which the saw cut line is mostly perpendicular to the tree rings in a quarter section of the log.
What is bookmatching?
This is a method of assembling veneers in which every other piece sliced off the log is turned over.
What is blueprint matching?
This is the most exact method of matching veneer panels in a room such that grain continuity is maintained across doors, cabinets and other obstructions.
What is a flitch?
This is the collections of veneers that have been sliced of the same log
What is used to fit a cabinet tightly to an irregular wall?
A scribe piece is used for this
Which method of sawing or slicing veneers produces a characteristic cathedral grain pattern in most species of wood?
Plain sawing or plain slicing produces this appearance in most wood species
What are the four basic types of wood flooring
The four basic types are -strip -plank -block -end-grain block
What are two sustainable types of wood flooring?
Two examples of this are -bamboo -palm wood
What is composite wood veneer?
This is a sustainable product manufactured by laminating veneers from commonly available trees onto an artificial log, which is then sliced to produce the final veneers.
What is lacquer?
This is a coating material with a high nitrocellulose content that has been modified with resins and plasticizers dissolved in a volatile solvent
What is running trim?
This type of molding is installed end to end.
What is solid surfacing?
This is a homogeneous, polymer based surfacing material.
What is the thin-set method of installing stone flooring?
This method of installing stone flooring uses either a special mortar about 1/8 in thick or an adhesive.
What is marble?
This is a metamorphic rock formed by layers of shells that, under heat and pressure, form into a composition of crystallizing grains of calcite and/or dolomite.
What are four disadvantages of using a thick-set application for stone flooring?
The disadvantages of using this application method for stone flooring include - added weight to the subfloor - longer installation time - additional thickness - additional cost
What are five common types of resilient flooring
Five common types are - vinyl - vinyl composition - rubber - cork - linoleum
What are four reasons why carpet cushions are used
This material is used with carpeting to - provide support for the pile yarn - increase dimensional stability - provide added strength - give a softer fell underfoot
Why would a designer want to use a wilton carpet?
This carpet type would be used to produce a complex pattern with different surface textures
What is considered a minimum coefficient of friction for safety?
For safety, a value of .5 is considered to be minimum for this coefficient.
What are the two broad classification of paint?
Its two broad classifications are -water based -solvent based
What is the primary concern related to indoor air quality and paint?
With this wall finish, the primary concern related to indoor air quality is the level of volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
In terms of paint, what is the vehicle and how does it work?
This is the liquid portion of paint composed of a nonvolatile binder and a volatile part called the solvent. The binder combines with the body to form the final film while the solvent dissolves the binder to allow for application and later either evaporates or dries
In terms of wall paper installation, what is a drop match?
This method of wallpaper installation is used when one piece must be raised or lowered in relation to adjacent pieces to continue the pattern.
What two paint types are often used to achieve a very durable surface?
Epoxy and urethane paints are often used to achieve this kind of surface.
What are the three grades of vinyl wallcovering?
This wallcovering material may be graded as -Type I light duty -Type II medium duty -Type III heavy duty
What is the primary benefit of using a hydrophobic fabric wallcovering?
This type of fabric wallcovering does not absorb and hold moisture so it does not sag or distort
What are roman shades?
This type of shade pulls up with a cord into accordion folds
What is a jalousie window?
This window type consists of individual horizontal pieces of glass that all pivot outward at once for ventilation.
In regard to interior design, what is detailing?
This is the process of determining a design’s technical requirements- that is how the individual components will fit together and exactly how they will look.
What is a tolerance?
This is the amount of allowable variation from a given line, dimension, or size.
What is a material safety data sheet MSDS
This is a document provided by a manufacturer containing information about the physical makeup of a substance, proper storage and handling procedures and other safety issues.
What is the Fibonacci sequence?
This is the series of number in which the first two terms are 0 and 1 and each number that follows is the sum of the previous two. 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21
What four characteristics distinguish a fire-rated suspended acoustical ceiling from a non-rated standard ceiling?
The distinguishing characteristics of this type of ceiling are -it is only part of an entire fire rated floor ceiling assembly - its tiles must be rated mineral tiles -it uses hold down clips -it must have expansion slots in the grid
What process occurs when dissimilar metals are in contact in the presence of water?
The process that occurs under these condition is galvanic action galvanic action is a form of electrochemical corrosion in which one metal gives up electrons to the other, corroding quickly while slowing the other metals corrosion.
Under what conditions would a wood veneer not have to adhere to flame spread requirements?
When a wood veneer is less than .036 in thick and applied to a noncombustible material, these requirements do not apply.
Which finish material for woodwork provides the hardest, most durable surface?
When used as a finish material for woodwork, polyester has these characterisitics
What is velvet carpet?
This is a carpet made by a simple weaving method that places all the pile yarn on the face of the carpet.
What are four common ways to install fabric wallcovering
This is commonly installed in one of four ways. -applied directly, using an adhesive -using custom fabric panels -using a proprietary stretch wall system -using acoustic panels
What is tackable acoustic fiberglass?
This is a non combustible fibrous glass mat bonded with a resinous binder and formed into a rigid board with a finish of thin, rigid fiberglass mesh.
What are five causes of building movement that must be considered when detailing?
This may be caused by -dead-load deflection - lateral loading from wind or seismic activity - water absorption - live-load deflection - temperature changes
In regard to selecting construction materials and detailing, what three safety factors must be considered?
These three factors are -structural -fire -human contact
What is an analogous color scheme
This is a color scheme using hues that are close to each other on the color wheel
What three terms does the Munsell color system use to define colors
This system defines color by hue value chroma
Which design element can be perceived through the senses of both touch and sight?
The design element that can be perceived through both of these senses is texture.
What is a pattern?
This is the repetition of a decorative motif on a surface.
What is hue?
This is the most basic color classification. For example, it is what distinguishes yellow from blue
What are the three primary colors of light?
These are red green and blue
What basic form is the intersection of a wall and a ceiling perceived as?
The intersection of these two elements of a room is perceived as a line
What are the true primary colors of pigment?
These are yellow, magenta, and cyan (not yellow red and blue as is often thought).
What are four advantages of using portland cement plaster as a finish material?
As a finish material, this has the advantages of being -hard and abrasion-resistant -water resistant -easily formed into curved and ornate surfaces -a good base for wall tile
What is the generic name for fire rate gypsum wallboard?
The x is the generic name of this material
In terms of wallboard partitions what are the common differences between residential and commercial construction?
The first typically uses 2x4 woods studs with 1/2 in wallboard, while the second typically uses metal studs with 5/8 in wallboard
What are the standard depths of metal studs?
Standard depths for these constructions components are 1 5/8”, 2 1/2”, 3 5/8”, 4” and 6”
In regard to interior design what is harmony?
This is a characteristic of a composition in which all the elements of the interior seem to belong together and to reinforce the overall design theme
What is simultaneous contrast?
This is the phenomenon in which a color seems to change when placed against differently colored backgrounds
In terms of color, what is intensity or chroma?
This is the degree of purity of a hue when compared to a neutral gray of the same value
What are six elements of design?
These are form scale color texture pattern and light
In design, what is scale?
This is the relative size of an object or element in comparison to another element of known size
In regard to interior design, what is contrast?
This is the international juxtaposition of dissimilar elements within a design to create emphasis
What is radial balance?
This is the uniform arrangement of elements about a central point
What are the six principles of design?
These are -balance -harmony and unity -rhythm -emphasis -contrast and variety
What is visual weight?
This is the perception that some objects are heavier than others by nature of their size shape complexity color texture or location in space
What design principle is often achieved by placing an element in a prominent position or by using special lighting?
Emphasis and focus in a design can be achieved by these methods.
What is gradation and what design principle is it derived from?
This design principle is a variation of rhythm. It describes cases where the size color or value of a design element is slightly modified.
What is asymmetrical balance?
This is the arrangement of dissimilar elements within a visual field such that the composition appears balanced, even though the elements are not grouped around a common axis.
What types of forms are represented by the niche and vase shown?

The former is a volumetric form, defined by five enclosing planes. It is a void, or negative space, because the perceived volume is not solid and is defined by other objects.
In contrast, the latter is a solid volume, or positive space.
What are the two names by which this diagram is known?

This is the Brewster, or Prang, color system, often simply known as the color wheel.
What does this diagram represent?

This is a graphic representation of the golden section.
What is the value of the golden ratio?
See image for answer.

In this diagram of a door opening, what are the components labeled A, B, and C?

The three components shown are:
(A) a head
(B) a jamb
(C) a threshold or sill
What type of construction element is shown, and what are the components labeled A, B, and C?

This illustration shows a section of a standard wood door frame in a wood stud partition, inlcuding the stop ( component A), the casing trim (component B), and the shim (component C).
What type of construction element is shown, and what are the components labeled A and B?

This illustration shows a supsended gypsum wallboard ceiling, including (A) a cold-rolled steel channel, sometimes called a black iron, and (B) a furring channel, sometimes called a hat channel.
What type of cabinet framing is shown?

- This is an illustration of reveal overlay construction.
In this terrazzo floor section, what are the components labeled A, B, and C?

In this floor section, these components are:
(A) a divider strip
(B) welded wire fabric reinforcing
(C) cleavage membrane on top of the sand cushion