Code Requirements, Laws, Standards and Regulations 30% (Life Safety Elements) Flashcards
Occupant load of more than 49 but fewer than 500 require how many exits?
IBC 1006.3.3
Occupant load of more than 500 but fewer than 1,000 require how many exits?
IBC 1006.3.3
Occupant load of more than 1,000 require how many exits?
IBC 1006.3.3
When a building **IS **sprinklered what is the exit distance requirements?
1/3 diagonal distance
When a building is NOT sprinklered what is the exit distance requirements?
NO LESS than 1/2 the distance
MIN. width of a corridor for 50+ occupants is what?
MIN. width of a corridor for 49 and under occupants is what?
Exit travel distance for a non-sprinklered building is what?
not permitted in H and most I Occupancy Groups
Exit travel distance for a sprinklered building is what?
Occupant loads determine what when it comes to means of egress?
- Direction of door swings
- Exits required
- Stair width requirements
The required number of Exits is based on what?
- Occupant load
- Occupancy of space
- Length of common path of travel
- Sprinklers (have or not have)
- Requirements for large occupant loads
Required minimum width of exits are determined by multiplying OL (Occupancy Load) by what?
- 0.3 for stairways
- 0.2 for other components (doors/corridors)
What are the components of means of egress?
- Exit
- Exit access
- Exit discharge
Where is the “area of refuge” commonly located?
Stairways or elevators
Where does the travel distance end?
the exit door
not exit access
Is an open stair considered an exit or exit access?
Exit access
Travel distance through an open stairway is measured by what?
The angle fo the stairs
What is the MAX. distance of a dead end corridor?
- 20FT - not sprinklered
- 50FT - sprinklered
INC 1020.4
Exit access may inlcude?
- Aisle access ways
- Aisles
- Exit access doorways
- Corridors
- Enclosed stairways (between 2 levels within the same tentant)
An exit access has fire resistant rating of what?
(buildings with multiple tentants or in a non-sprinklered building)
Exits may include?
- Exterior/interior exit stairways or ramps
- Exterior exit doors at ground level
- Exit passageways
- Horizontal exits
Interior EXIT stairways and ramp enclosures serving 4 stores or more will have a fire resistance rating of what?
IBC 713.4
Three (3) stories or less will have no less than what fire resistance rating?
IBC 713.4
Exit discharge may inlcude?
- Egress courts
- Turnstiles
- Doors
- Vesibules or foyers
- Protected areas (lobbies)
- Direct exting to the exterior at grade
Lobbies need to be protected with the same rating as what?
An egress door clear width must be at least what but no more than what?
At least 32”
No more than 48”
What is the min width for stairs with an occupancy load of 50 or more?
What is the min width for stairs with an occupancy load of 49 or less?
Exit signs cannot exceed what distance for visibility?
visible from ANY direction of exit access
Fire Seperation
Fire Walls
Walls that separate the buildings
2, 3 or 4 HR rated assemblies (IBC 706)
Fire Separation
Fire Barrier
Walls that go from structure below to structure above
1, 2, 3 or 4 hour assemblies (IBC 707).
Fire Separation
Fire Partitions
These walls have limited degree of fire and smoke protection
1-HR fire rating. no limit in protected openings (IBC 708)
Fire Separation
Smoke Barriers
Intended to restrict the movement of smoke and fire
1HR fire-resistance rating (IBC 709)
Fire Separation
Horizontal assemblies
Used with a fire-resistant assembly to provide compartmentation.
1, 2, 3, or 4-hr rated.
Fire Separation
Smoke Partition
Non rated partitions that limit the passage of smoke through the buiding
May only reach the GWB ceiling (IBC 710)
Fire Separation
What are fire areas?
Areas created to offer fire protection
Based on occupancy, refer to table IBC-2018 707.3.10.
Fire Separation
Shaft Enclosures and EXIT Stairways must be constructed as fire barriers or horizontal assemblies with a minimum of
- 2-HR if connecting 4+ stories OR
- where penetrating a floor assembly of 2 HR or more.
- 1-HR if connecting 3 or fewer stories
(IBC 2018 Section 713.4)
Fire Separation
Elevator Lobbies
Must be constructed with a fire partition if the buidling is NOT sprinklered
Smoke partition if sprinklered (IBC-2018 709.4.2)
Fire Separation
What table indicates fire seperation between two different occupancies?
Table 508.4
Fire Separation
Lobbies and vestibules are required to be what?
Fire Separation
Refuge Areas have a fire rating of what
depending on location
Fire Separation
EXIT Passageways of a fire rating of what
MIN of 1 or 2-HR
Must have the same rating as an egress route
Fire Separation
Exit access corridors must have a fire rating of what
1/2 or 1-HR
(IBC-2018 Table 1020.1)
Fire Separation
To determine the rating of a corridor, what must be known?
- Occupant Classification
- Occupant Load
- Presence of Sprinklers
Fire Separation
Doors in a corridor must have what type of rating?
20 min AND have a self-closing mechanism
Fire Separation
If ceilings are rated, then corridor walls can finish where?
Otherwise must to do deck or rated horizontal barrier
Fire Separation
When ducts penetrate fire resistant rated enclosures such as corridors they must have what?
Fire dampers
Fire Separation
Ratings for openings in a wall are determined by what?
The wall in which it is located
IBC 716.1.2
Fire Separation
Doors require protection as part of fire/smoke separation but the ratings depend on the fire protection of the
Wall assembly
Fire Separation
Any space with an occupant load of 50+ must use what type of door hardware?
Fire exit hardware
Different than panic exit hardware
Fire Seperation
Hardware in many cases is dictated by what?
Occupancies and occpuancy load
Fire Seperation
Fire Exit Hardware is typically
Self closing or has an automatic closing
Fire Seperation
What rating must glazing in a door be?
Same as the door rating
Fire Separation
Basic illustration of Fire separation
Fire Separation
Where in section in the codes cover safety glazing?
716.5.8.4 and 716.6.3
Fire Seperation
What table has ratings for windows?
Table 716.1.3
Fire Seperation
If Fire Resistive glass is used (ASTM 119), what is the limitaton percentage of glazing?
None since the assembly is already rated
Fire Seperation
Fire resistive glass 101
Fire Seperation
Illustration shows fire protective and resistive glazing as it applies to corridor walls
Fire Seperation
What are fire and smoke dampers?
They are intended to block the passage of flame or smoke from one side to the next
Fire Seperation
Fire dampers are required where?
At ALL ducts and air transfer openings that penetrate walls that are rated
Fire Seperation
What are the fire partition applications?
- Corridor walls
- Elevator lobby (high rise/I-2 & I-3 occupancies
- Walls seperating dwelling units
- Walls seperating guest rooms in residential and institutional occupancies
- Walls seperating tentnats in covering shopping malls
Fire Seperation
What are the fire barriers applications?
- Enclosed stairways, exit passageways, horizontal exits & incidental use areas
- Seperate different occupancies in mixed-use
- Seperated single occupanices into different fire areas
Fire Seperation
Textile wallcoverings must comply with one of three conditions
- Must be rated Class A
- Sprinklered building
- Must meet Method B testing or NFPA 265
Fire Seperation
Decorations and trim suspended from a wall or ceiling in occupancies A, E, I and R-1/R-2 must be what?
Flame resistant
Fire Seperation
Flame resistant decorative material is limited to what percentage?
Fire Seperation
Interior trim must meet what Class?
Class C