Derm Flashcards
Buzz words (3) for neonatal herpes
- clustered or grouped vesicles on an erythemarous base
- multinucleated giant cells
- eosinophilic intranuclear inclusions
Buzz words (3) for transient neonatal pustular Melanosis
- multiple pustules, brown macules, vesicles and pustules on a NON erythematous base
- PMNs WITHOUT bacteria
- present at birth
Staphylococcus would have pmns with bacteria
What are the foods known to trigger eczema? (5)
Milk, eggs, soy, wheat, peanuts
Without allergy testing it is not recommended to eliminate the food.
Inflamed eczema that doesn’t respond to steroids or antibiotics would make you consider what diagnosis?
Eczema herpeticum
- vesicles, punched out lesions and crusted erosions are buzz words
Eczema in an immunocompromised patient would make you think of?
Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome or hyperimmunoglobulin E syndrome
What 2 things are typical examples that cause allergic contact dermatitis?
Jewelry and poison ivy
This is a delayed hypersensitivity reaction that requires multiple exposures.
Allergic contact dermatitis
Vs. irritant there is no delay.
What type of reaction is poison ivy?
Type 4
Myths of poison ivy dispelled
- exposure during the winter CAN cause a rash
- exposure to aerosolized poison ivy CAN cause a rash
- fluid from vesicles does NOT spread rash
- rash is NOT contagious
- NO desensitization treatments available
What is the auspitz sign and which which condition?
When plaques come off and leave behind bleeding spots the size of pins.
What is the treatment for Ichthyosis vulgaris?
Keratokytic agents like ammonium lactate. Also alpha hydroxy acid and urea containing emollients.
Buzz word for granuloma annulare?
- NON-SCALING! Annular lesión without epidermal involvement.
- skin is intact
Buzzword for staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome
Separation of the skin in sheets
What are the triggers (2) for erythema multiforme minor?
HSV and medications
How is the rash from erythema multiforme major (aka Steven Johnson)
Similar to EM minor (target lesions) but spreads more quickly and progresses to involve mucous membranes.
What medications trigger erythema multiforme major?
Sulfa drugs, anticonvulsants and nsaids
How do you distinguish staph scalded skin from toxic epidermal necrolysis?
TEN involves the dermis
TEN usually older children