Depressive Disorders Flashcards
State at last 1 gene found to have abnormalities in individuals with depressive disorders.
- DRD4.2 gene
- Serotonin transporter gene (5-HTT)
True or False: The same genetic factors contribute to both anxiety and depression.
State 2 brain structures that show elevated activity in individuals with depressive disorders.
- Amygdala
- Anterior cingulate
What are the abnormalities found in the hippocampus of people with depressive disorders?
- Diminished activation
- Small volume
State 2 brain structures that show diminished activity in individuals with depressive disorders.
- Hippocampus
- Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
- Left prefrontal cortex
True or False: Neural reactivity to rewarding stimuli is decreasd in people with depressive disorders.
State 3 neurotransmitters that are implicated in depressive disorders.
- Dopamine
- Serotonin
- Norepinephrine
What depressive symptoms are explained by low dopamine in individuals with depressive disorders?
Deficits in pleasure, motivation, and energy
Etiological model of depression that focuses on overactivity in the HPA axis
Stress hypothesis
An endocrine disorder usually affecting young women, produced by oversecretion of cortisol and marked by mood swings, irritability, agitation, and physical disfigurement
Cushing’s syndrome
State at least 3 cognitive-behavioral contributions to the development of depreession.
- Sympathy as a positive reinforcer
- Self-defeating behaviors
- Negative cognitive triad
- Negative attributional styles
- Hopelessness
- Rumination
Etiological model of depression that holds that depression is the result of perceived or real absence of control over the outcome of an undesirablee situation
Learned helplessness theory of depression
A person’s negative views of the self, the world, and the future, in a reciprocal causal relationship with schemas and cognitive biases
Negative cognitive triad
An enduring negative cognitive belief system about some aspect of life
Negative schema
Tendencies to perceive events in a negative manner
Cognitive biases
Etiological model of depression holding the view that people who attribute negative events to internal, stable, and global causes are more likely than others to experience learned helplessness deficits following such events and thus are predisposed to depression
Reformulated learned helplessness theory
Etiological model of depression suggesting that depression develops when people make pessimistic attributions for the most important events in their lives and perceive that they have no way to cope with the consequences of these events
Hopelessness theory of depression
Sense that the future is bleak and that there is no way to make it more positiv
Repetitive thoughts about why a person is experiencing a negative mood
Etiological model of depression that focuses more on the processes of thinking than on the content of thinking as a contributor to depression
Rumination response styles theory
Hostility, criticism, and emotional overinvolvement directed from other people toward the patient, usually within a family
Expressed emotion (EE)
Tendency to be hypervigilant and overreactive to signs of rejection from others
Rejection sensitivity
Mood disorder specifier that involves the presence and severity of accompanying anxiety, whether in the form of comorbid anxiety disorders or anxiety symptoms that do not meet all of the criteria for the disorder
Anxious distress specifier