Department Images 53-97 (Dustin) Flashcards
What tissue is this? How is it arranged?

Smooth Muscle, Longitudinal Section
Nuclei appear longer in longitudinal sections, don’t mix up with tendon! These SMC’s are more strongly stained and the nuclei don’t run in such clear lines as they do in the tendon

What is the slide of? How was the tissue cut?

Smooth muscle cells in cross section
What type of tissue is this?
What type of section?

Striated Muscle
Longitudinal Section

What tissue is this?
(Unusual stain, not part of normal slides)

Striated muscle, longitudinal section
Iron Hematoxylin stain

What tissue is this?
How was the section cut?

Striated Muscle
Cross section

What type of tissue?
How was the section cut?
What are some of the important distinguishing features? (labeled on image of answer)

Cardiac Muscle
Longitudinal Section

What tissue is this?

Cardiac Muscle

What type of tissue?
What layer of the tissue is shown?
What stain?

Elastic Artery
Elastic fibers of Tunica Media are shown
with Resorcin Fuchin stain
What type of tissue?

Elastic artery
What’s the structure on the top right?
And the one on the bottom left?

Top right = muscular artery
Bottom left = vein
What’s the structure on the top?
What stain?

Muscular artery
-has internal and external elastic membranes
Resorcin Fuchsin stain
What structure is this?
What stain?
(not normal slide)

Muscular artery
Iron Hematoxylin
What type of structure is this?

Muscular Venous Plexus (Pampiniform)

What do you see in the middle of this image?

including a longitudinal section of the vessel wall

1: Arteriole
2: Venule
3: Capillary

There are capillaries, arterioles, and venules here. Find them!

Not gonna label all these myself

What structure is this between the two blood vessels?

Carotid Glomus (Glomus Caroticum)
Wasn’t in the histo classes as far as I remember, but who knows what they’ll do for competition
What are the two non-RBC cells in this image?
What stain?

The paler top one is a neutrophil
Below that is an eosinophilic granulocyte
Stain is Pappenheim blood smear

What are the 3 non-RBC cells in this picture?

Top one is neutrophil
Below that is basophil
Bottom right is lymphocyte

What is the non-RBC in the picture?


What two non-RBC cells are seen in this image?

the smallest WBC’s, they can be around the same size as an RBC (6 to 8 micrometers) to almost twice as large (11-12 micrometers)

What tissue is here?
(not a typical department slide)

Bone Marrow

What organ is this?
What stain?

Lymph Node

What organ is this?
What stain?
(not a typical department thing, can probably forget it..)

Lymph Node
Silver stain, showing fibers
What organ is this?
What is the lighter-colored region to the right?
What is the general darker region to the left of that?

Lymph Node
To right is the capsule
Darker region is cortex with follicles

This is the lymph node
The dark cluster of cells in the middle and top is the cortex
Towards the bottom of the image you can see a capsule
What is the paler region between the cortex and capsule?

The marginal sinus
Image has it labeled as subcapsular

This is in the lymph node
What general region of the node is this?

The Medulla
has plasma cells, macrophages and B-lymphocytes

What organ is this?

- has lymph follicles and a capsule
- does not have distinct cortex/medulla structure as in lymph nodes
- does not have pits, muscle and adipose tissue as in tonsils

This is the spleen
What stain is this?
What are the empty spaces called?

Washed spleen
What looks like empty spaces are sinusoids

What organ is this?

Hassall’s Corpuscles

What is the pale-pinkish structure in the middle?
What organ is this?

Hassal’s Corpuscle

What organ is this?

Lingual Tonsil
lingual tonsil
- shallow, wide crypts
- visible skeletal muscle, mucous acini, adipose tissue
palatine tonsil
- deep, narrow, branching crypts
- surrounded by capsule
What tissue is this?
What section?
What are the round globs with sort of a star-shaped darker region?

Cardiac Muscle Cross-Section
Round Globs = Purkinje Fibers

What type of tissue is this?
What section?

Cardiac Muscle

Which tissue is this?

Palatine Tonsil
lingual tonsil
- shallow, wide crypts
- visible skeletal muscle, mucous acini, adipose tissue
palatine tonsil
- deep, narrow, branching crypts
- surrounded by capsule

Where is this tissue from?

Vermillion Border / Rubor Labii
(Highly vascular part of the lip where keratinized epithelium becomes non-keratinized)

What type of papillae do you see here?

The big one is Fungiform
The other smaller ones are Filiform

What type of papillae?
Foliate Papillae

What type of papilla do you see?
Be able to identify several things, labeled in answer

Circumvallate Papilla

What is the structure in the middle of the image that is paler and embedded in the outer layer of the organ?

Taste Bud

What tissue is this?
Be able to label many things, some of which are on the answer slide

Developing Tooth (in Cap Stage)
The Tooth Germ = enamal organ + dental papilla + dental sac

What tissue is this?
What stain?
Be able to identify many things, some of which are labeled on answer image

Developing Tooth, Azan
Be able to identify everything in answer image, including:
stellate retinaculum
red layer = enamel
blue layer = dentin
layer below dentin = odontoblasts
below that = dental papilla