deck_1667098 Flashcards
What is the largest gland in the body?
The liver
How are nutrients conveyed to the liver?
• Via the portal venous system
Where can the liver be found?
• Right upper quadrant of the abdomen • Deep to ribs 7-11 on the right side
What is the hypochondrium?
• The part of the abdomen immediately deep to the ribs
What is A?
• Left lobe
What is B?
Falciform ligament
What is C?
• Round ligament of liver
What is D?
Inferior border of liver
What is E?
• Gall bladder
What is F?
• Right lobe
What is G?
• Coronary ligament
What is H?
• Left triangular ligament
What is A?
Cystic area
What is B?
• Hepatic duct
What is C?
• Portal vein
What is D?
• Inferior vena cava
What is F?
• Porta hepatis
What is G?
• Quadrate lobe
What is H?
• Falciform ligament
What is I?
• Round ligament
What are the two surfaces of the liver?
• Convex diaphramatic surface ○ Anterior, superior and some posterior • Visceral surface ○ Posteroinferior
What are the two surfaces of the liver separated by?
• Sharp inferior border the follows the right costal margin inferior to the diaphragm
What exists between the diaphragm and the liver?
• The subphrenic recess
What are the right and left subphrenic recesses divided by?
• The falciform ligament, which extends between the liver and the anterior abdominal wall
What is the space immediately below the liver called?
• The subhepatic space
What is the falciform ligament a derivative of?
The ventral mesentery
What does the falciform ligament contain?
• The ligamentum teres, an embryological remnant of the umbilical vein
What is the bare area of the liver?
An area not convered by visceral peritoneum, but lies in direct contact with the diaphragm
What is the deep groove in the bare area of the liver used for?
IVC runs through it
What is the coronary ligament?
• Peritoneal reflections that hold the liver to the surface of the diaphragmBorders demarcate boundaries
Give three ligaments of the liver and their attachments
• Coronary ligament - attaches to diaphrag, • Right triangular ligament - passes to diaphragm • Left triangular ligament - passes to diaphragm • Falciform ligament - Attaches liver to anterior body wall
What is the porta hepatis?
• Ä transverse fissues where vessels (hepatic portal vein, hepatic artery and lymphatics) drain
What is the liver split into?
• Two anatomical and two accessory lobes
What divides the right and left lobe?
• The falciform ligament divides the right lobe from the left
What are the four lobes of the liver?
• The quadrate lobes • The caudate lobe • Right and left lobes
What divides the quadrate lobe from the caudate lobe?
• The porta hepatis • The right and left sagittal fissures
Which is at the front of the liver, the quadrate or caudate lobes?
• Quadrate
Where does the gall bladder lie?
• In the fossa for the gall bladder of the visceral surface of he liver
How much bile can the gall bladder hold?
How is the gall bladder bound to the liver?
• Periotneum surrounding its fundus and body • Connective tissue of fibrous capsule of liver
What are the three parts of the liver
• Fundus • Body • Neck
What does the neck of the gall bladder join onto?
Cystic duct
What are the billiary ducts?
• Convey bile from the liver to the duodenum
Outline passage of bile to the cystic duct from hepatocytes
• Hepatocytes -> Interlobular billary ducts -> Collecting bile ducts -> Right and left hepatic ducts -> common hepatic duct
Outline the passage of bile after it’s left the common hepatic duct
• Joins the cystic duct -> Bile duct -> Ampulla of vater (mixed with enzymes from pancreas
What do gall stones in gall bladder cause?
• Asymtpomatic
What do gall stones in cystic duct do?
• Acute cholecystitis
What do gall stones in common bile duct do?
• Biliary obstruction
What do gall stones in terminal duct/ampulla of vater do?
Acute pancreatitis
What are the main tributaries of the hepatic portal vein?
• Superior mesenteric and splenic veinsGastric and cystic veins
Whatis the arterial supply of the gall bladder and cystic duct?
• Cystic artery
Where can the cystic artery be found?
• Triangle between the common hepatic duct, cystic duct and visceral surface of liver • Called cystohepatic triangle
Give the derivation of the cystic artery
• Coeliac trunk -> Common hepatic -> Right hepatic -> Cystic
What is the venous drainage of the neck of gall bladder and cystic duct?
• Cystic veins
What happens to the cystic veins which drain from the neck?
• Enter the liver directly or drain through the hepatic protal vein
What happens to the venous drainage from fundus and body of the gall bladder?
• Passes directly into the visceral surface of the liver and drains into the hepatic sinusoids