deck_1473170 Flashcards
What are the charactersictics of chyme?
AcidicHypertonicPartly digested
How are each of the characteristics corrected?
Acidity - HCO3- secretion Hypertonicity - H2O movement through duodenal wallPartly digested - enzymes and bile salts
Where is the HCO3- for acidity correction secreted from?
PancreasDuodenal mucosaLiver
Where do the factors needed for complete digestion come from?
Enzymes from pancreas and duodenal mucosaBile acids from the liver
What is bile made up of?
Bile acid dependent componentBile acid independent component
Describe the things that make up the bile acid dependent component
Made up of bile salts which are cholic acid and chenodeoxycholic acidCholesterolBile pigments
Where is the bile acid dependent component secreted from?
Hepatocytes lining the canaliculi
Why are bile salts important?
Have a major role in the digestion and absorption of fat – increase the surface area of fats to be absorbed by incorporating fats into micelles.
Describe the components of the bile acid independent components
Secretes HCO3-/alkaline juice like the pancreatic duct cells
Where is the bile acid independent component secreted from?
Duct cells lining the intra-hepatic bile ducts
What makes up the microscopic structure of the liver?
Hepatic lobules and acinii
Describe the hepatic lobule
Made up of a central vein an the surrounding liver tissue. The vein drains blood to the systemic system from the hepatic portal vein and the hepatic arteries via sinusoids.
Where is bile formed?
In canaliculi
Decribe what happens in response to gastric emptying
Duodenum secretes cholecystokiinin. Stimulate gall bladder contractionConcentrated bile acids, pancreatic enzymes and alkali from liver and pancreas are secreted into the duodenum via the ampulla of vater. They travel to the terminal ileum where they are actively reabsorbed by the epithelium to be brought back tot he liver via the hepatic portal system. Hepatocytes actively take up bile acids and re-secrete them into the canaliculi.
What is the main function of the gall bladder?
Stores bile acids