deck_1473275 Flashcards
Where does the liver lie?
Right upper quadrantLies deep to ribs 7-11 on RHS Across the midline towards the left nipple– Occupies most of right hypochondrium, upper epigastrium and into the left hypochondrium
What is found on the naterior surface of the liver?
Falciform ligament
What is the falciform ligament?
The embryonic remnant of the umbilical vein which helps to suspend the liver in the abdominal cavity
What part of the liver lies in contact with the diaphragm? What is a particular characteristic about this area?
The bare area of the liver, found posteriorlyHas a groove in which the IVC runs
What marks out the bare area of the liver?
The border of the coronary ligaments
What is the porta hepatis?
Area where vessels that supply and drain the liver will enter and leave
How many lobes is the liver made up of?
Four Right lobeLeft lobeCaudate lobeQuadrate lobe
What divides the right and left lobes?
The falciform ligament
Where are the different lobes found?
On the anterior surface, the falciform ligament separates the right and left lobe. On the visceral surface, the right lobe is split with the quadrate lobe found anteriorly and inferiorly and the caudate lobe is found posteriorly and superiorly.
Where does the hepatic artery originate from?
The proper hepatic artery arises from the common hepatic artery which is a branch of the coeliac trunk.
What is the portal triad made up of?
Proper hepatic arteryCommon bile duct Portal vein
How does blood enter the liver?
Through the portal venous system from the duodenum
Where is the gall bladder found?
In the fossa for the gall bladder on the viseceal surface of the liver
How big is the gall bladder?What shape is it?
7-10 cm longPear shaped
Describe four characteristics of the gall bladder
– Is made up of three parts – fundus, body and neck– The fundus is surrounded completely by peritoneum, binding is body and neck to the liver– It is attached to the liver via connective tissue of the fibrous capsule of the liver. – The neck of the gall bladder joins the cystic duct
What is the biliary tree made up of?
Right and left hepatic ductsCommon hepatic ductCystic duct The common hepatic and the cystic duct join together to form the bile duct. The pancreatic duct joins onto the bile duct just before the ampulla of vater. This then secretes the bile into the duodenum via the ampulla of vater.
Where are the four main places that you find gall stones?
In the gall bladderCystic ductCommon bile ductTerminal duct
What can gall stones cause in each of the four places?
Gall Bladder - AsymptomatcCystic Duct – Acute CholecystitisCommon Bile Duct – Biliary ObstructionTerminal Duct – Pancreatitis
What artery supplies the gall bladder?
Cystic artery
Where does the cystic artery arise?
In the triangle between the common hepatic duct, the cystic duct and the visceral surface of the liver.– the cystohepatic triangle
What arteries branch to give the cystic artery?
Coeliac trunkCommon hepaticRight hepaticCystic
What are the difference in venous drainage in the differing parts of the gall bladder?
Head and fundus – drain into hepatic sinusoids. Neck – flows via the cystic veins either into the liver or though the hepatic portal vein.
Where do you find the pancreas?
Lying retroperitoneally, overlying L1 and L2 on the posterior abdominal wall. Found posterior to the stomach and in between the duodenum on the right and the spleen on the left. The transverse colon is found attached to its anterior margin. – Is found in the curve of the duodenum.
What are the parts that the pancreas is split up into?
Describe the characteristics of the head of the pancreas
Lies in C-curved shape of duodenumSuperior mesenteric vessels are to the left Is just inferior to the transpyloric plane
Describe the characteristics of the neck of the pancreas
Overlies superior mesenteric vessels (has a groove on its posterior surface for these)Anterior surface is adjacent to the pylorusThe hepatic portal vein is found posterior to the neck.
Describe the characteristics of the body of the pancreas
Lies to left of superior mesenteric vessels, passing over the aorta and L2 vertebraAnt. surface is covered with peritoneum and is part of the stomach bud
What is the posterior surface of the body of the pancreas in contact with?
AortaSMALeft suprarenal glandLeft kidney Renal vessels.
Where does the tail of the pancreas lie?
Anterior to the left kidney
Describe teh characteristics of the tail of the pancreas
Closely related to the splenic hilum and left colic fixtureTail passes between the layers of the splenorenal ligament with the splenic vessels
Where is the main pancreatic duct formed?
Begins at the tail of the pancreas running through towards the head. It then turns inferiorly and runs alongside the bile duct until the form the hepatopancretic ampulla of vater
What is the ampulla of vater?
Close relation of the main pancreatic duct and bile duct which secrete bile acids and digestive enzymes into the descending part of the duodenum.
What is the arterial supply to the spleen?
Splenic artery (larges branch of coeliac trunk)– branches into five at the splenic hilum to supply the different areas of the spleen
What is the course of the splenic artery?
Has a tortuous corse posterior to the omental bursa, anterior to the left kidney and along the superior border of the left pancreas.
What is the venous drainage to the spleen?
Splenic vein, the inferior mesenteric vein and the superior mesenteric vein forming the hepatic portal vein posterior to the neck of the pancreas.
What does the ligamentun teres represent?
The approximation between the right and left lobes of the liver
At what level does the coeliac artery arise?
T12Found immediately after the descending thoracic aorta passes through the crura of the diaphragm and its name changes to the abdominal aorta.
What are the branches of the coeliac trunk?
Left GastricSplenicCommon Hepatic
Descreibe the branching from the Common Hepatic Artery
Branches into the Proper hepatic artery which supplies the liver and the gastroduodenal artery
What is the uncinate process?
A projection from the inferior portion of the head of the pancreas.
What is the main function of the spleen?
Detects, removes and destroys expended blood cells and broken down platelets. It also recycles globin and iron.
What arteries supply the stomach?
Short gastric = fundusLeft gastric = lesser curvatureRight gastroepiploic = greater curvatureGastroduodenalLeft gastroepiploic = left side of greater curvature
Which arteries anastamose around the stomach?
Right and left gastric arteriesRight and left epiploic arteries