deck_15591213 Flashcards
I hope you can get your visa in next to no time.
امیدوارم بتونی هر چه سریعتر ویزاتو سریع تر بگیری
I am in the same cafe that I usually frequent.
من تویه کافه ای هستم که معمولا می رم
“He is an honest fool. Hi is simple-minded.”
حسن یه ساده لوحه به تمام معنیه
I am a spender.
من یه آدم ولخرجم
Hi has been living lavishly. He has been spending without future concern.
اون از گذشنه تا الان خیلی تجمل گرا است، بدون فک کردن به آینده خرج می کنه
Individuals often seek financial advice to improve their monetary situation.
افراد اغلب به دنبال مشاوره مالی هستند تا وضعیت مالیشون رو بهبود بدن.
“I will tell you about the surprise party, but you have to keep it under your hat”
من در مورد سورپرایز پارتی بهت می گم ، اما مجبوری بین خودمون بمونه
“She carried a bag, just in case she felt the urge to puke.”
اون خانومه یه کیسه با خودش اورد تو هواپیما ، محض احتیاط که شاید حس بالا اوردن داشته باشه
خارجی ها
“After a natural disaster, the community is in dire need of supplies and food.”
بعد از بلای طبیعی ، اون جامعه نیاز شدیدی به غذا و لوازم زندگی داره
جهل و نادانی
We were the most civilized people in the world.
ما متمدن ترین ادمایه جهان بودیم
They are suing each other.
اونا دارن از هم شکایت می کنند
Don’t waste your breath.
داری وقتتو تلف می کنی، خودتو بیخود خسته نکنه
“Even if I make a dent in their car, I will leave my number”
حتی اگه من بزنم به ماشینشون ،شماره مو می زارم واسشون
This is one of the most annoying things that I can think of is …
یکی دیگه از چیزایی که منو خیلی اذیت می کنه اینه که
“One of the things that I can’t stomach is.. One of the things that I can’t cope with is… One of the things that I can’t digest is … One of the things that I can’t handle is …”
یکی از چیزایی که من نمی تونم باهاش کنار بیام، هضمش کنم اینه که
I don’t know whether you have heard about that or not.
نمی دونم در موردش چیزی شنیدی یا نه؟
I guess one of my biggest weaknesses might be …
جواب بده: بزرگرین ضعفت چیه؟
I will definitely be an Entrepreneur.
حواب بده: ۵سال دیگه کجایی؟ من یه کارافرینم
“I will have managed my company in the next five years. I will have had my application by 2030 in the next five years, I’d like to be recognized as an expert in my field, capable of mentoring and leading a team towards excellence.”
حواب بده: ۵سال دیگه کجایی؟ من کمپانیه خودمو مدیریت می کنم. من اپلیکیشن خودمو دارم
I will have led people to make better lives one way or another.
حواب بده: ۵سال دیگه کجایی؟ من مردمو راهنمایی می کنم به سمت زندگی بهتر، هر طور شد ، به هر روشی
“One of the things that really motivated them was that I treated my employees as equals because my bosses used to do the same to me, and I felt really respected. in addition I treat them as my partners. moreover I give my team the autonomy to make decisions related.”
How do you usually motivate your employees?
I have good vibes about this contract.
من حس خوبی در مورد این قرارداد دارم
I try to be on an equal level with them. in addition put them inform.
من سعی می کنم با اونا برابر باشم، اوما رو در جریان قرار بزارم.
“In addition, what’s more, moreover, on top of that. On the other hand”
وقتی یه جمله رو می خوای بگی بعدش اند نگو و یه سری فریز دیگه بگو مثل
“The future perfect tense is used to describe an action or situation that will be completed before a certain time. I will have managed 100 people by 2028. I will have had own application. Sara will have had a job by 2025.”
future perfect
I publicly admit my mistake.
من جلوی همه اشتباهمو می پذیرم
“I try to convince them, persuade them that they are subjective.”
من اونا رو قانع می کنم که این نظر شخصیه اوناست. اونا سابجکتیو ان
We have decided to put our priority on English.
ما تصمیم گرفته ایم که انگلیسی رو بزاریم جز اولویت هامون
“She has become disappointed, she hasn’t succeeded in learning English yet.”
سارا نا امید شده چون هنوز نتونسته زبان یاد بگیره
“As she hasn’t succeeded in learning English yet, She has become disappointed.”
چون نتونسته زبان یادبگیره نامیدشده
She is finally going to come around.
اون بالاخره با این موضوع کنار میاد
“If someone doesn’t want to learn, just let it go. don’t persist. don’t insist.”
اگه کسی دوست نداره زبان یاد بگیره ، رهاش کن. اصرار نکن.
“She is not confident enough. She doesn’t have enough confidence.”
اون اعتماد به نفس لازم رو نداره. اون به اندازه ی کافی اعتماد به نفس نداره.
خیلی عصبانی
What’s for dinner? I’m absolutely famished.
برای شام چی دارم؟ من خیلی گرسنه ام
it is crucial; it is vital; it is important
“When it comes to health, the first thing that people should consider is staying hydrated. Regarding health, the first thing that people should consider is staying hydrated.”
وقتی بحث سلامتی میاد ،اولین چیزی که مردم باید در موردش بدونن اینه که آب بخورن
Bread has carbs.
نون کربوهیدارت زیادی داره
This cafe that you usually frequent is more like a beehive.
این کافه ای که من همیشه توش میام ، مثل لونه زنبوره
I’m his superior.
من ارشدش هستم
“I only wanted to mess with you. I only wanted to pull your leg.”
من فقط می خواستم دستت بندازم
“Amir: Everybody needs some adrenaline Milad: Me excluded”
همه ادرنالین دوست دارن به جز من
“What piqued my interest was a presentation of your product lead about UI Design. I am highly interested in customer relationship management. In 2015, when I was solving company problems with a software solution, I wished to expand my development to help others. Upon discovering your product and listening to your CEO’s presentation about your vision, I am confident that you can help me achieve that goal.”
چرا می خوای اینجا کار کنی؟ چیزی که کنجکاویه منو برانگیخت ارائه ی مدیر بخش پروداکته شما در مورد دیزاین بود.
“As intimidating as this question can be, it is a great question.”
به همن اندازه که این سوال می تونه ترستاک باشه می تونه خوبم باشه
it’s necessary to close that first big client and get the revenue needed to continue operating.
ضروری است که اولین مشتری بزرگ را جذب کرده و درآمد لازم برای ادامه فعالیت را به دست آوریم.
“He pushed the boundaries of what was known, and the rest of the company followed.”
او مرزهای آنچه که شناخته شده بود را به چالش کشید و بقیه شرکت از او پیروی کردند.
This has been something Apple has had to contend with since Tim Cook took over.
این مسئلهای بوده که اپل از زمانی که تیم کوک به عنوان مدیرعامل مسئولیت را به عهده گرفت، با آن دست و پنجه نرم کرده است.
“In the crowded market, new businesses must contend with established brands to capture consumers’ attention.”
در بازار شلوغ، کسب و کارهای جدید باید با برندهای معتبر رقابت کنند تا توجه مشتریان را به خود جلب کنند.
Product development is full of uncertainty.
توسعه محصول پر از عدم قطعیت است.
I never wanted to hear criticism about my ideas.
من هرگز نمیخواستم انتقاداتی در مورد ایدههای خودم بشنوم.
As time progressed, as time passed
“Why double down on these policies? As time progressed they doubled down and decided to modify Basecamp”
Double down
Do note that this list is for market-facing products.
Please be aware that this list pertains exclusively to products intended for the market.
“Besides supporting solely market-facing products, businesses have departments that have problems to solve and further value that can be generated.”
In addition to focusing exclusively on market-facing products, companies also have departments tasked with solving problems and creating additional value.
“Internal product management helps sales, but also any other business department. For example, assisting the finance team with being more efficient.”
Management of internal products not only aids the sales department but also benefits various other business divisions, such as enhancing the efficiency of the finance team.
“Another benefit of internal product management is that when added to your organization’s value stream, it can lead to more impactful solutions for key stakeholders.”
Internal product management, when integrated into your organization’s value stream, can yield more significant solutions that profoundly impact key stakeholders.
A value stream can be all of the steps and actions that one takes to add value to a customer.
A value stream encompasses all the steps and actions undertaken to contribute value to a customer.
“While generally focused on external customers, with internal product management, this is now used internally to assist business users.”
Although typically centered on external customers, internal product management applies this approach within the organization to support business users.
“For example, building and refining tools that assist the sales team with being more effective.”
For instance, developing and enhancing tools that help the sales team increase their effectiveness.
“When internal product management is applied, businesses take and utilize product management principles that have generally been applied to external customers to their internal business users.”
When internal product management is implemented, businesses adopt and employ product management principles, traditionally used for external customers, for their internal business users.
Gone are the days of lack of clarity.
The days of unclear processes and decisions are now in the past.
“Prior to commencing his speech, the mayor took a moment to thank everyone for their attendance. It is essential to complete a safety check of all equipment prior to commencing any laboratory experiments.”
Before beginning or initiating.
“Prior to commencing an initiative, they align with business departments to understand the amount of software they can digest in a quarter in order to achieve a goal.”
Before starting an initiative, they coordinate with business departments to ascertain the volume of software they can effectively integrate in a quarter, with the aim of achieving a specific goal.
Computers and smartphones will only become more prevalent in our lives.
Computers and smartphones are set to become increasingly integral in our daily lives.
“Before embarking on a digital transformation initiative, business leaders need to be aware of the key challenges that other businesses have faced in their journey.”
Prior to initiating a digital transformation, business leaders should understand the main challenges encountered by other companies during similar endeavors.
Let’s see how an internal product manager can mitigate these risks.
Let’s explore how an internal product manager can effectively reduce these risks.
While product managers are a jack of many trades,
Product managers often possess a diverse range of skills, making them adept in various areas.
“Product managers are not change management experts. However, they do know how to manage products and processes towards incremental improvements.”
Product managers may not specialize in organizational change management, but they are skilled at steering products and processes towards gradual improvements.
“Along with this, they can rally their team around common goals and maintain motivation as they work towards success.”
Furthermore, they possess the ability to unite their team around shared objectives and sustain motivation while progressing towards success.
“Finishing the marathon is an exhilarating achievement,”
اتمام ماراتون یه دستاورده هیجان انگیزه
urgent pile
یه عالمه کار فوری ومهم
“The beauty of a sunset is ephemeral, disappearing as quickly as it appeared.”
The charm of a sunset is fleeting, vanishing as rapidly as it emerges.
“In this situation, I was the lead TPM for a project where we were hoping to change the website’s logo. However, the engineer I was working with wanted to hold off on the logo change until they could implement a technical infrastructure that would allow us to update the logo easily in the future.”
In this scenario, my role was the lead Technical Project Manager (TPM) for a project aimed at updating the website’s logo. However, a challenge arose as the engineer I collaborated with preferred to postpone the logo change. They suggested first establishing a technical infrastructure that would enable easier and more efficient logo updates in the future. My responsibility in this context involved navigating between the immediate goal of changing the logo and the engineer’s vision for a long-term, sustainable solution.
My manager had tasked me to handle the logo change project.
من یه تسک از مدیرم واسه هندل کردن تغییر لوگو داشتم
“Tell us about how you tackled this problem. Tell us about how you come up with this problem.”
بگو چطور با مشکل کنار اومدی؟
My manager relayed to me that the CEO cared mostly about the
مدیرم بهم گفت که مدیر عامل خیلی به این اهمیت می ده
“The above answer does a great job of demonstrating thoughtfulness, empathy, and interpersonal skills”
پاسخ فوق العادهای است که نشاندهندهی تفکر، همدلی و مهارتهای ارتباطی است.
کتفکر بودن
I’m uncovered.
من کشف کردم که
It has a tremendous impact.
یه تاثیر بزرگ داره
He has a prickly personality.
indicating that the person is somewhat challenging to interact with
I work in the space that I personally resonate with that.
من جایی کار می کنم که عمیقا بهش وصلم ، باهاش ارتباط دارم.
This part of the story really draws me in.
it means that the part of the story is captivating your attention and interest.
you can translate an ambiguous problem.
شما می تونید مباجث مبهم رو توضیح بدین.
TCP protocol was built with an emphasis on accuracy.
پروتکل TCP با تأکید بر دقت ساخته شده است.
This may seem kind of vague.
به نظر میاد یه جورایی نامفهومه
I am used to it.
i am accustomed to it
As an extrovert,
I am a person who is an extrovert
As time goes by,
as time passed
If I wouldn’t pass the Canada,
اگه من توی کانادا پس نشم
“When I was faced with this, I was shocked.”
زمانی که من باهاش روبرو شدم شوک شدم
“After four terms had passed, I couldn’t stand anymore.”
زمانی که ۳ چار ترم گذشت من نتونستم بیشتر ازین دووم بیارم
I wanted to be financially independent.
What does ‘it’ refer to in the phrase ‘I am accustomed to it’?
It refers to something familiar or habitual.
What does it mean to be an extrovert?
An extrovert is a person who is outgoing and enjoys socializing.
What does ‘as time goes by’ mean?
It means as time passes.
Translate ‘If I wouldn’t pass the Canada’ to Persian.
اگه من توی کانادا پس نشم.
What was the speaker’s reaction when faced with a shocking situation?
‘When I was faced with this, I was shocked.’
زمانی که من باهاش روبرو شدم شوک شدم.
What happened after four terms had passed?
‘After four terms had passed, I couldn’t stand anymore.’
زمانی که ۳ چار ترم گذشت من نتونستم بیشتر ازین دووم بیارم.
What did the speaker want regarding financial independence?
‘I wanted to be financially independent.’
من می خواستم از لحاظ مالی مستقل باشم.
What started at that time?
‘Everything was started at that time.’
و همه چی ازون زمان شروع شد.
What does ‘I don’t have any regrets’ imply?
It implies that the speaker feels satisfied with their past decisions.
What was the outcome of the collaboration between the two companies?
‘This collaboration between the two companies led to development.’
همکاری بین دو شرکت منجر به توسعه شد.
What should be discussed at the beginning of a project?
‘Don’t forget to discuss security, privacy, compliance, and accessibility requirements at the beginning.’
فراموش نکن که در مورد امنیت ، حفظ داده ، قوانین و مقررات و دسترسی پذیری در زمان شروع صحبت کنی.
What does trying anything new always carry?
It always carries risk.
What should TPM ensure regarding users?
‘TPM should ensure that the users don’t get mistreated.’
تی پی ام باید اطمینان حاصل کنه که یوزرها دچار بدرفتاری نشن.
Who proposed the idea?
‘Proposed by engineers.’
پیشنهاد شده توسط مهندسین.
What are the main technical constraints of the product?
‘What are the main technical constraints of the product?’
چه محدودیتهای فنی عمدهای برای این محصول وجود دارد؟
What are the main goals for this quarter?
‘What are the main goals for this quarter?’
اهداف مهم این کوارتر چیا هستند؟
What are some challenges this product team has faced?
‘What are some challenges this product team has had in the past?’
تیم چه چالش هایی رو با این پروداکت داشته؟
What does ‘that’s disruptive’ mean?
‘That’s causing trouble.’
What is the meaning of ‘horizon’?
‘The line where the sky seems to meet the earth.’
What does ‘unlikely’ mean?
‘It means improbable or not likely to happen.’
بعید ، غیر محتمل.
What does ‘viability’ refer to?
‘It refers to the ability to succeed or survive.’
بقا، توانایی موفق کار کردن.
What does ‘they have a boatload of projects’ imply?
‘They have a lot of projects.’
What does ‘there is some exasperation’ indicate?
‘There is some frustration or annoyance.’
There is some خشم.
What does ‘frustrate’ mean?
‘It means to disappoint or make someone feel annoyed.’
What does ‘by my reckoning’ mean?
‘According to my calculation.’
طبق محاسبه من.
What happened after they paid their reckoning?
‘We paid our reckoning and left.’
ما صورت حسابمون رو پرداختیم و رفتیم.
What are they likely to face?
‘They are likely to be facing a reckoning.’
اونا احتمالا با یه صورت حساب مواجه میشن.
What does the speaker expect regarding genAI?
‘I expect genAI will only compound this.’
من انتظار دارم genAI اونو ترکیب کنه پیچیده کنه.
What is the pessimistic version referring to?
‘That’s the pessimistic version.’
این نسخه ی بدبینانشه.
What does ‘her claims are all bogus’ imply?
‘Her claims are false or fabricated.’
ادعاهای اون جعلی (ساختگی) بود.
Where is unemployment proportionally much higher?
‘In the north of the country.’
نرخ بیکاری به نسبت بالاتره.
How many months constitute a season?
‘3 months constitute a season.’
یک فصل متشکل از ۳ ماه است.
What does ‘an officially constituted spokesman’ mean?
‘A spokesperson appointed officially.’
سخنگوی رسمی.
What does ‘but with the stakes so high’ imply?
‘However, the risks are significant.’
What does ‘the effort required so substantial’ mean?
‘The work needed is really big.’
What does ‘compelling prize’ refer to?
‘Very attractive reward.’
What is disruptive technology?
‘An innovation that significantly alters the way industries or markets function.’
is an innovation that significantly alters the way industries or markets function by introducing groundbreaking products, services, or processes that are simpler, cheaper, more convenient, or more accessible than existing solutions.
What does ‘to pursue success’ mean?
‘To seek or strive for success.’
دنبال موفقیت بودن.
What did they conspire to do?
‘They had conspired to kill their opponents.’
اونا تبانی کرده بودن که مخالفاشون رو بکشن.
What does ‘constant cost’ refer to?
‘Fixed costs that do not change.’
هزینه های ثابت.
What do leaders feel they must do?
‘Leaders feel they must take the leap to transform.’
لیدرها باید یه جهشی به ترنسفورم داشته باشن.
What has this company dominated since its inception?
‘The financial operations market.’
این شرکت از زمان تاسیس خود در سال ۲۰۰۰، بازار عملیات مالی را تسلط یافته بود.
What happened at the same time as new entrants to the market?
‘At the same time, there were several new entrants to the market.’
در همان زمان، چندین ورودی جدید به بازار وجود داشت.
What did the acquisitions prove to be?
اما به جای شروع یه دوران جدید سودآوری، اکویزیشن مشکل ساز از اب درومد.
What was her appointment based on?
‘A mandate to reinvigorate the brand.’
انتصاب او بر اساس ماموریتی برای احیای دوباره برند صورت گرفت.
What did the company decide to do to keep costs down?
‘Rather than hire skilled product managers, the company opted to retitle a team of business analysts.’
To save money, the company decided to change the job titles of a group of business analysts to product managers instead of hiring experienced product managers.
How did the sales team feel?
‘Sales, long regarded as the sole owner of customer success, was not happy.’
تیم فروش که همیشه به عنوان صاحب موفقیت یوزرا شناسخته می شد هپی نبود.
‘The incoming engineers gasped at the levels of technical debt.’
the new engineers were shocked by the amount of technical debt they discovered.
What did the leadership team express privately?
‘Understanding of the new engineers’ perspective.’
Behind closed doors, the leadership team expressed understanding and support for the perspective of the new engineer.
What was happening to competitors?
‘Meanwhile, competitors were thriving.’
در همین حال، رقبا رو به رشد بودن در حال رونق بودند.
What did engineers cite as their reason for resigning?
‘Citing a failure of leadership.’
مهندسین استعفا داده بودند، و علت آن را ناکامی در رهبری ذکر کرده بودند.
What finally caught up with the company?
‘The technology mismanagement of the past.’
سوء مدیریت فناوری در گذشته، سرانجام دامن شرکت را گرفته بود.
What is critical for the CEO role?
‘The CEO role is critical.’
اما با این حال، نقش مدیرعامل حیاتی است.
What happens when the transformation effort stalls out?
‘The transformation effort stalls out.’
What does the CEO need to be viewed as?
‘The chief evangelist for the product model.’
برای اینکه صریح باشیم: مدیرعامل باید به عنوان مبلغ اصلی مدل محصول دیده شود.
What are innovation case studies intended to do?
‘Get you excited.’
The case studies about new ideas are made to make you feel excited.
What do we start in part II?
‘We start things off in part II.’
What are new Product Model competencies?
‘New Product Model skills.’
What does magnitude change refer to?
‘Big change.’
What are there many of when it comes to transformation?
وقتی صحبت از تحول به میان میآید، الگوهای ضدی بسیاری وجود دارد.
What does this book emphasize?
‘The capabilities.’
این کتاب بر تواناییها تاکید میکند.
What does a strong product company have?
‘A compelling product vision.’
یک شرکت محصول قوی دارای یک چشمانداز محصول جذاب است.
What does ‘approach’ refer to?
‘A method or way of doing something.’
What does ‘spectrum’ mean?
‘A range of different things.’
What does ‘consistent’ imply?
‘Steady or unchanging.’
استوار متناوب.
What is the most profound change of all?
‘The most significant change.’
تغییری عمیقتر از همه.
What opportunities should you choose to pursue?
‘The opportunities that align with your goals.’
فرصتهایی که انتخاب میکنید دنبال کنید.
Why is technical debt rampant in the project model?
‘This is why technical debt is so rampant in the project model.’
به همین دلیل است که بدهی فنی در مدل پروژه بسیار شایع است.
What is easier than grouping a large number of changes?
‘Ensuring that a small number of changes are working properly.’
بسیار آسانتر است که اطمینان حاصل کنیم تعداد کمی از تغییرات به درستی کار میکنند.
What should be ensured for everything you deploy?
‘That the new capabilities are instrumented.’
علاوه بر این، برای هر چیزی که استقرار میدهید، باید اطمینان حاصل کنید که قابلیتهای جدید به درستی ابزارهای نظارتی دارند.
How do organizations that invest in Agile compare?
‘They still release quarterly and inflict pain on their customers.’
این را با سازمانهایی مقایسه کنید که وقت و پول زیادی را برای پذیرش مربیان چابک، آیینها، نقشها، روشها، و فرایندها صرف میکنند.
What do they ship more of than ever?
‘New features.’
آنها بیش از هر زمان دیگری ویژگیهای جدید را ارائه میدهند.
What does ‘corresponding’ mean?
‘Matching or related.’
What do obligations refer to?
‘Responsibilities or commitments.’
What does ‘underlay’ refer to?
‘Underlying or foundational.’
زیربنایی ، اساسی.
What might it cost too much for?
‘To provision your product.’
شاید هزینه تأمین، اماده کردن محصول شما بیش از حد زیاد باشد.
Who may understand their own needs?
‘Those who don’t have an intimate understanding.’
کسانی که ممکن است نیازهای خود را درک کنند اما درک عمیقی از آن ندارند.
What can’t you hold the feature team accountable for?
‘Business results.’
به عنوان نتیجه، در مدل تیم ویژگی، نمیتوانید تیم ویژگی را برای نتایج کسبوکار مسئول دانست.
What will the team simply point out?
‘The team will simply point out.’
تیم به سادگی اشاره خواهد کرد.
What is the result of fast accumulation of technical debt?
‘A very fast accumulation of technical debt.’
نتیجه، تجمع بسیار سریع بدهی فنی است.
What do these measures do at best?
‘Just delay the inevitable.’
اما این اقدامات در بهترین حالت فقط امر اجتناب ناپذیر را به تاخیر می اندازد.
What did you get in each example?
شما حمایت را در هر مثال دریافت کردید.
What were product managers reluctant to prioritize?
‘Security improvements.’
پی ام ها بی میل بودن.
What is needed to ensure minimal disruption?
‘To ensure minimal disruption to the end customers.’
تا مطمئن شیم کمترین قطعی برای کماستومرها اتفاق می افته.
What did different stakeholders have?
‘Different knobs that needed turning.’
Different stakeholders had different needs that needed to be addressed.
What is critical to follow?
‘A concise yet effective structure.’
It’s very important to follow a clear and effective plan.
What can good TPMs wield?
‘Multiple forms of stakeholder management.’
Good TPMs can use many ways to manage and work with stakeholders.
‘A tremendous amount of effort.’
The team worked very hard to finish the project on time.
What couldn’t she convince him to do?
‘Change his mind.’
Even though she tried very hard, she couldn’t make him change his mind.
What does learning a new language require?
‘Consistent effort and practice.’
Mastering a new language demands regular work and rehearsal.
What does ‘rather than’ imply?
‘Instead of.’
What does ‘feasible’ mean?
What does the solution need to work for your business?
‘Constraints in marketing, sales, finance, service, legal, and compliance.’
The solution will be effective for your business considering the limitations in marketing, sales, finance, service, legal, and compliance areas.
What did the budget constraint force the team to do?
‘Prioritize their project goals more carefully.’
محدودیت بودجه تیم را مجبور کرد تا اهداف پروژه خود را با دقت بیشتری اولویتبندی کنند.
What did environmental constraints require for the construction project?
‘It had to be redesigned to protect local wildlife.’
به دلیل محدودیتهای زیستمحیطی، پروژه ساخت و ساز مجبور شد تا برای حفاظت از حیات وحش محلی، بازطراحی شود.
What did the company face in terms of production?
‘A constraint in production capacity.’
شرکت با محدودیت در ظرفیت تولید مواجه شد.
What does ‘viable’ mean?
‘Capable of working successfully.’
قابل اجرا.
What does ‘valuable’ refer to?
‘The customer will decide to buy or use it.’
What does ‘usable’ mean?
‘The user will be able to figure out how to use it.’
What does ‘feasible’ imply regarding engineers?
‘Our engineers know how to solve with the time, skills, and technology on the team.’
What does ‘viable’ mean in terms of business constraints?
‘The solution will work for your business in terms of marketing, sales, finance, service, legal, and compliance constraints.’
What does ‘morale’ refer to?
‘Enthusiasm or spirit.’
What are obvious reasons apart from?
‘Improved morale resulting.’
به جز دلایلی که تابلو هستند و همه دونیم.
What does ‘they are effectively mercenaries’ mean?
‘They are essentially soldiers for hire.’
What does ‘exposed directly to users’ imply?
‘Direct interaction with users.’
What does ‘feasible’ mean?
Our engineers know how to solve with the time, skills, and technology on the team.
What does ‘viable’ refer to?
The solution will work for your business in terms of marketing, sales, finance, service, legal, and compliance constraints.
What is the meaning of ‘morale’?
What does ‘besides obvious reasons’ imply?
Apart from the clear or self-evident reasons.
What is an example of improved morale?
Like better team spirit happening.
Improved morale resulting.
What does ‘They are effectively mercenaries’ mean?
They are essentially soldiers for hire.
What does ‘exposed directly to users and customers’ mean?
Directly shown to users and customers.
What are ‘constraints of your business’?
محدودیت های بیزنس شما.
What does ‘they iterate on that feature’ mean?
اونا روی فیچر تکرار می کنند ایتریت می کنند.
What is part of the design process?
As part of our design process, we iterate on prototypes.
اونا روی دیزاین پروسس ایتریت می کنن.
What does ‘expose your customers to a lot of bad ideas’ mean?
They subject your customers to many harmful ideas.
What does ‘this begs the question’ imply?
This raises the question.
What does ‘go through’ mean?
Review, experience.
What does ‘you go through each item on that roadmap’ mean?
You examine each item on that roadmap.
What does ‘plead their case’ mean?
دفاع از موضع.
What is the outcome of the two approaches mentioned?
Neither of these approaches results in consistently good decisions.
هیچ یک از این رویکردها منجر به تصمیمگیریهای خوب و مداوم نمیشود.
What does ‘Suppose you know that, due to competitive pressures’ imply?
فرض کنید میدانید که، به دلیل فشارهای رقابتی.
What is the implication of stakeholders disrupting themselves?
The stakeholders in your company will do what’s necessary to disrupt themselves?
What does ‘the odds that the answer’ mean?
احتمال اینکه پاسخ.
What does ‘And even if they wanted to, the odds that the answer is in the conference room they are sitting in is incredibly unlikely’ imply?
و حتی اگر آنها بخواهند، احتمال اینکه پاسخ در اتاق کنفرانسی که آنها در آن نشستهاند باشد، بسیار بعید است.
What do strong product companies care about?
Strong product companies care about these factors, but they are not driven by them.
What is important to understand about product strategy?
It’s important to understand that product strategy is distinct from both business strategy and go-to-market strategy.
What is the strategy in most feature-team companies?
In fact, in most feature-team companies, the product strategy is literally to try to deliver as many features as possible.
در واقع، در بیشتر شرکتهایی که تیمهای ویژگی دارند، استراتژی محصول به معنای واقعی کوشش برای تحویل دادن به اندازه ممکن بیشتر ویژگیها است.
What does ‘It is not a prescription’ mean?
این یک نسخه نیست.
What are ‘different constraints’?
محدودیت های مختلف.
What does ‘overkill’ refer to?
بیش از اندازه استفاده شده.
What is the implication of a single approach succeeding for everything?
Even if there was one approach that could succeed for everything, that approach would certainly be overkill—too slow and too expensive—for the vast majority of less complex work.
حتی اگر یک رویکرد وجود داشت که بتواند برای همه چیز موفق باشد، آن رویکرد قطعاً برای اکثریت قریب به اتفاق کارهای کمتر پیچیده، استفاده بیش از حد - خیلی کند و خیلی گران - خواهد بود.
What is the more important benefit beyond saving money and time?
Beyond saving money and time, the more important benefit is create value for your customers.
فراتر از صرفهجویی در پول و زمان، مزیت مهمتر ایجاد ارزش برای مشتریان شماست.
What does a product manager need?
Product manager— have direct, unencumbered access to these three constituencies.
مدیر محصول - دسترسی مستقیم و بدون مانع به این سه **حوزه **ذینفعان داشته باشد.
What is difficult for people immersed in a domain?
For so many people who spend many years immersed in the domain, it is very difficult to distinguish Dogma from expertise.
What does domain dogma impede?
The problem is that the domain dogma seriously impedes innovation.
Who can recite reasons something won’t work?
These are the people who can recite all the reasons something won’t work.
What is the responsibility of the product manager?
Responsible for the holistic customer experience.
What do they strive to design?
They strive to design holistic experiences that will feel recognizable and intuitive to your users and customers.
What will we encounter?
We’ll encounter an engineering team.
What is the role of the engineering team?
They are in no way a substitute for the hiring manager in these responsibilities.
What starts with raising the bar on staffing and coaching?
This begins with setting higher standards for hiring and training employees.
What has the city’s new public transportation system done?
The city’s new public transportation system has raised the bar for efficiency and sustainability.
What did the product team decide to do?
The product team decided to raise the bar by incorporating cutting-edge technology into their latest software release.
What does ‘more broadly’ refer to?
On a larger scale.
What does ‘She is a passionate advocate for animal rights’ mean?
اون یه مدافع پرشور حقوق حیوانات بود.
What does the organization do for people with disabilities?
The organization serves as an advocate for people with disabilities.
What were agents struggling with?
Agents were struggling to compete.
What is the product manager responsible for?
The product manager is responsible for the value and viability risks and is overall accountable for the product’s outcomes.
What are product leaders responsible for?
The product leaders are responsible for aggregating and analyzing these insights.
رهبران محصول مسئول جمع آوری و تجزیه و تحلیل این بینش ها هستند.
What is the benefit of analysis and transparency?
The benefit of this analysis and transparency is that the rationale for the choices is clear.
What is ethical risk part of?
Ethical risk is part of business viability risk.
What does ‘embrace’ mean?
پذیرفتن ، در آغوش گرفتن.
What do you need to be in testing?
You need to be more conservative in your testing.
What is the core principle to address needs?
The core principle that is used to address these needs is the deployment of small, frequent, uncoupled releases.
The main idea to deal with these requirements is to use small, regular updates that are not connected to each other.
What happens when the increment is more complete?
The more ‘Done’ the increment is, the more useful the feedback that is gathered will be.
When the increment is more complete or “Done,” the feedback received will be more helpful and valuable.
What does ‘I reached out’ mean?
I contacted.
What is the speaker’s opinion about vision?
My take is that vision is everything.
What does ‘it is so chaotic’ imply?
It is so disorganized.
What must you be with users?
You have to be fundamentally inseparable from users.
What does ‘The product model is running many of these tests simultaneously’ mean?
پروداکت مدل بسیاری از این تست ها رو همزمان اجرا می کنه.
What does ‘It’s not that the process is inherently bad’ imply?
It’s not that the process is fundamentally bad.
What does ‘try to impose them’ mean?
Try to mandate them.
تحمیل کردن.
What is one of the world’s largest private equity companies?
یکی از بزرگترین شرکت های سهام خصوصی جهان.
What is the company famed for?
Famed for inventing.
What does ‘chaos’ refer to?
What solution did Trainline offer?
Trainline offered a solution to the chaos that followed the privatization of the UK’s rail network.
What does the company aim to foster?
Foster innovation and competition.
What happened to the company?
But then the company stalled.
What did early executive meetings focus on?
Early executive meetings often focused heavily on discussions about ongoing recruitment needs and gaps in talent.
What do you want to do with their needs?
You want to brush up on their needs.
What can you distinguish in a crowded room?
Even in a crowded room, I could distinguish his voice from others because of its unique tone.
What could the expert easily distinguish?
The expert could easily distinguish between the authentic painting and the forgery.
What does ‘along those lines’ mean?
در همین راستا.
What should you lean into?
Lean into your strength.
What direction are you going to march in?
You are going to march in a certain direction.