December 24 year Flashcards
- i hung my coat on a ____ - я повесил пальто на крючок
a person, especially a child or a man, who does things that you disapprove of, but who you still like
- the little _____s! - вот плутишки!
- that young _____ is a nephew of mine - этот молодой повеса - мой племянник
loyalty and love or care for someone or something
- _______ to the cause - беззаветная преданность делу
- _____ to golf - увлечение гольфом
(for) глубокая привязанность, любовь
- ____ for a child - самозабвенная любовь к ребенку
- morning ____ - утренняя молитва
to laugh at someone, often by copying them in a funny but unkind way:
- They were mocking him because he kept falling off his bike.
- She made fun of him by mocking his limp.
how good or bad something is
качество, сорт, свойство
- bottom _____ - низкое качество
- premium (prime) ____ - высшее качество
- cutting ____ - режущая способность
a high standard
высокое качество, достоинство, ценность
- goods of ____ - высококачественные товары
- wine of ____ - отборное (высокосортное) вино
- to admire the ____ of smth. - восхищаться (превосходным) качеством чего-либо
всегда сохраняйте спокойствие
always keep calm
a person who does something, especially helping other people, willingly and without being forced or paid to do it
to eat a lot or too much
- We pigged out on all the delicious cakes and pastries.
pig out
possible to avoid
- the accident was ____ - несчастного случая можно было бы избежать
- ____ papers - документы о принятии в гражданство
вступление в иностранное гражданство
- a British subject by ____ - натурализованный британский подданный
A place in the countryside that is very beautiful
beauty spot
a person that you have met but do not know well
- to make smb.s` ____ - познакоситься с кем-либо
(with) знание, осведомленность
- i have some ____ with the language - я немного знаю этот язык
a small, square chocolate cake, often with nuts in it