rekindle - вновь зажечь, разжечь (ok +) Flashcards
бывшая папка winner
1 - a substance that you rub on something in order to make it clean and shiny
крем, лак, мастика
2 - the act of rubbing something in order to make it clean and shiny
3 - to rub something with a cloth in order to make it clean or to make it shine
polish [‘pɔlɪʃ]
2 - Just give the table a polish.
3 - to polish your shoes
1 - having firm, strong muscles
2 - relating to muscles
1 - muscular legs/arms
2 - muscular aches/pains
the actor who has the most important part in a play or film
the actor who has the most important part in a play or film
leading man /ˌliː.dɪŋ ˈmæn/
to begin to feel better after being unhappy or sick
get over sth [‘get’əuvə]
It took her months to get over the shock of Richard leaving.
the amount of something that you can hold in one hand
* a ___ of nuts - пригоршня орехов
* a __ of soldiers was left - осталась горстка солдат
handful [‘hændful]
to say that someone does not have to do something that they usually have to do
excuse [ɪk’skju:s]
Could I be excused from football training today?
to make someone have a feeling that they had in the past
- to __ a fire - разжечь огонь
- to __ hopes - зажечь новые надежды
rekindle [ri:’kɪndl]
The trip seemed to rekindle their love for each other.
to see and talk to someone after making an arrangement to do so:
- I _____ with a strange fellow - я повстречался с одним странным парнем
meet up (with someone) [‘mi:t’ʌp]
I’m meeting up with some friends after work.
the taste that a food or drink leaves in your mouth when you have swallowed it
осадок, неприятное впечатление
* __ of a bad marriege - неприятные воспоминания о неудачном браке
aftertaste [‘ɑ:ftəteɪst]
a bitter/sweet aftertaste
бесхарактерный, мягкотелый человек, размазня
jellyfish /ˈdʒel.i.fɪʃ/
to put used paper, glass, plastic, etc through a process so that it can be used again
перерабатывать, повторно использовать
recycle [‘ri:’saɪk(ə)l]
We recycle all our newspapers and bottles.
тренер; инструктор
- national __ - тренер сборной страны
репетитор (подготавливающий к экзамену)
учитель, преподаватель
- singing __ - учитель пения
- drama __ - преподаватель драматического искусства
1 - someone who watches an event, sport, etc
* the __s were moved to tears - зрители были растроганы до слез
2 - очевидец, наблюдатель
* there were no __s of the accident - свидетелей катастрофы не было
* I was a __ of the whole affair - все это произошло на моих глазах
spectator /spekˈteɪ.t̬ɚ/
1 - a statement that something is wrong or not satisfactory
2 - an illness
болезнь, недомогание
complaint [kəm’pleɪnt]
1 - We received several complaints about the noise.
2 - a stomach complaint
to suddenly cause a strong reaction
The newspaper report unleashed a storm of protest from readers.