13. Flashcards
бывшее название SHINEE
1 - verb (INFORMATION)
If information -, a lot of people hear about it.
распространяться, циркулировать
to give or send information to a group of people
распространять, рассылать

circulate [‘sɜ:kjuleɪt]
1 - Rumours are circulating that the mayor is going to resign.
2 - A copy of the report was circulated to each director.

a tree with dark, needle-shaped leaves, or the wood of this tree

yew [ju:]

the quality of being stylish or attractive in appearance or behaviour
элегантность, изысканность

elegance [‘elɪgəns]

a coloured substance, usually contained in a pencil, which you put in a line above or below your eyes in order to make them more attractive
карандаш для подведения глаз

eyeliner [‘aɪ’laɪnə]

the piece of skin that covers your eye when you close it
eyelid [‘aɪlɪd]

one of the thin, flat, coloured parts on the outside of a flower

petal [‘petl]
rose petals

a small, long animal with many legs that eats leaves
caterpillar [‘kætə’pɪlə]
1 - verb (GET AWAY)
to succeed in getting away from a place where you do not want to be
совершать побег
2 - verb (AVOID)
to avoid a dangerous or unpleasant situation
3 - verb (FORGET)
If something such as a name - you, you cannot remember it.
ускользать, выпадать из памяти
4 - verb (NOT NOTICE)
If something - your notice or attention, you do not notice or see it.
escape [ɪ’skeɪp]
1 - The two killers escaped from prison last night.
2 - to escape capture/injury
3 - The name of her book escapes me at the moment.
4 - Nothing that goes on in this office escapes her attention.
an organization or business
организация, учреждение
2 - noun (STARTING)
the process of starting an organization, school, business, etc
создание, основание
establishment [ɪ’stæblɪʃmənt]
2 - the establishment of a new national bank
крайний индивидуалист, эгоцентрист
interested only in yourself
egocentric [i:gəʊ’sentrik,egəʊ-]
1 - verb (MOVE)
to move quickly to avoid someone or something
увертываться, прокрадываться
2 - verb (NOT SAY/DO)
to avoid talking about something or doing something you should do
увиливать, уклоняться
3 - noun
a way of avoiding something, usually a dishonest one
увертка, уклонение
dodge [dɔʤ]
1 - He managed to dodge past the security guard.
2 - The minister dodged questions about his relationship with the actress.
3 - a tax dodge
1 - verb
to laugh at someone or something in an unkind way
осмеивать, насмехаться
2 - adjective [ always before noun ]
not real but appearing or pretending to be exactly like something
притворный, проверочный
mock [mɔk]
1 - The older kids mocked him whenever he made a mistake.
2 - a mock exam
mock surprise
mock leather
1 - adjective (WITH ICE)
covered in ice
покрытый льдом
2 - adjective (COLD)
extremely cold
3 - adjective (WITHOUT EMOTION)
without showing any emotion

1 - icy conditions/roads
2 - an icy wind
icy water
3 - an icy look/stare

пирожок из кукурузной муки с капустой, ветчиной
corn dodger [‘kɔ:n’dɔʤə]

1 - noun (OUTSIDE)
the part around something that is furthest from the centre
край, кромка
2 - noun (SIDE)
the part of a blade of a knife or tool that cuts
лезвие, острие
edge [eʤ]
1 - Rick was sitting on the edge of the bed.
She ran down to the water’s edge.
2 - a sharp/cutting edge
a piece of metal shaped like a U, used to fasten a woman’s hair in position
hairpin [‘heə’pɪn]

a powder produced by flowers, which is carried by insects or the wind and makes other flowers produce seeds
цветочная пыльца
pollen [‘pɔlən]

список того, что нужно успеть сделать за жизнь
bucket list

- a house thatched with ___ - дом с соломенной крышей
соломинка (ествественная или пластмассовая)
- to drink smth. through a ___ - пить что-либо через соломинку
соломка (материал для шляп и т. п.)
- to braid ___ - плести солому
пустяк, мелочь
- not worth a ___ - ничего не стоить
- he doesn`t care a __ for… - ему наплевать на…
- ___ hat - соломенная шляпа
бледно-желтый, цвет соломы
- ___ colour - бледно-желтый (соломенный) цвет

straw [strɔ:]

приоритет, старшинство, первенство
- ___ share - привилегированная акция (фин.)
- _____ of invention - приоритет в изобретении
- creditor by ____ - юр. преимущественный кредитор
преимущественное право
- to rank in ___ with (to) smb., smth. - пользоваться преимуществом перед кем-либо чем-либо
порядок очередности, очередность, срочность
- first (top) ___ - первоочередность
- of high (top) ___ - первоочередной, неотложный, срочный (о задаче и т. п.)
- high ___ measures - первоочередные задачи; неотложные мероприятия
- ___ of work - порядок срочности работ
priority [praɪ’ɔrɪtɪ]

испугать, напугать, встревожить
- to ___ a herd of deer - вспугнуть оленье стадо
поразить, сильно удивить
- he was ___ed at the news - эта новость потрясла его
побуждать (к действию)
- to ___ smb. out of his apathy - вывести кого-либо из состояния апатии
- to ___ smb. into doing some work - заставить кого-либо работать
startle [‘stɑ:tl]

трепетание, дрожание
- the ___ of wings - трепетание крыльев
взмахивание, размахивание
- ___ of the feet - спорт. порхающая работа ног (плавание)
трепет, волнение
- all in a ___ - в волнении, в возбуждении
- to fall into a ___ - прийти в волнение (нервное состояние), разволноваться
- ___ of pleasure - радостный трепет, приятное возбуждение
- внезапно ей стало страшно
flutter [‘flʌtə]

- to make a ___ at smb. - замахнуться на кого-либо (кулаком, оружием); нанести удар кому-либо; укусить (ужалить) кого-то (о змее)
удар , бой (часов)
strike [straɪk]
- a __ of streets - лабиринт улиц
- bureaucratic __ - бюрократическая неразбериха
- to be in a __ -быть растерянным (сбитым с толку)
- she was in a __ - она не соображала, что происходит; она была в трансе
- to tread a __ - запутаться в сложном переплетении (неприятностей и т. п.)
бродить по лабиринту (переулков и т. п.)
ставить в тупик, сбивать с толку; приводить в замешательство
maze [meɪz]

1 - adjective (ILL)
2 - adjective (CRUEL)
cruel and unpleasant
sick [sɪk]
1 - He was off work sick for most of last week.
They provide care for the sick.
2 - He’s got a sick mind.
a sick joke
someone who behaves in a crazy way
lunatic [‘lu:nətɪk]
He drives like a lunatic.
1 - verb (UP)
to put something or someone in a higher position
2 - verb (WEATHER)
If fog lifts, it disappears.
рассеиваться (о тумане и т. д.)
3 - verb (RULES)
to stop a rule
4 - verb (STEAL)
to steal or copy something
красть, совершать плагиат
lift [lɪft]
1 - Could you help me lift this table, please?
She lifted the baby up and put him in his chair.
He lifted his glass to his lips.
2 - By noon the fog had lifted and the day turned hot.
3 - The government had already lifted the ban on beef imports.
4 - Entire paragraphs of his thesis were lifted from other sources.

someone who eats too much
glutton [glʌtn]
to prepare for something difficult or unpleasant
собираться с духом

brace yourself
I braced myself for bad news.

1 - noun
a failure to give enough care or attention to something or someone
отсутствие заботы, заброшенность
2 - verb
to not give enough care or attention to something or someone
не заботиться, пренебрегать
neglect [nɪ’glekt]
1 - to suffer years of neglect
2 - to neglect your appearance/the garden
[ often passive ] Some of these kids have been badly neglected in the past.
neglected animals

1 - verb [T] (CONTROL SOMEONE)
to stop someone doing something, sometimes by using force
сдерживать, удерживать
2 - verb [T] (LIMIT)
to limit something
1 - He became violent and had to be physically restrained.
[ + from + doing sth ] I had to restrain myself from shouting at him.
2 - to restrain arms sales

- people or things make a lot of noise.
noisy [‘nɔɪzɪ]
A crowd of noisy protesters gathered in the square.
We’ve had problems with noisy neighbours.

1 - noun
a feeling of pain over an area of your body that continues for a long time
2 - verb
If a part of your body aches, it is painful.
ache [eɪk]
1 - There’s a dull ache in my right shoulder.
2 - My legs ache after all that exercise.

1 - adverb (DIRECTION)
towards the direction that is in front of you
2 - adverb (FUTURE)
towards the future
вперед, в будущее
3 - adverb (PROGRESS)
used to say that something is making good progress
forward [‘fɔ:wəd]
1 - She leaned forward to make sure I could hear her.
2 - I always look forward, not back.
3 - This is a big step forward for democracy.