split up - разделять(ся) раскалывать(ся) прекращать отношения Flashcards
бывшее название папки 2 am
(классная) доска на которой пишут мелом
a large board with a dark surface that teachers write on with chalk
chalkboard [‘tʃɔːkbɔːd, ‘tʃɒːkbɔːrd]
an official agreement that finishes an argument
- соглашение - a peace ____
settlement [‘setlmənt]
a peace settlement
a name used informally instead of your real name
nickname [‘nɪkneɪm]
His behaviour has earned him the nickname ‘Mad Dog’.
again or one more time, especially in a different way
anew /əˈnjuː/
дорогой, дорогостоящий
costing a lot of money - ______ jewellery
expensive /ɪkˈspen.sɪv/
- Where can I ____ the money? - Где я могу поменять деньги?
to walk with intentionally heavy steps, especially as a way of showing that you are annoyed
появление на людях, публике
- - He always brings out his wife in _____s.
public appearance
informal for husband:
She speaks fondly of Richard Moreland, hubby number one, whom she still sees regularly.
to break suddenly into very small pieces:
- The glass ____ed into a thousand tiny piece - разбить вдребезги; расколоть
an ancient Greek philosopher (= a person who studies the meaning of life) and scientist
Aristotle /ˈær.ɪ.stɒt.əl/
Most people, as Aristotle said, agree that happiness is the greatest practical good.
someone who sells buildings or land as their job
агент по продаже недвижимости
realtor /ˈrɪəl.tər/
If something is optional, it is available but you do not have to have it.
необязательный, факультативный
If something is optional, you can choose if you want to do it, pay it, buy it, etc.
- English is compulsory for all students, but art and music are optional
optional /ˈɒp.ʃən.əl/
an optional extra
1 - a strong feeling of excitement and pleasure
нервное возбуждение, глубокое волнение
2 - to make someone feel excited and happy
приводить в восторг
thrill [θrɪl]
1 - It was a big thrill meeting the stars of the show.
[ + of + doing sth ] the thrill of winning a competition
2 - Woods thrilled the golf world with his performances.
to die because you cannot breathe or to kill someone by stopping them from breathing
душить, задохнуться
suffocate [‘sʌfəkeɪt]
He suffocated her with a pillow.