14. Flashcards
бывшее название SHINHWA
a long, white and green vegetable that smells and tastes similar to an onion
leek [li:k]

1 - adjective (UNTIDY)
untidy and in bad condition
потрепанный, ветхий
2 - adjective (UNFAIR)
Shabby behaviour or treatment is bad and unfair.
несправедливый, подлый
shabby [‘ʃæbɪ]
1 - shabby clothes/furniture
электрическая розетка

electrical outlet

adjective formal
not correct
erroneous [ɪ’rəunɪəs]
an erroneous answer

1 - verb (DESTROY)
to destroy something such as a building
2 - verb (PROVE WRONG)
to show that an idea or argument is wrong
опровергать, разбивать
demolish [dɪ’mɔlɪʃ]
1 - The factory is dangerous, and will have to be demolished.
2 - He completely demolished my argument.
a large, wooden musical instrument with four strings that you hold between your knees to play

cello [‘ʧeləu]

a soft coat that you wear before or after a bath

bathrobe [‘bɑ:θrəub]

verb [ I ] disapproving
to be unhappy and unwilling to think or act in a positive way, especially because of a disappointment:
унылый, угрюмый человек
хандрить, быть в подавленном состоянии, быть ко всему безразличным
- to __ in solitude - хандрить в одиночестве
- to __ (oneself) to death - смертельно тосковать
mope [məup]
There’s no point in sitting at home and moping - get out there and find yourself another job!
to cover something with objects, especially decorations

festoon [fe’stu:n]
[ often passive ] The balcony was festooned with flags and ribbons.

A man’s - is the woman that he has promised to marry.
fiancee [fɪ’ɒnseɪ]
fiance [fɪ’ɒnseɪ]
1 - adjective (NOT CURVED)
not curved or bent
2 - adjective (LEVEL)
one after another
идущий подряд
3 - adjective (HONEST)
честный, откровенный
4 - adjective (DRINK)
An alcoholic drink that is straight is not mixed with water, ice, etc.
straight [streɪt]
1 - a straight road
straight hair
2 - They’ve won five straight games so far.
3 - a straight answer
I don’t think he was being straight with me.

before a particular time or event
beforehand [bɪ’fɔ:hænd]
Did you know beforehand what they had planned to do?

1 - noun (SHAPE)
a solid shape with a round or oval base that narrows to a point, or an object that has this shape
2 - noun (FOOD)
a container for ice cream (= sweet, frozen food) that you can eat
вафельный стаканчик

cone [kəun]
1 - a row of traffic cones

always wanting to be with someone and not wanting to do things alone

clingy [‘klɪŋɪ]
a clingy child

continuing forever, or seeming to continue forever
eternal [ɪ’tɜ:n(ə)l]
eternal youth

behaving in a socially acceptable way or looking socially acceptable
уважаемый, приличный
2 - adjective (ENOUGH)
large enough or good enough
солидный, значительный
respectable [rɪ’spektəb(ə)l]
1 - a respectable family
a respectable hotel
2 - a respectable income
to annoy someone by asking them something again and again
докучать, надоедать
pester [‘pestə]
[ + to do sth ] He’s been pestering me to go out with him all week.
not giving a name
anonymous [ə’nɔnɪməs]
an anonymous phone call
The winner has asked to remain anonymous.
1 - adjective (TIDY)
tidy and clean
аккуратный, опрятный
2 - adjective (GOOD)
3 - adjective (ALCOHOL)
A neat alcoholic drink is drunk on its own, and not mixed with any other liquid.
neat [ni:t]
1 - He always looks very neat and tidy.
2 - That’s really neat.
What a neat idea.

adjective disapproving
soft, wet, and very thick:
грязный, болотистый, илистый
soft, wet, and very thick
* a thick, ___ pudding
sludgy [‘slʌʤɪ]
a thick, sludgy pudding
1 - adjective (SAD)
2 - adjective (NOT PLEASANT)
very unpleasant or bad, and causing someone to feel unhappy
убогий, жалкий
3 - adjective (NOT ENOUGH)
A - amount is too small to be acceptable.
жалкий, ничтожный
miserable [‘mɪz(ə)rəb(ə)l]
1 - I just woke up feeling miserable.
2 - Some families are living in miserable conditions.
3 - She offered me a miserable 50 euros for my old computer.

1 - adjective (BAD)
extremely bad
серьезный, тяжелый
2 - adjective (NOT KIND)
not kind or gentle
строгий, суровый
3 - adjective (PERSON)
A severe person looks unfriendly or very strict.
строгий, требовательный
severe [sɪ’vɪə]
1 - a severe headache
severe weather conditions
2 - a severe punishment

the small, round, and usually hollow place on your stomach, where you were connected to your mother before birth
belly button

covered with spikes or having that appearance
утыканный шипами, заостренный
spiky [‘spaɪkɪ]
spiky hair

someone who likes something or someone very much
devotee [‘devə’ti:]
a devotee of classical music
1 - noun formal
good qualities that deserve praise
заслуга, достоинство
2 - verb formal
to be important enough to receive attention or punishment
заслуживать, быть достойным

merit [‘merɪt]
1 - His ideas have merit.
We debated the merits of using television in the classroom.
Every application has to be judged on its own merits (= judged by considering the qualities of each).
2 - Her crimes were serious enough to merit a prison sentence.

to not do or have something that you would enjoy or something that other people do or have
пропускать, упускать

miss out
I got there late and missed out on all the fun.

a storm with strong winds and snow


kind and helpful
внимательный, заботливый
considerate [kən’sɪd(ə)rɪt]
a polite and considerate child

a large amount
огромное количество

an awful lot (of sth) informal
It cost an awful lot of money.

a piece of equipment that you cook on
кухонная плита
stove [stəuv]
I’ve left some soup on the stove for you.

verb formal
If you - an emotion, illness, etc, you pretend to have it.
притворяться, симулировать
feign [feɪn]
He feigned illness to avoid having to work.
1 - adjective (SATISFACTORY)
of a satisfactory quality or level
2 - adjective (HONEST)
honest and morally good
3 - adjective (CLOTHES)
wearing clothes
decent [‘di:s(ə)nt]
1 - He earns a decent salary.
I haven’t had a decent cup of coffee since I’ve been here.
2 - Decent people have had their lives ruined by his behaviour.
She should do the decent thing and apologize.
3 - Can I come in? Are you decent?
adjective formal
used to refer to people or things that you hate very much:
отвратительный, мерзкий, мерзостный
- ___ act - мерзкий поступок
detestable [dɪ’testəbl]
a detestable coward
1 - noun [U] (FACTS)
something that makes you believe that something is true or exists
свидетельство, данные
2 - noun [U] (LAW)
information that is given or objects that are shown in a court of law to help to prove if someone has committed a crime
доказательство, улика
evidence [‘evɪd(ə)ns]
1 - evidence of global warming
[ + that ] There is no scientific evidence that the drug is addictive.
2 - He was arrested despite the lack of evidence against him

being a colour that is a mixture of red and blue

purple [‘pɜ:p(ə)l]
purple flowers

1 - noun
2 - verb
to talk about, or look at someone or something in a way that shows you do not approve of them
Carlos sneered at my attempts to put the tent up.
sneer [snɪə]
Carlos sneered at my attempts to put the tent up.

a zip1
молния (застежка)

zipper [‘zɪpə]

a man/woman who is a member of the police

policeman [pə’li:smən]