pendant - кулон Flashcards
бывшее название B2ST
1 - adjective (SAME DISTANCE)
If two or more lines are parallel, the distance between them is the same along all their length.
2 - adjective (SIMILAR)
similar and happening at the same time
parallel [‘pærəlel]
1 - The streets are parallel.
2 - Parallel experiments are being conducted in both countries.
in exchange for something or as a reaction to something
взамен, в ответ
in return
I’d like to give them something in return for everything they’ve done for us.
в долг, взаймы
If you buy something on credit, you pay for it at a later time, usually paying interest as well as the original cost
on credit
Some people buy too much on credit.
He made the mistake of always allowing his customers to buy on credit.
to emphasize something so that people notice it
выделять, подчеркивать
accentuate [ək’senʧueɪt]
make-up to accentuate the eyes
1 - adjective (PINK)
Rosy faces are a healthy pink colour.
2 - adjective (POSITIVE)
very positive and happy
радужный, безмятежный
rosy [‘rəuzɪ]
1 - rosy cheeks
2 - The future looks rosy.
always believing that bad things will happen
pessimistic [ˌpεsə’mɪstɪk]
He was feeling pessimistic about the future.
the belief that other races of people are not as good as your own, or the unfair treatment of people because they belong to a particular race
racism [‘reɪsɪz(ə)m]
a piece of jewellery on a chain that you wear around your neck
pendant [‘pendənt]
someone who takes legal action against someone else in a court of law
plaintiff [‘pleɪntɪf]
a feeling of sympathy for someone
жалость, сочувствие
It’s not pity she needs, it’s practical help.
I was hoping someone would take pity on me (= help me in a difficult situation) and give me a lift home.
to behave as if something is true when it is not
pretend [prɪ’tend]
[ + (that) ] I can’t pretend that I like him.
[ + to do sth ] Were you just pretending to be interested?
She’s not really hurt - she’s only pretending.
to make a very small hole in something with a sharp object
колоть, прокалывать
Prick the potatoes all over before baking.
I pricked my finger on a pin.
to show that something is true
They knew who had stolen the money, but they couldn’t prove it.
[ + (that) ] Can you prove that you weren’t there?
He’s desperately trying to prove his innocence.
food such as meat, cheese, fish, or eggs that is necessary for the body to grow and be strong
белок, протеин
protein [‘prəuti:n]
something you do that makes someone angry
вызов, повод
provocation [‘prɔvə’keɪʃ(ə)n]
He’ll start a fight at the slightest provocation.