12. Flashcards
бывшее название JYP
an object in space that leaves a bright line behind it in the sky
comet [‘kɒmɪt, ‘kɑːmɪt]

shared interests, beliefs, or ideas
общность взглядов, взаимопонимание
common ground
It’s difficult for me to find any common ground with my dad.
a romantic or sexual relationship
любовная связь
love affair
proving that something is true
conclusive [kən’klu:sɪv]
conclusive evidence/proof
not including a particular fact, thing, or person
except [ɪk’sept]
The boat sails from Oban every day except Sunday.
Everyone passed the exam except for Rory.
[ + (that) ] So nothing changed, except that Anna saw her son less and less.
пончик, пышка
a small, round., fried cake
donut [‘dəunʌt]
to give something a particular title
называть, озаглавливать
entitle [ɪn’taɪtl]
a lecture entitled “Language, Learning and Literacy”
relating to the middle number or amount in a series
median [‘mi:dɪən]
the median age/income
not straight
косой, кривой
askew [ə’skju:]
The picture was slightly askew.
1 - verb
to become warm or to make something become warm
нагревать(ся), согревать(ся)
2 - adjective (TEMPERATURE)
having a temperature between cool and hot
3 - adjective (CLOTHES)
Warm clothes or covers keep your body warm.
4 - adjective (FRIENDLY)
friendly and showing affection
теплый, радушный
warm [wɔ:m]
1 - She warmed her feet against his.
I’ll warm the soup.
2 - It’s nice and warm in here.
Are you warm enough?
Make sure you keep warm.
3 - a warm sweater
4 - a warm smile/welcome
равнодушие, безразличие, апатия, вялость
when someone is not interested in anything or willing to change things
- complete __ towards smth. - полное равнодушие к чему-либо
- political ___ - политическая пассивность
apathy [‘æpəθɪ]
a large, wild animal of the cat family, with yellow fur and dark spots

leopard [‘lepəd]

a small, black or red insect that lives in groups on the ground
ant [ænt]
a very small, green plant that grows on the surface of rocks, trees, etc

moss [mɔs]

someone who believes in Buddhism
an animal that feeds its babies on milk from its body
mammal [‘mæm(ə)l]
a large building on a farm where crops or animals can be kept
амбар, хлев

barn [bɑ:n]

1 - noun (INSTRUMENT)
a small, simple instrument that makes a high sound when you blow through it
2 - noun (SOUND)
the sound made by someone or something whistling
3 - verb (MOUTH)
to make a sound by breathing air out through a small hole made with your lips or through a whistle
4 - verb (WIND)
to produce a sound when air passes through a narrow space
завывать, свистеть (о ветре)

whistle [‘wɪs(ə)l]
1 - The referee blew the whistle to end the game.
3 - Someone whistled at her as she walked past.
4 - He could hear the wind whistling through the trees.

безветрие, тишь (на море)
тишина, покой
ровный (о пульсе)
спокойствие, невозмутимость (человека)
relaxed and not worried, frightened, or excited
- he said so with forced __ - он сказал это неестественно спокойно (с напускным спокойствием)
спокойный, тихий, мирный, невозмутимый (о человеке)
- pray, be ___ ! - пожалуйста, успокойтесь!
calm [kɑ:m]
расходиться, распускать
to stop working togethet as a group…
воен. расформировывать
- to __ an army - расформировать армию
расходиться, разбегаться, рассеиваться
- the troops ___ed - войско рассеялось
disband [dɪs’bænd]
difficult to believe or imagine
implausible [ɪm’plɔːzəbl, -‘plɒːz-]
an implausible explanation
a small, black animal that lives in water and will become a frog (= green jumping animal)
tadpole [‘tædpəul]
1 - adjective [always before noun] (LOST)
A stray animal is lost or has no home.
бродячий, бездомный
2 - adjective [always before noun] (SEPARATED)
A stray piece of something has become separated from the main part.
отдельный, случайный
3 - noun
an animal that is lost or has no home
заблудившееся или бездомное животное
4 - verb (MOVE AWAY)
to move away from the place where you should be, without intending to
сбиться с пути, заблудиться
to start thinking or talking about a different subject from the one you should be giving attention to
отклоняться, отвлекаться
stray [streɪ]
1 - a stray dog
2 - a stray hair
4 - I suddenly realized that I had strayed far from the village.
5 - We seem to have strayed from the original subject.
dash cam
стойка регистрации пассажиров
check-in desk
летучая мышь

bat [bæt]

1 - noun (TREE)
the hard substance that covers the surface of a tree
2 - noun (DOG)
the sound that a dog makes
bark [bɑ:k]
термос для супа
soup flask [flɑ:sk]
- rye __ - ржаная мука
- banana __ - банановая мука

flour [‘flauə]

never drinking any alcohol
teetotal [‘ti:’təutl]
самоуважение, чувство собственного достоинства
confidence in yorself and a belief in your qualities and abilities
- She suffers from low ___.
self-esteem [‘selfɪ’sti:m]
someone who chooses to live alone and away from other people
hermit [‘hɜ:mɪt]
verb formal
to say that you know nothing about something, or are not responsible for something
отрицать, не признавать
disclaim [dɪs’kleɪm]
The terrorists disclaimed responsibility for the bomb.
1 - noun
an agreement to accept something which is not exactly what you want
2 - verb
to agree to something that is not exactly what you want
идти на компромисс
compromise [‘kɔmprəmaɪz]
1 - We need to reach a compromise over this issue.
Decorating is usually a compromise between taste and cost.
2 - The president may be willing to compromise in order to pass the bill.
I never compromise on fresh ingredients.