proof of insurance - страховой полис Flashcards
бывшее название 4 minute
superlative of far adverb : most distant
самый дальний, дальше всего
What is the furthest distance you can run?
1 - adjective (DIFFICULT)
2 - adjective (SEVERE)
- rules are severe.
строгий, жесткий
3 - adjective (STRONG THING)
not easily damaged, cut, etc
прочный, жесткий
4 - adjective (STRONG PERSON)
physically strong and not afraid of violence
крепкий, стойкий
tough [tʌf]
1 - He’s had a tough time at work recently.
We’ve had to make some tough decisions.
2 - tough new laws on noise pollution
3 - Children’s shoes have to be tough.
This meat’s very tough.
4 - a tough guy
1 - adjective (CRUEL)
cruel, unkind, or unpleasant in a way that seems unfair
резкий, суровый
2 - adjective (DIFFICULT)
very cold, dangerous, or unpleasant and difficult to live in
суровый (о климате)
3 - adjective (STRONG)
too strong, bright, loud, etc
ядовитый, раздражающий (о цвете, свете и т. д.)
harsh [hɑ:ʃ]
1 - arsh criticism/punishment
Taking him out of the game was a bit harsh.
2 - harsh conditions
3 - harsh chemicals
harsh lighting
1 - noun (FEELING)
the way people think and feel about something
2 - noun (NOT BODY)
the part of a person that is not their body, which some people believe continues to exist after they die
3 - noun (NOT ALIVE)
something that people believe exists but does not have a physical body, such as a ghost
дух, привидение
evil spirits
spirit [‘spɪrɪt]
1 - a spirit of optimism
Everyone soon got into the spirit of (= started to enjoy) the carnival - singing, dancing, and having fun.
3 - evil spirits
1 - adjective (ANGRY)
angry and upset because of something bad that has happened that you cannot forget
разочарованный, обиженный
2 - adjective (SOUR)
having a strong, sour, usually unpleasant taste
3 - adjective (HATE)
full of hate or anger
злой, ожесточенный
bitter [‘bɪtə]
1 - I feel very bitter about my childhood.
3 - a bitter argument/dispute
a medical examination to test your general state of health:
checkup [‘ʧekʌp]
She goes to her doctor for regular checkups.
a dental checkup
1 - adjective (UNTIDY)
untidy or dirty
грязный, неубранный
2 - adjective (UNPLEASANT)
unpleasant and complicated
неприятный, скандальный
messy [‘mesɪ]
1 - messy hair
a messy house/car
My son’s bedroom is always messy.
2 - Ian’s just gone through a messy divorce.
a part of an organization such as a school, business, or government that deals with a particular area of work
отдел, факультет
department [dɪ’pɑ:tmənt]
the sales department
head of the English department
страховой полис
proof of insurance
an agreement in which you pay a company money and they pay your costs if you have an accident, injury, etc
insurance [ɪn’ʃu(ə)rəns]
car/travel insurance
an insurance policy
1 - adjective [ always before noun ]
A potential problem, employer, partner, etc may become one in the future, although they are not one now.
2 - noun (SUCCESS)
qualities or abilities that may develop and allow someone or something to succeed
potential [pə’tenʃ(ə)l]
1 - a potential danger/threat
a potential customer
A number of potential buyers have expressed interest in the building.
2 - to achieve your full potential
She has a lot of potential as a writer.
to put something somewhere
засовывать что-либо в/на/под и т. д.
stick sth in/on/under, etc informal
Just stick your bag under the table.
a young person who is between being a child and an adult
adolescent [‘ædə’les(ə)nt]
to pay no attention to something or someone
игнорировать, не замечать
ignore [ɪg’nɔ:]
They just ignored him and carried on with the game.
We cannot afford to ignore the fact that the world’s population is increasing rapidly.
1 - noun [no plural] (PERSONALITY)
the way in which a person talks and behaves with other people
манера, поведение
2 - noun [no plural] (WAY)
the way something happens or something is done
метод, способ
manner [‘mænə]
1 - an aggressive/friendly manner
2 - They dealt with the problem in a very efficient manner.
He dealt with this case in a completely professional and ethical manner.