inconsiderate- невнимательный к др, не считающийся остальными Flashcards
бывшее название snsd
a flat, rectangular case with a handle for carrying documents, books, etc
briefcase /ˈbriːf.keɪs/
to keep something you have
hold onto/on to sth
It was a tough election, but they held onto their majority.
something that you do to punish someone who has done something bad to you
Например: in revenge - в отместку
revenge /rɪˈvendʒ/
He’s made life very difficult for me but I’ll get/take my revenge.
He was shot in revenge for the murder.
дурачиться; шутить
to be silly or not serious:
to be silly or not serious:
Stop kidding around and listen to me!
kid around
Stop kidding around and listen to me!
the people who will be alive in the future
posterity /pɑːˈster.ə.t̬i/
These works of art should be preserved for posterity.
икроножные мышцы
calf muscles
to move something somewhere on a computer screen using a mouse (= small computer control)
передвигать что-либо на мониторе с помощью мыши
2 - !!! TIME
to continue for too much time in a boring way
drag /dræɡ/
2 - The negotiations dragged on for months.
to make someone agree to do something by talking to them a lot about it
persuade /pɚˈsweɪd/
[ + to do sth ] We managed to persuade him to come with us.
[ + (that) ] I persuaded her that it was the right thing to do.
If you do something -, you do it from the beginning.
с нуля, с азов
from scratch
We didn’t have any furniture of our own so we had to start from scratch.
to make someone very angry
приводить в ярость
enrage /ɪnˈreɪdʒ/
[ often passive ] Farmers are enraged by the government’s refusal to help.
1 - a tidy pile of things
2 - to arrange things in a tidy pile
складывать в стопку
She doesn`t stack up to you, honey - ее нельзя сравнить с тобой; она в подметки тебе не годится, милочка
stack /stæk/
1 - a stack of books/CDs
2 - Can you help me stack these chairs?
rhino /ˈraɪ.noʊ/
headphones /ˈhed.foʊnz/
1 - TAKE
to take something or someone quickly and suddenly
хватать, вырывать
to do or get something quickly because you only have a short amount of time
урывать, сделать наспех
snatch /snætʃ/
1 - Bill snatched the telephone from my hand.
The child was snatched from his bed.
2 - I managed to snatch some lunch.
a secret purpose or reason for doing something
скрытый мотив/цель и т. д.
ulterior motive/purpose, etc