pistol - пистолет (ok+) Flashcards
бывшая папка 2 pm
1 - NOUN
discussion or argument about a subject
дискуссия, спор
to discuss a subject in a formal way
дискутировать, обсуждать
to try to make a decision about something
обдумывать, размышлять
debate [dɪ’beɪt]
1 - a political debate
There has been a lot of public debate on the safety of food.
2 - These issues need to be debated openly.
3 - [ + question word ] I’m still debating whether to go out tonight or not.
стенной шкаф (обычно с обувью, одежой),
closet [‘klɔzɪt]
something you shout to show that you approve of something, for example a performance
used to express your pleasure when someone, especially a performer, has done something well
bravo [‘brɑ:vəu]
able to be trusted or believed
* a very ___ medicine - очень надежное лекарство
* __ information - достоверные сведения
reliable [rɪ’laɪəb(ə)l]
a reliable car
reliable information
Andy’s very reliable - if he says he’ll do something, he’ll do it.
морская пена
sea foam
If something -, it ends, and if you terminate something, you make it end.
to ___ at eleven o`clock - окончиться в 11 часов
terminate [‘tɜ:mɪneɪt]
целитель; лекарь (без диплома); знахарь
someone who makes sick people well again using something such as prayer or magic
- time is the great __ - время - лучший лекарь
- faith ___ - знахарь, лечащий при помощи молитв
healer [‘hi:lə]
a card with a picture on one side that you send without an envelope
- pictorial (picture) ___ - художественная открытка
postcard [‘pəustkɑ:d]
Send me a postcard.
a small stone
a small smooth round stone, especially one found on a beach or in a river. a small stone, made smooth by the action of water
pebble [‘peb(ə)l]
someone who operates a television camera or film camera as their job
a person who operates a camera when films or television programmes are being made
cameraman [‘kæm(ə)rəmən]
plural cameramen
навигационная система
(напр. для маршрутизации)
navigation system
повторяться эхом
If a sound -, or a place - with a sound, you hear the sound again because you are in a large, empty space.
a sound that is heard after it has been reflected off a surface such as a wall or a cliff
echo [‘ekəu]
выносить решение против кого-либо
to __ buying a car - решить не покупать машину
decide against
extremely angry
взбешенный, разъяренный
very energetic or fast
яростный, неистовый
- ___ animal - разьяренный зверь
- to be ___ - быть в ярости
- to be ___ to hear of smth. - рассвирепеть, узнав о чем-либо
furious [‘fju(ə)rɪəs]
1 - He’s furious at the way he’s been treated.
My boss was furious with me.
2 - a furious attack
to cover or surround something with paper, cloth, or other material
- to ___ a child in a shawl - завернуть ребенка в шаль; укутать ребенка шалью
- he was __ped up in a blanket - он был закутан в одеяло
wrap [ræp] (around, up)