mishap - книж. неприятное происшествие, казус Flashcards
прежнее название ss501
1 - adjective (EASY TO RECOGNIZE)
easy to recognize because of being seen, met, heard, etc before
2 - adjective (FRIENDLY)
friendly and very informal
1 - It’s nice to see a few familiar faces (= people that I recognize) around here.
This street doesn’t look familiar to me.
2 - He doesn’t like to be too familiar with his staff.
an accident or unlucky event that usually is not serious
неудача, неприятное происшествие
They suffered a series of mishaps during the trip.
1 - noun
something with a small, curved shape, especially a piece of hair
локон, завиток
2 - verb
to make something into the shape of a curl, or to be this shape
изгибать(ся), закручивать(ся)
- a child with blonde ___s
1 - a child with blonde curls
2 - The cat curled its tail around its body.
said to someone in order to ask them to move so that there is room for you
- I want to lie down, ____. - Я хочу прилечь, подвинься.
budge up
showing that you think you are much better or more important than other people
высокомерный, надменный
a haughty young actress
1 - to jump into water, especially with your head and arms going in first
- The water`s quite deep enough to ____ - Вода достаточно глубоко для ныряния
2 - разг. активно начинать какую-либо деятельность
to start doing something suddenly and energetically, often without stopping to think
- When the argument started I wanted to ____ - Когда началось обсуждение, я решил вмешаться
dive in
wanting to do or have something very much
страстно стремящийся, нетерпеливый
[ + to do sth ] Sam was eager to go home and play on his computer.
to persuade other people to allow you to do what you want
- My little brother always gets his own way.
get your own way
1 - noun (TASTE)
the taste of a particular type of food or drink
аромат, вкус
2 - noun (QUALITY)
a particular quality or style that something has
атмосфера, особенность
3 - verb
to give a particular taste to food or drink
1 - We sell 50 different flavours of ice cream.
Add some salt to give the soup more flavour.
2 - London has a very international flavour.
3 - [ often passive ] This sauce is flavoured with garlic and herbs.
a large light that hangs from the ceiling that is made of many small lights or candles and small pieces of glass
причиняющий беспокойство
causing a lot of problems for someone
- _______ situation - затруднительное положение
- _______ rival - неудобный (опасный) соперник
трудный, хлопотливый
- ______ problem - трудная задача
- ______ maytter - хлопотное дело
недисциплинированный, беспокойный
- ______ child - трудный ребенок
- ________ headache - мучительная головная боль
- _________ fly - назойливая муха
1 - verb (EMBARRASSED)
to feel very embarrassed about something
испытывать неловкость.
2 - verb (FRIGHTENED)
to move away from something because you are frightened
1 - Jan cringed at the sight of her father dancing
кристально честный, искренний
real or true
- The book is an honest-to-goodness account of her early life.
- an ______ misapprehension- добросовестное заблуждение
полный, беззаветный, от всей души
незначительно, слегка
отмечать или отмеривать длину шагами
быстро шагать
- we shall be late for the train if we don`t _____ - мы опоздаем на поезд, если не прибавим шагу
выйти, ненадолго отлучиться из дому
to leave a place, esp. for a short time
- to ___ for a smoke - выйти покурить
- i must ___ to post a letter - мне нужно сбегать опустить письмо
(from) выйти за пределы
- to ___ from striking distance - выходить из боевой дистанции (фехтование)
step out