De Grammatica - Part 3 Flashcards
Short Vowels ?
a, e, i , o, u, y
Long vowels ?
aa, ee, ii, oo, uu, y
If vowel (v) + Constance (c) + vowel are in infinitive form, then ?
First vowel gets doubled, in the root (stam) word
Lopen (C+V+C+V+C)
Loop / Loopt / Lopen
Neem / Neemt / Nemen
Kook / Kookt / Koken
To break
Breek / Breekt / Breken
To live
Woon / Woont / Wonen
Exceptions for double vowel in root word
Komen (Kom / Komt / Komen)
Gaan (Ga / Gaat/ Gaan)
Stam verb cannot end with
double constonance
Stoppen –> Make root word
Stop / Stopt/ Stoppen
Bcz double constance in root word not allowed
Zit / Zit / Zitten
Rood verb cannot end with V or Z
V becomes F and Z becomes S
Schrif / Schrift / Schrifen
Kies / Kiest / Kiezen
Leef / Leeft / Leven
I live healthy
Ik Leef gezhond (common way of saying in dutch)
Whenever there is specific direction, use ?
Specific verbs that must have Naar
Gaan, Komen, Luisteren, Kijken, Lopen
We are watching television
Wie kijken naar de televisie