[CV] 漢字 三と四 Flashcards
above; up; over; elder (e.g. daughter)
上 (うえ)
to raise (e.g. hand); to elevate
上げる (あげる)
to ascend; to go up; to climb
上る (のぼる)
below; down; under; younger (e.g. daughter)
下 (した)
please give me // please do for me (after te-form)
下さい (ください)
top and bottom; high and low; above and below; upper and lower ends; up and down
上下 (じょうげ)
to lower; to reduce; to bring down (e.g. hand)
下げる (さげる)
to take down (e.g. flag); to launch (e.g. boat); to drop; to lower (e.g. ladder); to let (a person) off; to unload; to discharge
下ろす (おろす)
inside; in // among; within // center (centre); middle
中 (なか)
中国 (ちゅうごく)
Durante el año
一年中 (いちねんじゅう)
outside; exterior
外 (そと)
foreign country
外国 (がいこく)
to remove; to take off; to detach; to unfasten; to undo
外す (はずす)
right (hand side)
右 (みぎ)
right hand
右手 (みぎて)
left (hand side)
左 (ひだり)
left and right
左右 (さゆう)
in front (of) // ago; before (some event); previously; (minutes) to (the hour)
前 (まえ)
3 years ago
三年前 (さんねんまえ)
the first half
前半 (ぜんはん)
back; behind; rear
後ろ (うしろ)
later; afterwards
後で (あとで) or 後ほど (のちほど)
after class
クラスの後 (あと)
the first half vs the latter half
前半 (ぜんはん) vs 後半 (こうはん)
to be late; to be delayed; to fall behind schedule; to be overdue
後れる/遅れる (おくれる either way)
AM vs PM (+ in the morning/afternoon)
午前 (ごぜん) vs 午後 (ごご)
午 (well, 正午 is used; the first kanji means exact; precise)
門 (もん)
main gate; main entrance
正門 (せいもん)
getting started; beginning training; introduction (to)
入門 (にゅうもん) (入 is the enter/insert kanji)
間 (あいだ); It’s the “interval”/”space (between)”
時間 (じかん)
human being; person; man; mankind; humankind
人間 (にんげん) (人 = ひと; person)
北 (きた)
東 (ひがし)
南 (みなみ)
西 (にし)
east entrance/exit
東口 (ひがし ぐち)
rice field; paddy field; farm
田んぼ (たんぼ) or simply 田 (た)
Mr/Ms Tanaka
force; strength; might; vigour (vigor); energy
力 (ちから)
academic ability; scholarship; knowledge; literary ability
学力 (がくりょく)
electric power
電力 (でんりょく)
男の人 (おとこのひと)
女の人 (おんなひと)
girl and boy
女の子 (おんなのこ) and 男の子
がく: learning; scholarship; study; erudition; knowledge; education
大学 (だいがく) (大 is the “big” kanji)
to study (in depth); to learn; to take lessons in
学ぶ (まなぶ)
student (esp. a university student)
学生 (がくせい)
to be born
生まれる (うまれる)
to live; to exist
生きる (いきる)
before; earlier than; first; ahead; beyond; away; previously; recently
先に (さき)
last month
先月 (せんげつ)
last week; the week before
先週 (せんしゅう)
senior (at work or school); superior; elder; older graduate; progenitor; old-timer
せんぱい (先輩
teacher; master; doctor
先生 (せんせい)
何 (なに)
何か (なにか)
How many people?; A number of people
何人 (なんにん)
What time?
何時 (なんじ)
(My) Father vs (Someone else’s) Father
父 (ちち) vs お父さん (おとうさん)
Father’s day vs Mother’s day
父の日 (ちちのひ) vs 母の日 (ははのひ)
My mother vs Someone else’s mother
母 (はは) vs お母さん (おかあさん)
Father and mother; Parents
父母 (ふぼ)
mother tongue; native language; first language
母語 (ぼご)
counter for years
1 year
一年 (いちねん)
this year
今年 (ことし)
third-year student
三年生 (さんねんせい)
年 (とし)
gone, past, quit, to leave, elapse, eliminate, divorce
last year
去年 (きょねん)
to leave; to go away
去る (さる)
every day
毎日 (まいにち)
every month; each month; monthly
毎月 (まいつき)
every year
毎年 (まいとし/まいねん)
every week
毎週 (まいしゅう)
king; ruler vs prince
王 (おう) vs 王子 (おうじ)
queen vs princess
女王 (じょおう) vs 王女 (おうじょ)
kingdom vs king of a country
王国 (おうこく) vs 国王 (こくおう)
country; state // region
国 (くに)
foreign country + foreigner
外国 (がいこく) + 外国人(がいこくじん) (the latter can also be translated as alien x_x and non-Japanese)
中国 (ちゅうごく)
nationality; citizenship
こくせき (国籍)