[Anime] Fairy Tail Flashcards
“It’s a complete defeat” - Rouge after Natsu beat him and Sting
かんぱい [完敗] です
Huesos de dragón - Gajeel encontró varios debajo de la arena del torneo
ドラゴンの ほね [骨]
ひとじち [人質]
ひみつ [秘密]
better; preferable
まし [増し]
みごと [見事] でした
That was splendid! - Mavis after one of the fights where Fairy Tail wins (can’t remember which / w )
ほし [星]. It can also refer to a planet :o
やはり [矢張り]
as expected; sure enough
“I jumped out” - Loke (Leo celestial spirit) explaining how he reached Lucy
とびおりた [飛び下りた]. Past of 飛び下りる. It’s translated as to jump down; to jump off; to jump from; to jump out of o.o. Apparently the verb is composed of 2 parts: とび is jump and おりた is the past tense of おりる which means to come down from; to descend.
“I’m getting fired up!” - Lexus said Natsu’s quote
もえてきたぜ [燃えてきたぜ]. We have 燃える which means to burn; to get fired up + ぜ which is a particle that means “I can tell you”, used by males at the end of a sentence to add light force / emphasis
“Are you serious?” - Lexus to Sting when he said he would fight all 5 of them
ほんきか [本気か]
The past
かこ [過去]. むかし [昔] also means the past; the olden days, but it seems like かこ is the more formal one, while むかし can be used in speech and sometimes carries a sense of nostalgia/longing
To close - They kept talking about closing the time traveling door (Eclipse)
しめる [閉める]
objective/intention - They asked Rogue from the future what his intention was
もくてき [目的]
“It has a meaning” - Mirajane to Yukino telling her her life has a meaning / reason to be
いみ [意味] が ある
“Door/Gate” - They kept talking about the time traveling gate (Eclipse)
とびら [扉]. Fun fact: The second hokage’s name (Tobirama) uses this kanji 扉間. 間 is read as あいだ or ま and in both cases it seems like it can mean a period of time || space between; gap; distance, so it’s like “the space between 2 doors”
“It’s something simple”
たんじゅん [単純] こと [事] です
“I have a request” - Jerall to Doranbolt and the other guy, when he asked them to release Cobra
たのみ [頼み] が ある
immediately; right now
いますぐ [今すぐ]. It seems like there’s also すぐ [直ぐ] which can mean immediately || soon
Eggs? - Natsu when the Dragon he was fighting on started expelling eggs (which then hatched minions, of course)
たまご [卵]
darkness; the dark
やみ [闇]. Probably one of Rouge’s attacks or something. It was used as “of the darkness” (闇の). Podemos recordarlo por Tokoyami de My Hero Academia. Toko puede ser interpretado como “permanent/everlasting” y yami como “darkness”, so es “permanent darkness :O”
“This feeling…”
この かんじ [感じ]
(It’s) endless / going on forever - The wizards talking about the dragon minions which just kept appearing
きりがない [切りがない]. Jisho even recognized it as a popular expression, but it can also be split as “No end” (切り = end; stop)
having no recollection (of); having no memory (of) - The sabertooth mage who kept memorizing things
きおくにない [記憶にない]. 記憶 by itself means memory; recollection. Seems like it’s also the term used for computer memory/storage
Jade green
ひすい [翡翠] いろ [色]. 色 = color. 翡翠 seems to be “jade”, but it doesn’t seem to be a common word and I’ve seen it spelled with hiragana and katakana
Tears? - Lucy when tears came down her eyes after they broke the time traveling gate and her future self disappeared
なみだ [涙]. Easy cuz it’s the name of the boruto girl who cries/screams as an attack
billiards; pool - Gray got a pool table as a gift in a mission
sweets; sweet food - Waitress said they sold sweet things at a desert restaurant when a customer asked her what kind of food that was
あまいもの [甘いもの]
immigrant - Green haired woman told Erza she was one and was having a rough time, so that’s why she pretended to be a Fairy Tail member
いみん [移民] - Also means immigration
まったく [全く] - Erza said this in disbelief/disappointment at the green haired woman
good grief ~ but it’s also an adverb meaning perfectly; truly; entirely; completely
(good) feeling - Lucy said it felt good to be at the top of a sunny hill with rich green grass
きもち [気持ち] - feeling; sensation; mood; state of mind
“When it becomes night” - Lucy said the view would be beautiful when it became night
よるになる [夜に成る] - 夜 means evening/night, 成る means to become
suntan; tan - Aries said it was her dream to get one (so Natsu spat fire onto her lmao)
ひやけ [日焼け]
The old days are the old days - Small Aquarius when Lucy says they were her friends or something
昔は昔. むかし = 昔
“Worn out, that’s all.”
つかれた だけ [疲れた丈]
Air - I thinkkk this was when the shark demon guy from Tartaros used his power to put everyone under water. The characters kept talking about air, cuz, well, they needed some lol
くうき [空気]