[Anime] Demon Slayer Flashcards
“From long ago” - Old man when telling main character that demon slayers have been protecting them from Onis
むかし から [昔から] ~ seems like から is a particle that can also mean ‘since’ and ‘from’; not only ‘because’
Older days; former
むかし [昔] ~ Used as むかし から to mean from long ago
“Don’t move!” - Demon Slayer to main character after taking her sister, since he seemed to want to go towards them
うごくな [動くな]. Imperative negative form of 動く, which means to move; to stir; to shift; to shake; to swing
“Le pagaré” - Tanjiro a un señor tras pedirle algo de paja y bambú y que éste aceptara
おかね は はらいます [お金は払います] - 払う is “to pay”
それと [其れと]
conjunction: and then; in addition to that; also
“My head is dizzy” - Tanjiro when climbing the foggy mountain next to his sensei’s house
あたま [頭 ] が くらくら する. He used も instead of が since he was describing other things so it was more like “Also my head is dizzy”
“I made it back” - Tanjiro when he completes the challenge returning to the master’s house from the foggy mountain
もどりました [戻りました]
Did you see that just now!? - Tanjiro to girl demon slayer asking her if she saw the technique from the guy who beat him
さきの みたか [先の見たか]. Note that 先 means previous; prior; former; recent; last, not necessarily “just now”/”very recently”. Btw: 先 can also mean point/tip, first, future, among others, so it’s a weird word lol
Morning sun - Tanjiro said something about being safe from the demons once the morning sun was out
あさひ [朝日]
Move! - Tanjiro to himself when the giant demon was about to eat another, uh, student
うごけ [動け!] - imperative of 動く
“No puedo evitarlo/detenerlo!” - Demonio mutante asustado al ver que su cuerpo se está desintegrando
とめられない [止められない]. 止める is to stop; to turn off
odour; odor; scent; smell; stench - Tanjiro said something about the demon’s body smelling like sadness when it was disintegrating
におい [匂い]
しょうがない [仕様がない] な
“I guess it can’t be helped” - Big brother dearly after little brother asks if he will take his hand cuz he’s scared. In general it can be translated as there’s no (other) way // unavoidable; inevitable
Crow - Tanjiro and the others got one
Crows? Isn’t this a sparrow? - The blond demon slayer when they were told they’d get crows but he got a sparrow (gorrión) xD
はがね [鋼] ~ easy if you remember FMA
“(My) first job…” Tanjiro to himself after the crow tells him about his first task
さいしょの しごと [最初の仕事]
“(It’s) light! (i.e. not heavy)” - Tanjiro to Urokudaki when he received the box for Nezuko, which he mentioned was made of some light wood
かるい! [軽い]
“I believe (in what you say)” - Tanjiro to the guy who lost his girlfriend to a demon and others thought he had killed her or something
しんじます [信じます]
てまり [手毬]
Translates to “hand ball”. They are a folk art form and Japanese craft, originated in China. They can be used in handball and other games. There was a “Temari demon” who threw these to attack
おそらく [恐らく]
perhaps; likely; probably
“It’s quite painful!” - Tanjiro surprised at how much the Arrow demon’s attacks hurt
かなり いたい [可也 痛い]
“He disappeared o.o” - Temari demon surprised the other demon turned invisible
きえた! o.o [消えた]
Family - Tanjiro saying something about Nezuko thinking of the other 2 demons as her family too
かぞく [家族]
“I beg you!!!” - The other blond demon slayer begging a girl to marry him (else he would die, he said)
たのむ [頼む] よ!!! ~ 頼む means to ask; to request; to beg