[Anime] Demon Slayer Flashcards
“From long ago” - Old man when telling main character that demon slayers have been protecting them from Onis
むかし から [昔から] ~ seems like から is a particle that can also mean ‘since’ and ‘from’; not only ‘because’
Older days; former
むかし [昔] ~ Used as むかし から to mean from long ago
“Don’t move!” - Demon Slayer to main character after taking her sister, since he seemed to want to go towards them
うごくな [動くな]. Imperative negative form of 動く, which means to move; to stir; to shift; to shake; to swing
“Le pagaré” - Tanjiro a un señor tras pedirle algo de paja y bambú y que éste aceptara
おかね は はらいます [お金は払います] - 払う is “to pay”
それと [其れと]
conjunction: and then; in addition to that; also
“My head is dizzy” - Tanjiro when climbing the foggy mountain next to his sensei’s house
あたま [頭 ] が くらくら する. He used も instead of が since he was describing other things so it was more like “Also my head is dizzy”
“I made it back” - Tanjiro when he completes the challenge returning to the master’s house from the foggy mountain
もどりました [戻りました]
Did you see that just now!? - Tanjiro to girl demon slayer asking her if she saw the technique from the guy who beat him
さきの みたか [先の見たか]. Note that 先 means previous; prior; former; recent; last, not necessarily “just now”/”very recently”. Btw: 先 can also mean point/tip, first, future, among others, so it’s a weird word lol
Morning sun - Tanjiro said something about being safe from the demons once the morning sun was out
あさひ [朝日]
Move! - Tanjiro to himself when the giant demon was about to eat another, uh, student
うごけ [動け!] - imperative of 動く
“No puedo evitarlo/detenerlo!” - Demonio mutante asustado al ver que su cuerpo se está desintegrando
とめられない [止められない]. 止める is to stop; to turn off
odour; odor; scent; smell; stench - Tanjiro said something about the demon’s body smelling like sadness when it was disintegrating
におい [匂い]
しょうがない [仕様がない] な
“I guess it can’t be helped” - Big brother dearly after little brother asks if he will take his hand cuz he’s scared. In general it can be translated as there’s no (other) way // unavoidable; inevitable
Crow - Tanjiro and the others got one
Crows? Isn’t this a sparrow? - The blond demon slayer when they were told they’d get crows but he got a sparrow (gorrión) xD
はがね [鋼] ~ easy if you remember FMA
“(My) first job…” Tanjiro to himself after the crow tells him about his first task
さいしょの しごと [最初の仕事]
“(It’s) light! (i.e. not heavy)” - Tanjiro to Urokudaki when he received the box for Nezuko, which he mentioned was made of some light wood
かるい! [軽い]
“I believe (in what you say)” - Tanjiro to the guy who lost his girlfriend to a demon and others thought he had killed her or something
しんじます [信じます]
てまり [手毬]
Translates to “hand ball”. They are a folk art form and Japanese craft, originated in China. They can be used in handball and other games. There was a “Temari demon” who threw these to attack
おそらく [恐らく]
perhaps; likely; probably
“It’s quite painful!” - Tanjiro surprised at how much the Arrow demon’s attacks hurt
かなり いたい [可也 痛い]
“He disappeared o.o” - Temari demon surprised the other demon turned invisible
きえた! o.o [消えた]
Family - Tanjiro saying something about Nezuko thinking of the other 2 demons as her family too
かぞく [家族]
“I beg you!!!” - The other blond demon slayer begging a girl to marry him (else he would die, he said)
たのむ [頼む] よ!!! ~ 頼む means to ask; to request; to beg
“Murió…” - Tanjiro, decepcionado de ver que una persona que cayó toda herida de la mansión de un monstruo murió poco después
しんでしまった [死んでしまった]
“He’s sleeping? . - .” - Kid when the blond demon slayer falls asleep right after panicking over a demon
ねている? [寝ている]
“Did you say something?” - Blond demon slayer to kid after panicking and not hearing what he said
なにか いった? [何か言った?]. 何か is something || somehow
unusual; rare - The crow explained to tanjiro something about rare blood types being some sort of manjar for demons
めずらしい [珍しい]
えらい [偉い] ~ note: sounds as if the accent was in the え
great; excellent; admirable; remarkable - Tanjiro said this to the kids after telling them to use the drum to escape if they heard any noise. Seems like it can also mean famous; distinguished; etc.
“Answer me” - Drum demon to Tanjiro before asking if he really thought his powers had been remarkable
こたえろ [答えろ] - imperative of 答える, which is to answer/reply
“Unharmed” - Tanjiro said he was glad the kids were unharmed after defeating the drum demon
ぶじで [無事で] - 無事 means safety; security; peace; quiet || good health
to descend (e.g. a mountain); to go down - The crow told Tanjiro and the rest to go down the mountain
おりる [降りる]
“Is it okay to rest? o.o” - Tanjiro surprised when the crow took them to a house and told them to rest
やすんでいいのか [休んでいいのか] - 休む but in te-form. Think we studied te-form + いい, right? When asking if it was ok to do something?
“I’ll go first” - Boar-head guy to Tanjiro just being competitive after Tanjiro said he’d go to the grim looking mountain
おれが さきに いく [俺が先に行く]. 先に can mean previously; before; earlier // first; before (something or someone else); ahead (of)
“(It feels) just warm” - Mother demon in the grim mountain when Tanjiro cut off her head with the “kind rain” technique or something like that
ただ あたたかい [只 暖かい]. When used as an adverb, 只 means only; just; merely
Punishment - Butterfly girl said she’d need to give the demon “sister” the right punishment for the people she killed
ばつ [罰]
A fake/imitation/fraud - One of the 12 said something about the relationship with his parents being fake, since his father tried to kill him (because he was now a demon)
にせもの [偽物]. Seems like another kanji representation is 偽者, which is used to refer to a person (i.e. impostor; imposter; pretender; liar) rather than a thing. 偽 means lie, pretend, etc. 物 Means thing/object, while 者 means someone/person
おにぎり [お握り]
onigiri; rice ball (often triangular, sometimes with a filling and wrapped in nori)
hard; solid; tough - Tanjiro dijo esto de las calabazas con la que la aprendiz insecto entrenaba sus pulmones soplando hasta hacerlas explotar
かたい [硬い]
(it’s) huge! - Tanjiro cuando las niñas le enseñaron la calabaza enorme que la aprendiz insecto puede hacer explotar
Are you angry? - Tanjiro told the bug hashira that he smelled she was angry all the time, even when smiling
おこっていますか? [怒っていますか?]. From 怒る (to get mad/angry) in te-form
However, I became a little tired - Bug hashira
だけど 、すこし [少し ] つかれました [疲れました]
“Crap” - Zenitsu and Inosuke when they see Tanjiro is improving from the training they gave up on
やばい. Seems to be a slang that means crap/terrible/awful (though it has other meanings, such as risky & amazing . - .)
dangerous; risky
あぶない [危ない]
strict - Kochou (Insect hashira) said something about people being strict about the difference between fire and flame demon slayers
きびしい [厳しい]
Thank you for everything - Tanjiro to Kanao before leaving for their missing
“It doesn’t matter” - Tanjiro to Aoi when she says she survived by luck the demon slayer test and was a coward for not fighting demons
そんなのかんけいないよ [関係ないよ]. 関係ない means unrelated; irrelevant; unconcerned; unconnected. It’s not very common, but 関係 (connection/relationship) is a common word
relationship; connection
かんけい [関係]
“Which one will it be?” - Not sure if Tanjiro or Kanao, but think they wondered which side of the coin would result from the coin flip
どっち[何方] だろう. 何方 means which (especially of 2 alternatives) and I think it can also be read as どちら ? だろう can mean I wonder (seems; I think; I guess; I hope)
always; without exception; necessarily; certainly; without fail; positively; invariably - Tanjiro said something about him certainly going to find how to turn Nezuko back into a human
かならず [必ず]
“I really get it XD” - Tanjiro when Rengoku replied “umai!” (which he kept saying) as Tanjiro tried to say hello
すごく [凄く] 分かりました XD. 凄く means awfully; very; immensely
rock; boulder - It’s one of the primary natures, as Rengoku explained
いわ [岩]. Tip: remember Iwabee from Boruto (they spell names with katakana, but still)
Sure thing! - Rengoku when, in his dream, the other 3 begged to be their students
いいとも. Jisho: sounds good; sure thing; no problem
Can’t move - The demon from the Train movie said he would have to stay in the front of the train for longer
うごけない [動けない]. Negative potential form of 動く. It’s weird cuz the imperative is 動け, so you’d think this is the negative imperative form, but nope; that would be 動くな. The positive potential form is 動ける btw
Calm down - Might have been Tanjiro to himself
おちつけ [落ち着け] - I keep hearing this one. Think the most memorable time was Naruto vs one of Shin Uchiha’s “kids”, when he said “Calm down… Kurama”
spacious; vast; wide - Some guy when he reached Tanjiro’s unconscious and realized it was quite wide (+ beautiful, calm/warm)
ひろい [広い]
“Set your heart ablaze” - Rengoku said that no matter how useless you felt, you should do this
こころ [心] を もやせ [燃やせ]. 燃やせ is the imperative of 燃やす, which means “to burn” or to “to burn with emotion/feeling; to be fired up”. Fun fact: there’s also もえる [燃える] which seems to have the same meaning, and both are common words
“Don’t worry about it”
きにしないで [気にしないで]
Sickle (reaping-hook or grasshook is a single-handed agricultural tool typically used for harvesting). The 6th moon guy had blood sickles as weapons
かま [鎌]
“Or fear” - Tajiro wondered if his hands were shaking because he was really tired or beacause he was scared of the 6th moon
それとも おそれ [其れとも恐れ]. Fun fact: 其れと means “in addition to that; also”, it’s curious that with a も that means “or; or else” (checked with Jisho)
“Mean!” - 2 of Tengen’s wifes when he refused to give them a petal too
いじわる [意地悪]. Jisho has it as malicious; ill-tempered; unkind
“(Yeah) I can move” - Tanjiro after Inosuke asked him if he could still move to help fight Daki
うごける [動ける]. Positive potential form of 動く