[Anime] Alice in Borderland Flashcards
Really? When? - Main character when his friend tells him he got fired
It’s impossible - Main character and “Chota” or him kept saying it during the game where they had to choose a door
むりだ [無理だ]
“You’re right”/”That’s true” - Someone said it after the main character noted that they and the girl had seen everyone else disappear in different dates
Exactly - Guy in second episode when the main character understands that each card symbol is a different type of game
その とおり [その通り]
In order to live
いきるために [生きるために]
Think! - Main character to himself when trying to figure out how to win the game where they had to find the safe room
かんがえろ [考えろ - imperative of 考える]
Hide and seek (game)
かくれんぼ [it was spelled like that in the phone’s screen, but jisho has it as 隠れん坊]
What would you wish for? - La escaladora a su papá preguntando qué le pediría a Dios, de haberlo
なに おねがいする? [お願いする]
ねがい [願い]
やま [山]
The only thing. The only one - La escaladora dijo que las montañas eran la única cosa y su papá la única persona que la aceptaban como era
ただ ひとつ. ただ ひとり [ただ = 只 = only (adverb)]
body - The cliber told the main character his body wanted to live (he was hungry)
からだ [体]
あたま [頭]
(in) somewhere
どこか (に) [何処か]
Spelled as こんぐらちゅれいしょん in phone, but コングラチュレーション seems to be used
For that purpose…
そのために [ため = 為]
All (of) ~ they said “the cards” after, but I didn’t catch that word
すべて (の) [すべて = 全て]
traitor - El sombrerero dijo que la 3ra regla de la playa era muerte a los traidores :o
うらぎりもの [裏切り者]
light bulb
でんきゅう [電球]
What did you think of him? - The guy with the white hair to his partner regarding Arisu
どうだったかれ [どう = 如何 | かれ = 彼]
Ahora que lo pienso… - El sombrerero recordando su pasado
いまおもえば [今 思えば]
La Playa (utopía del sombrerero)
Bruja (en el último juego tenían que encontrarla)
まじょ [魔女]
Resolution to live (el de la espada le dijo al compañero del de pelo blanco que la suya era inferior)
いきる かくご [生きる覚悟]
Es una ciudad sin nadie
purpose; goal; aim; objective; intention
もくてき [目的]
special/extraordinary (the video at the end said it was a special announcement)
とくべつ [特別]