[Anime] Boruto Flashcards
To give up
あきらめる [諦める]
なんですかそれ - Himawari
What is that? - Asking Iruka what a word he said means
“It’s not that” - Mitsuki when the guy he rescued asked why he looked bored at the story about his sister
そな こと ない よ
thief - Chouchou and Anko said it a lot in the episode where some thieves were stealing beans
どろぼう [泥棒]
せんそう [戦争]
cell (they keep saying “hashirama cell”)
さいぼう [細胞]
よろしい [宜しい]
Very well - Old man when Konohamaru explains Boruto is his assistant even though he was supposed to go alone
Yes, you can enter - One of Sai’s students when Sasuke asked if it was possible to enter the building their team explored
はい, いれます [入れます]
びょういん [病院] - pretty sure we saw this ones in our lessons, but I forgot
Poison; toxicant - The Haze ninja used kunais with poison
どく [毒]
“We lost, huh?” - Boruto to Sarada after Deepa almost killed them and Mitsuki in sage mode got them out
まけたな [負けたな]
“Did you hear about Mitsuki?” - Sarada to Boruto when they meet after Deepa left them unconscious and Mitsuki saved them with sage mode
ミツキのこと きいた? [聞いた]
“Not at all! I’m good good!” - Sarada when her friends asked if she was okay after being knocked unconscious
ぜんぜん! げんき げんき! [全然!元気元気!]
“Seems alright” - Sarada when Sakura asked how her eye was after removing some bandge thingy
へいき みたい [平気みたい]
だけど! - Kakashi
しょうがない [仕様がない] ね
It can’t be helped // There’s no other way - Konohamaru
fire, wind, water, lightning, earth - Kakashi explaining the elements the chakra could turn into
ひ [火], かぜ [風], みず [水], かみなり [雷], つち [土]
“It’s impossible”
むりだ [無理だ]
“But Sasuke is wrong, too, right?” - Sakura talking to Ino and Hinata about Sarada pushing herself on her training
でも サスケ だって わるい なよ - だって seems to be a particle that can mean even / too; as well; also / they say; I hear
“You did well” - Sasuke to Sarada when training
おまえは よく やった ~ よく means nicely/skilfully and やった means hooray
“What I can do…” - Sarada repeated after Sakura told her to increase the things she could do
“Let’s wrap this up!” - Sakura to Sarada when fighting ~ I guess she planned that to be her finishing blow
おわりましょう [終わりましょう] - probs more like “let’s end this”, since 終わる is to end
“Can not”
Anyways - Nurse when she had to leave after explaining what was up with the tomato throwing kid
とにかく [兎に角]
autograph; signature - Iwabee’s team went to get Orochimaru’s autograph for a kid’s card
head - Denki said they had to use their head to beat Suigetsu, since he was clearly stronger
あたま [頭]
Why me, though? - Denki when the other two told him to tell Orochimaru why they were there
どうして僕が [僕 = ぼく]
Weren’t you scared? - Kid to Iwabee’s team after they came back with Orochimaru’s autograph
こわくなかった? [怖くなかった]
Thank you - Boruto says it in “English” (with japanese accent) often
“What does it mean?” - Shikamaru to Sai when he said he saw Victor wrote about a “vessel”
どういう いみ だ [どういう意味だ]
Spy - Naruto said he was worried there were spies from Kara in Konoha
“Thank goodness!” - Denki when he found Boruto’s group , because he needed their help carrying something heavy
たすかった! [助かった]
じっけん [実験]
やれやれ - Shikamaru slightly upset at Naruto’s decision to not close the gates of Konoha (though he said he expected it knowing him)
oh!; ah!; oh dear!; good grief!; dear me!; thank God! ~ en español le pusieron “Caramba” xD
“Well done!” - Sai when the sensorial ninjas caught him “trying to infiltrate Konoha”
おみごと [お見事] ~ seems to be more common as just 見事, which translates as splendid; magnificent; excellent; etc.
“I’m worn-out” - Inojin after training his sensorial jutsu
つかれた [疲れた] ~ Jisho notes this is worn-out (as opposed to sleepy)
“Can you do it?” “I will do it!” - Mentor and Inojin, referring to finding the “intruder”’s chakra
やれるか? やります! ~ from the verb やる [遣る], which means to do; to undertake; to perform; to play (a game); to study
“Excuse me” - Ao (one of the old Mizukage’s guards) before asking a question to the guy at the desk of an hospital, who seemed to be distracted
しつれい [失礼] - pretty sure I’ve heard 失礼します, not sure if this is a casual version. Unlike すみません, 失礼します can also be used as “I got to go/Goodbye”
“Don’t forget it” - Shikamaru’s dad to Shikamaru, (though I forgot what he wasn’t supposed to forget >w
わすれないよ [忘れないよ]
では (pronounced dewa)
“Well then… (goodbye)” - Ao to Shikamaru, while lifting his hand to say goodbye. Jisho defines it as then; well; so; well then. It’s not necessarily for saying goodbye!
めずらしい [珍しい]
unusual; rare; curious
“It’s an honor” - Sarada when receiving a recognition from Naruto after defeating Deepa
こうえい [光栄] です
“Well, that’s right, but…” Boruto when the guy who was trying to get Mugino to pay him asked if he was his friend
まあ そう だ けど…
natural; reasonable; obvious
あたりまえ [当たり前]
“Was that story true?? D:” - Boruto when a kid goes to tank Mugino for giving him all his money for his sick sister (which Boruto hat thought was just a lie)
あの はなし [話] ほんとう [本当] だったかよ - think the よ might be innecesary here, but he said it
“Whether it’s a lie or true…” - Mugino said something about adults having to believe children either way, but I just caught this part
うそ [嘘] だろ と ほんと だろ と…
“It’s almost time” - Sarada to Boruto before his combat with Naruto
そろそろ じかん [時間] だよ
soon; momentarily; before long; any time now
Horse - Konohamaru said “It’s Horse” or something like that over a radio. Guess that was a code name for him or his team
“It looks like it” - Code (from Kara), agreeing with what was said
そう みたい だね - Jisho says みたい means -like; sort of; similar to; resembling and it’s a Suffix, Na-adjective and a Colloquialism :o
“That’s good” - They guy who made scientific ninja tools when his apprentice told him she couldn’t wait to check out his new invention. The subtitles were actually “I’m glad to hear that”, but “that’s good” is the literal translation
それは よかった [良かった]
To support - The guy who makes scientific ninja tools wrote in his title something about science being to support people
ささえる ため [支えるため]
“It has been decided”/”Of course” - Boruto when Naruto called him to tell him Konohamaru’s team was missing and if his team could go check it since they were closer
きまってる [決まってる] - Jisho says it might be te-iru form, and another page says it might be continuous form (not sure if they’re the same?). 決まる is to to be decided; to be settled; to be fixed. Seems like “obviously” is a common translation for it tho
for a moment; for a minute - Sarada told Konohamaru to stay still for a moment while she applied the healing foam thingy
しばらく [暫く]
“I couldn’t do anything” - Boruto, referring to how he couldn’t do anything about Mugino dying despite him being right in front
なに [何] も できなかった
“It’s too dangerous!” - Sarada referring to Konohamaru’s plan of him being a diversion (since he was tired already)
きけん [危険] です!
“It’s a complete defeat”/”You win” - Ao after Boruto beats him. The first is the literal translation, the second is what the subtitles used
かんぱいだよ [完敗だよ]
“Do it” - Ao to Boruto when he held the screwdriver after defeating him (telling him to kill him)
やれよ [やれ is the imperative of 遣る]
“I won’t go” - Smol Kawaki to the guy with pincer hands when he told him to follow him and he’d teach him
いかない [行かない] - This is just the negative of “go” btw
“No” - Small Kawaki to guy with pincer hands. Jisho says it’s not a chance; not likely; no way; no / oh no; yuck; eew
“puppet” - they kept saying it when they found the puppets defending the crashed airship
くぐつ [傀儡] - Jisho says it can also be かいらい (same kanji)
“Who is this person?” - Sarada when they found Kawaki passed out after beating a bunch of puppets
なにもの [何者 - who/what kind of person] な の この ひと [人]
“From now on…” - Jigen to smol Kawaki, before saying he’s now his father
これから [此れから] - from now on; after this; in the future; etc.
“Are you done?” - Kawaki teasing the fat man with explosive-shooting-pincers as hands
もう おわり [終わり] か - already + the end + ?
body - The scientific ninja tools scientist surprised at Kawaki’s body
からだ [体]
as much as one can; as much as possible; if at all possible - Kawaki said he needed to get as far as possible from Jigen
できるだけ [出来るだけ]
“It’s not dry” - Sumire, when she finds Kawaki’s blood, deducing he was there not too long ago
かわいてない [乾いてない] - from 乾く, which means to get dry - it’s in te-form (continuous) and nai-form (negative)
dangerous; risky (or terrible or awesome or insane lol)
“He’s someone who understands” - Sumire to Kawaki about Naruto
わかる ひと [人] よ
“I don’t want (one). I don’t have money” - smol Kawaki to guy who asked if he wanted to buy a goldfish
いらない [from いる/要る]. おかね [お金] ない から.
“Lucky lucky!” - Kawaki’s awful dad to himself after getting a bunch of money from Jigen in exchange for Kawaki
ラッキー ラッキー! [romaji: rakkii]
but; however; etc - Jigen said だが もう おわりだ
“goldfish” - The one thing smol Kawaki wanted 3
きんぎょ [金魚]
To be late
おくれる [遅れる]. Sorry I’m late can be said as 遅れてすみません
“You must be hungry” - Hinata to Kawaki when he came back at night (don’t think he had eaten anything that day)
おなか [お腹] すいた [空いた] でしょう
“Mom, I’m starving!” - Boruto to Hinata after arriving at night
かあちゃん [母ちゃん], はら [腹] へった [減った]. It’s interesting, cuz お腹 is read as おなか and also means stomach :o. I read はらへった is a bit impolite and you should probably use おなかすいた
“Don’t worry about it” - Hinata when Naruto apologized for how lively things were home now with Kawaki
きにしないで [気にしないで]
perhaps; likely; probably; I dare say (adverb)
おそらく [恐らく]
おやつ [お八つ]
“I can’t believe it” - Sarada when Kawaki did
しんじられない [信じられない]
“I should get going too” - Sarada to Naruto and Kawaki after they said goodbye to Ino
私も ここで - Me too + Here. So, kinda like “Yo también hasta aquí llego”
“We’ll certainly save him” - Kawaki thinking about Naruto who was sealed
かならず [必ず] たすける [助ける]. 必ず means without exception; necessarily; certainly; without fail; positively; invariably
“Die!” - Kawaki to Boro . Jisho translates it as to kick the bucket; to drop dead; to die; to croak
“There’s one more” - Kawaki when Shikamaru listed the known Kara members and asked if there were any more
あと ひとり [あと一人]
severe; strict - Naruto when Sakura told him he wasn’t allowed to get up (he had just woken up after the Jigen fight)
きびしい [厳しい]
Japanese fish-shaped cake, commonly sold as street food. Kawaki really liked the chocolate and custard ones
たいやき [たい焼き]
…, just let me know (anytime)! - Sumire
She said いつでもいってね and then a bit later she also said いつでもよんでね. The verbs used were to say いう [言う] and to call よぶ [呼ぶ] respectively
だって (5 uses)
As a conjunction, it can mean ‘because’ / ‘but’. As a particle, it can also mean even / too; as well; also / they say; I heard ; you mean.
This page shows uses: https://maggiesensei.com/2018/06/25/how-to-use-%E3%81%A0%E3%81%A3%E3%81%A6-datte/
1) To explain what you heard. E.g. Ashita wa ame datte = I heard it’s raining tomorrow
2) To give a reason/excuse. Datte, … = Because …
3) Used with an interrogative word, e.g. daredatte = anyone/whoever, dokodatte = anywhere/wherever
4) As “even”. E.g. Kodomo datte = even a child (similar to #3 imo). Ame datte heiki = I don’t mind even if it it’s raining.
5) As “too” (like ‘mo’, tho it says it places emphasis in the word before). E.g. Watashi datte Nihon ni ikita = I want to go to Japan, too.
“Lo digo en serio” - Kawaki a Boruto, cuando este le pregunta si es verdad que piensa dejar irse de Konoha
ほんき だよ [本気だよ]. 本気 means seriousness; truth
よろしいの ですか [よろしい = 宜しい]
“Would that be okay?” - Konohamaru/Sai (can’t remember) when they infiltrated in Boro’s cult and the people in charge told them they could stay in their, uh, temple or sorts until Boro came back
Secret Hideout - Chocho found the toad guy’s secret hideout in Konoha :o
ひみつ の かくれが [秘密の隠れ家]
purpose; goal; aim; objective; intention - The toad guy kept saying stuff about his “true objective”
もくてき [目的]
natural; just; reasonable; appropriate; deserved - Amado said Naruto’s question was reasonable
とうぜん [当然]. Creo que dijo algo como 当然の y alguna palabra para “pregunta”
terrible; dreadful; terrifying; frightening - Sai said “what a simple, yet terrifying ability” about Jigen’s shrinking ability
おそろしい [恐ろしい]