Anime Flashcards
abruptly; suddenly; all of a sudden; without warning
いきなり (行き成り)
All of the sudden!? :O
いきなり ですか!? :O Said Kakashi when Itachi appeared before them randomly.
No problem / It’s fine
もんだいない (問題ない) or もんだいありません. もんだい means question // problem, so we just negate that. Sasuke used it when Naruto asks him if he’s fine.
My bad
わるい o.o (it’s cool, because the word can mean bad // evil // to blame // sorry; all are fitting)
Let’s go, shall we? (Naruto to Hinata n.n)
___, I’m telling you!
___, だってばよ! (It seems like てば can mean “I told you) already!”)
たたかい (戦い) (it’s not a verb, the word means battle; fight; struggle; conflict) Bakugo told/ordered Deku to do so
Drama (TV)
ドラマ :o
just to be sure / just in case
ねん の ため (念のため - the kanji means idea; feeling // concern // attention; care and ため means benefit // purpose, sake. Think “For attention’s sake” makes the most sense)
Shame :( / That’s regrettable :(
おしかった (de 惜しい)
What’s the matter?; What’s wrong?
clothing; costume; outfit; garment; dress
いしょう (衣装 )
こおり (氷)
(I/you/etc.) said it!
いった!(言った del verbo いいます)
perhaps; maybe; by some chance (expression/adverb)
rosa(s) (la flor)
“Take care of Yui” -Asuna
ゆいちゃん おねがい
だめ! (駄目) // だめ だ!
Lo escuché usado de dos formas: “I can’t allow it! >=|” // “It’s useless! =/” ; no good. Jisho da 3 definiciones como adjetivo: not serving its purpose; useless // hopeless; in vain // cannot; must not
きし (騎士 )
Sword Art Online
railway station; train station
えき (駅)
どこ に だって // どこ でも
Is it safe?
あんぜん です か? [安全] or ぶじ です か? [無事]
About the trip…
りょこう の こと…
to wake; to wake up // to become sober; to sober up; to regain consciousness (e.g. after anaesthesia) // to come to one’s senses; to be disillusioned (e.g. realizing sth is bs)
目が覚める (めがさめる)
When (one) wakes up
め が さめた とき
to differ (from); to vary (“It’s not like that”) // to not be in the usual condition // (to not match the correct (answer, etc.)) “That’s wrong”
ちがう (違う)
かって くださいません (でしょう) か // 買ってくれない(だろう)
Would you be so kind as to buy it for me? // Won’t you buy it for me?
Go ffs!
いって くれ! (Kirito told Eugeo when the knight was taking Alice and adults had tackled him into the ground) (くれ is imperative, rather blunt and should be avoided. ください works better, since even if it’s an imperative statement, it’s a honorific verb, so it’s more of a request)
There is a mountain 20 miles ahead
20マイル 先(さき) に 山(やま) があります
Beyond that, I can not remember
その さき で 思い出せない(おもいだせない
ふく (服)
log out
(computer) command
ゆめ (夢)
why?; what for? // how? by what means?
Please show me
見せてください (from verb みせる)
Thank you for everything n.n
strange; odd; peculiar; weird; curious; queer; eccentric; funny; suspicious; fishy
へん (変)
I’m tired vs I’m sleepy
つかれた [疲れた] if you’re physically tired from hard work or a long day. ねむたい [眠たい] if you’re tired because it’s bedtime and you’re feeling sleepy
That would be very helpful, thanks!
それ は たすかる (助かる)、ありがとう!
“Not only that”; “That’s not everything” (as in, there’s more to it)
それ だけ じゃない
Legend // Fairy Tail
おとぎばなし [おとぎ話 - kanji means chat/speach or story/tale]
promise; agreement; arrangement; one’s word; contract; pact; appointment; engagement; date
やくそく (約束)
It’s a promise!
やくそく (よ)
That’s right/Exactly + That was right
そのとおり + そのとうりだった (“That was right” sounds awkward, but it could be used as “You were right” and such)
I believe you
私 は あなた を 信じています (信 is read as しん and is the kanji for trust, truth, fidelity)
“But… they all died :’(“ (Kirito refering to his flowers)
でも みんな しんで [死んで] しまった
“That voice before….”
さき の こえ(声 = voice)….
かがみ (鏡)
Hasta ahí! ; Se terminó! (Raios said this when he decided Humbert’s match against Eugeo was over)
そこ まで!
へん [変] = weird/sus/fishy OR めずらしい (珍しい) = poco común
this tastes great!
おいしい (polite) or うまい (い adj) (ok for adult males, bit crude otherwise - also means skillful)
small quantity; little; few; something
すこし (少し) (adverb/noun) - ちょっと is used more with time-related stuff (it can be used by itself like, “wait what?”)
unthinkable; unexpected; outrageous; offensive; terrible // absolutely not!; not at all!; far from it!; impossible!; preposterous!; what a thing to say!; no way!; bullshit (Humbert said theatrically that he was not offended at all by Eugeo’s accusation - less extreme examples include “Have you finished it?” “On the contrary, I’ve just begun.” and it can even be used as “you’re welcome” :o)
Thanks for your hard work
ごくるさま is used with subordinates. In other situations use おつかれさま. Do not forget that if your boss says “Gokurosama desu” you will have to answer him in return “Otsukaresama desu”, and not “Gokurosama desu”. Otherwise, you could destroy his oversized ego, which would have the effect of nullifying your semi-annual bonuses as well as your requests for paid holidays.
As always, thank you
いつも ありがとう (Eugeo said this (after ごくろうさま) to her subordinate when she finished cleaning)
べんとう (弁当)
bentou (Japanese box lunch)
next time
じかい (次回) Kirito always says it when he announces the name of the next episode at the end
Unacceptable, unforgivable
ゆるされない (許されない
いけません (行けません)
While it CAN mean “Can not go” or “Must not do”, the more popular use is: wrong; not good; of no use. I feel like it’s sorta like “That won’t fly” in English, but they use “go”
その とおり です よ
That’s right
I do not know you
きみのことしらない (君のこと知らない)
I don’t know and I don’t want to know
しらない, しらたくない
best friend; close friend; buddy
しんゆう (親友). 友 means friend and 親 means intimacy; familiarity, etc.
to stop (moving); to come to a stop (e.g. on road signal)
とまる (止まる)
“Really? I hope that’s true…” - Eugeo to Kirito when he tells him he didn’t sin, but was very brave all the way through
“That’s a good name” Kirito to Eugeo when he tells him his sword should be called “Night Sky”
なかないで (泣かないで) ~ Edit: Doesn’t this mean, like, “don’t cry”? . - .
Night Sky Sword
よぞら (夜空) の けん (剣)
Are you home? - Boruto knocking on Mitsuki’s door
いえ (家) に いる (居る)?
“That’s fine/sufficient” - Naruto when Ino said she’d just be able to access a bit of someone’s memories
“Esta es mi voluntad” - Mensaje que dejó Mitsuki
これは ぼく(僕)の いし(意志)
“That’s not all” / “Not only that”
それだけじゃない (それだけ (其れ丈) means that much; to that extent; only that; that alone; that is all (when finished speaking))
“I found them!” Inojin when he spots from his bird drawing Boruto and Sarada escaping
みつけった (見つけった) よ (just to get someone’s attention)
まじ か よ
“Seriously!? u.u” - Inojin when Shikadai and Chouchou decide to go with Boruto and Sarada (まじ seams to mean serious; not joking and is a colloquialism for まじめ)
“In the meantime” (/Until then) - Host as she tells the kids they can eat from a table full with food while they waited for the white snake
それ まで (其れ まで)
surely; certainly
たしかに (確かに)
human being; person; man; mankind; humankind
にんげん (人間)
くだらない (下らない)
Alone it means stupid; nonsensical; absurd; silly. As an adjective it means trivial; worthless.
(outer) space, universe, cosmos
うちゅう (宇宙)
まずい (不味い)
Its most popular definition seems to be unappetizing; unsavory; unpleasant. That said, I keep hearing it in anime as “problematic; troublesome; unfavorable”; a “oh no” of sorts
direct hit
ちょくげき (直撃)
“Can I talk to you for a second?” - A robot hero to Genos when he wants to warn him about Metal Knight
ちょっと いい か
“Probably (; likely; I dare say)” Shikadai
おそらく (恐らく) な
“Together (with); at the same time; in a lump” (adverb)
いっしょに (一緒に)
“I want to know” - Mitsuki, expressing interest on something a rock ninja said he’d tell you about later
しりたい (知りたい) な
“And? (what else?)” - The Fourth Tsuchikage to Naruto, prompting him to continue talking
“Is this yours?”
これはあなたの物(もの)ですか?is the polite way, きみの (君の) or これあなた is the casual way
weak; frail; delicate; tender; unskilled - Some guy called Shikadai and his team this
よわい (弱い)
“I’ll go with you” - Mitsuki trying to go with the rock ninja to face Boruto
ぼくも いっしょに (僕も一緒に)
“Quickly!” - Inojin to Shikadai and Chouchou prompting them to get on top of his bird drawing to escape
いそいで (急いで) - Expression: hurriedly; in haste; in a rush; quickly
to cry; to weep; to sob; to howl
なく (泣く)
ひみつ (秘密)
“Why just me!?” - Inojin when Chouchou told him to go check what a noise in the bushes was
なんだ ぼく だけ?(translator suggested “なぜ私だけ?”, which sounds correct also)
“Not like that!”/”That’s not it!” u.u - Inojin when his “pet” throws another stick instead of fetching the one he threw
“Is this a dream?”
いまの ゆめ なのか (今の夢なのか)
snow storm; blizzard
ふぶき (吹雪
pupil; disciple
でし (弟子) - ふぶき said Genos was this of Saitama
みごと (見事)
(adj) splendid; magnificent; excellent; fine; superb; beautiful; admirable
hide-and-seek (game)
かくれんぼ (隠れん坊
よろい (鎧)
(my) daughter
むすめ (娘)
Meliodas said it to King after the latter was hit because Meliodas distracted him by asking him to go easy on the monster. He used it as a “I’m sorry” despite the literal translation being something like “That was bad”
“Well well well” - Meliodas after arriving and using full counter against a grand master
さて さて さて
“Well then…” - Gilthunder after a grand master told him he’d like to be alone and to go help
では (then; well; so; well then
よわい (弱い)
weak; frail; delicate; tender; unskilled; weak - Gilthunder said it surprised when he saw king fight Howzer without his weapon
Sorry for being late
おそくなってすまない (遅くなってすまない)
peace; harmony
へいわ (平和) - The tsuchikage told Boruto he strived to archive this
“Of course not!” - Intense gamer friend of SAO Alt’s protagonist when asked if VR was dangerous
hobby; pastime
しゅみ (趣味
sure; no mistaking it; for certain; without doubt
ちがいない (違いない)
for a moment; for a minute
しばらく (暫く) (Adverb, Suru verb)
“rest for a while” doctor to sekiei when put into the preservation water tube thingy
しばらく やすみなさい
“Why are you here??”
どうして ここ に??
We were friends too - sekiei asked mitsuki in his last moments
ぼくたち ともだちだったよね
“Just the two of us??” Girl from GGO to Pito when she told her to join the tournament with the big guy
ふたり だけ (二人だけ)
“Thank you for telling me” Girl from GGO when her friend calls her to tell her she couldn’t get the concert tickets (so she registered to the tournament)
おしえてくれてありがとう (from a similar question here I think くれて emphasizes they did a kindness to you:
もしかして (若しかして)
perhaps; possibly; maybe; by any chance; if I’m not mistaken - used by GGO girl when drawing conclusions; “perhaps he’s weaker than me?” (when trying to understand why she was team leader)
“わるい . おくれた” (遅れた)
“Sorry. I’m late” Big guy when he just meets girl from GGO
“Let’s do our best together!” Big guy to GGO girl before the tournament starts
“Is that yours? It’s big” GGO girl says about the big guy’s gun
Sorry - Tsuchikage to Boruto when he complains about having to carry him
その とおり だな
“That’s right” - Boruto agrees with the Tsuchikage. Apparently “とおり” means road/way, so it’s kinda like saying you’re on the right way
“Leave it to me” - Sarada to Boruto and Mitsuki
まかせて (del verbo まかせる; to entrust (e.g. a task) to another; to leave to) or まかせろ
(at) any time; whenever / always; at all times
いつでも (何時でも)
“Whenever you’re ready” Meliodas to some guy who challenged him
いつでも どうぞ
truth; reality
しんじつ (真実)
goddess; female deity
めがみ (女神
“I want to see your face again…” King thinking of Diane when loosing against the golem
(もういちど) きみの かおを みたいよ
ghost; specter; spectre; apparition; phantom - Smol Escanor screamed this when he saw Meliodas and Ban, since he thought his punch would’ve killed them
ゆうれい (幽霊)
やさしい (優しい)
tender; kind; gentle; graceful; affectionate; amiable (い adjective) Hendrickson said this about Dreyfus
“Don’t cry” Meliodas to Elizabeth after recovering from being pierced by a spear (also by Meliodas’ original crush when she was dying)
tactics; strategy
さくせん (作戦
leaving a decision to someone else (often of a meal to be selected by the chef); literally means “I’ll leave it to you”
おまかせ (お任せ
god; deity; divinity
かみ [神]
“I was happy” - Christa telling Eren she was happy when he told her she now was like a normal girl
うれしかったよ [嬉しかったよ]
Even so, I…
それ でも 私は
Expression. Means “how about …?”/”what do you think?” // I wonder; I don’t know (about that)
It was. Past tense of そうだな, I guess
lightning; thunder; thunderbolt
かみなり [雷]
“Welcome!” - Smol Escanor when clients arrive to his tavern
いらっしゃい! [いらっしゃいませ is used commonly in shops and such]
ひどい [酷い]
cruel, harsh // violent, intense, strong // very bad, terrible, awful - Matrona said this of Diane’s dancing, Armin said this of Sasha’s condition (when she was hurt) [the kanji means cruel, severe, unjust]
incredible; unbelievable; terrific; impressive || すごい can be added before also - Diane used it this way when she was impressed at King’s powers (after she lost her memories)
なんでもない [何でもない]
easy; trifling; harmless; of no concern; nothing [expression & i adjective]. King used it to say he was fine after an attack when Diane showed concern
さらに [更に]
furthermore; moreover; even more // further; more and more [used as a conjunction, but pretty sure they use it in boku no hero academia to say “go further” or something]
“Trust in him” Meliodas to Ban when Escanor was fighting Gowther
かれの しんじろ[信じろ]
to believe in; to trust in
しんじる [信じる]
“Meliodas is… kinda scary o.o” Diane when she sees Meliodas fighting one of the 10 commandments
メリオダス は なんか こわい [なんか seems to be like “kinda” but apparently it’s often derogatory perhaps because it reduces the importance - when written with kanji instead of just kana, it means “softening”]
チャンス - Meliodas said Escanor gave him the perfect chance to fight 2 of the 10 commandments
Seems to be short of さらばよ, so it’s kinda archaic and means also farwell [i.e. they won’t see in the foreseeable future]. Meliodas’ brother told him that just before killing him
“Entreguen sus almas” - Ciudadanos a un par de caballeros sagrados después de que los 10 mandamientos tomaron el control
たましい [魂 - soul] ささげろ [捧げろ]
“Why me?” - Armin when they told him they chose to save his life over Erwin’s
どうして ぼく[僕] なん ですか
“Here” - Eren said the key to the basement was ‘here’ pointing at his chest
“His hands…. were kind… so kind” - Eri when thinking about the time she ran into Deku and he tried to protect her
て[手]… やさしかった [優しかった]… とても[迚も] やさしかった [とても means very; awfully; exceedingly - sounds a lot like “totalement” in French :o]
かめ [亀]
It’s konoha from the past :o - Sasuke to Boruto
かこ の KONOHA だ [過去の木の葉だ]
Peach - Mirio thought it might be Eri’s fave fruit
もも (桃)
Apple - Eri’s fave fruit
りんご (林檎)
Candied apple - Mirio told Eri about these, and how they are even sweeter
りんご(林檎) あめ(飴)
Even more; more and more; further
さらに [更に] - they use it all the time in BNHA, and Mirio used it when he told Eri candied apples were EVEN MORE sweet (sweeter >w
さらに [更に] むこう [向こう] へ
Even more / Further + Beyond + Place particle, so it’s like “Go even further beyond!”
There’s something strange… - FMA prince from that far away land when looking at central city
なに か おかしい
おかしい (可笑しい)
funny; amusing; comical; laughable; ridiculous // strange; odd; funny; peculiar; weird; unusual
“Porque me gustas” - Legoshi a Haru casi al final (explicando por qué no la comería jaja)
きみの すき だから だよ
“Enseguida regreso” (Letrero que puso Haru en su puesto de flores)
すぐ に もどります [すぐ es inmediatamente o pronto, もどります = regreso]
immediately; at once; right away; directly // soon; before long; shortly
すぐ [直ぐ]
to turn back (e.g. half-way) // to return; to go back
もどる [戻る]
“Dónde te duele?” - Roy Mustang al doctor que la hace de complice con las autopsias
どこか わるいのか [どこか悪いのか]
“This man killed my father and mother?” Winry cuando se entera de lo de Cicatriz
この ひとが おとうさん と おかあさん ころした [此の人がお父さんとお母さん殺した]
“A sin is a sin” - FMA dad to Pinako referring to what his sons tried to do (human transmutation)
つみは つみだ [罪は罪だ]
crime; sin; wrongdoing
つみ [罪] - could also mean penalty; sentence; punishment
よろしい [宜しい]
good; OK; all right; fine; very well; will do; may; can - An officer told Kimblee this once he finished telling them how the philosopher’s stone performed in Ishval, before asking him to give it back
“You’re not alone” - Van Hohenheim (think it might have been to one of the souls his stone had)
きみは ひとりじゃない
“He’s alive!” - One of the Xing commerciants when they found Van Hohenheim laying on the dessert
いきてるよ [生きるよ]
Was translated to “Did we get him?” when a tank shot King Bradley. Think its literal translation would be “Hooray?”, but that doesn’t fit here xD
“Stand back a little” - Ed to Mei, before starting his transmutation to bring back Al
ちょっと はなれてろ [離れる means to be separated; to be apart; to be distant]
Enano en el matraz [así le decían al homúnculo original en FMA Brotherhood]
フラスコの なかの こびと [la primera palabra es “frasco”, que al parecer es matraz en portugués :o]
child; small person // dwarf; midget
こびと [小人 - el primer kanji significa small, como podrás imaginar]
worry; concern; anxiety; uneasiness; fear
しんぱい [心配]
hobby; pastime (from when Saitama says being a hero is his hobby)
しゅみ [趣味]
full moon -random evil guy in Boruto said it
まんげつ [満月]
- “What do you think?” - “It’s unpalatable” - Lisa and Nine when he tries what she cooked
“どうかな”, “まずい”
はしる [走る]
To run
cruel; heartless; hard; harsh; severe
ひどい [酷い]
“Please come (visit) anytime” - Detective to Lisa in Terror of Resonance after 9 and 12 died :c and they take them flowers
いつでもいってくれ [いつでも言ってくれ]
hope; wish; aspiration
きぼう [希望] - This is what 9 and 12 used to write after each bomb (VON) in Iceland’s language supposedly
“Can you give me some tips?” - Sarada to Inojin after he completed the last medical jutsu task
こつ おしえてくれない [骨教えてくれない]
Strict - Kofuku told Hiyori she was strict when she was giving homework
きびしい [厳しい]
こんど [今度]
this time; now || next time; another time; soon || recently; lately; the other day
Really? Really! - Yukine to another soul when he told them he served Bishamon
Sunflower (a girl in Noragami 2 recognized the type of flower)
ひまわり [向日葵]
おこがましい [烏滸がましい] ですね
“Madness o.o” - Escanor, surprised his attack didn’t even scratch Meliodas’ “cocoon” (from when he’s assimilating the other commandments). おこがましい seems to be ridiculous; laughable; absurd / presumptuous; impertinent; impudent; cheeky, which seems very fitting for Escanor lol, but it’s not a common word according to Jisho
“That’s why, I ask/beg (you)” - Escanor insists that Mael takes or at least borrows his grace
だから, たのみます [頼みます]
to request; to beg; to ask
たのむ [頼む]
すごく [凄く]
(adverb) awfully; very; immensely. Another adverb that means this is とても[迚も], which seems to be more common, but すごく could work with friends to make more emphasis
to disappear; to vanish; to go out of sight; to go away - Hawk said something about Meliodas going away (from Earth, I guess, since he was going to the demon realm)
きえる [消える]
“Of course not” - Elizabeth to Diane when she asked her not to hate her for saying something mean previously
あたりまえ じゃない [当たり前 じゃ無い]
My everything - Cusak said Zeldris was like his son; his everything
おれ [俺] の すべて [全て]
No! - Zeldris when Cusak was about to give him all the commandments. It can mean oh no; yuck; eew // not a chance; not likely; no way
insignificant; not worth bothering with; useless - The demon king said it didn’t matter if Gelda had great regenerative abilities, her power would be insignificant
くだらない [下らない]
“I won’t let you do that” - King to Demon King, when he attacked Diane while she did her dance
そう は させない よ. させない [為せない] is the causative negative form of する [為る], which means to do. Don’t think I learned about the causative form
“It’s (high) noon” - Escanor, after saying they had one more piece of bad news for the demon king
しょうご だ [正午だ]
Meanwhile - The 7 deadly sins narrator often says this in the intro when describing what’s going on atm
いっぽう [一方]. Jisho said it can also mean “on the other hand” (both are conjunctions). As a noun, it can also mean something like “the other”
fireworks? - Tristan (son of Meliodas and Elizabeth) said this when they got out of the castle and he saw the fireworks for his 10th birthday
はなび? [花火]