Anime Flashcards
abruptly; suddenly; all of a sudden; without warning
いきなり (行き成り)
All of the sudden!? :O
いきなり ですか!? :O Said Kakashi when Itachi appeared before them randomly.
No problem / It’s fine
もんだいない (問題ない) or もんだいありません. もんだい means question // problem, so we just negate that. Sasuke used it when Naruto asks him if he’s fine.
My bad
わるい o.o (it’s cool, because the word can mean bad // evil // to blame // sorry; all are fitting)
Let’s go, shall we? (Naruto to Hinata n.n)
___, I’m telling you!
___, だってばよ! (It seems like てば can mean “I told you) already!”)
たたかい (戦い) (it’s not a verb, the word means battle; fight; struggle; conflict) Bakugo told/ordered Deku to do so
Drama (TV)
ドラマ :o
just to be sure / just in case
ねん の ため (念のため - the kanji means idea; feeling // concern // attention; care and ため means benefit // purpose, sake. Think “For attention’s sake” makes the most sense)
Shame :( / That’s regrettable :(
おしかった (de 惜しい)
What’s the matter?; What’s wrong?
clothing; costume; outfit; garment; dress
いしょう (衣装 )
こおり (氷)
(I/you/etc.) said it!
いった!(言った del verbo いいます)
perhaps; maybe; by some chance (expression/adverb)
rosa(s) (la flor)
“Take care of Yui” -Asuna
ゆいちゃん おねがい
だめ! (駄目) // だめ だ!
Lo escuché usado de dos formas: “I can’t allow it! >=|” // “It’s useless! =/” ; no good. Jisho da 3 definiciones como adjetivo: not serving its purpose; useless // hopeless; in vain // cannot; must not
きし (騎士 )
Sword Art Online
railway station; train station
えき (駅)
どこ に だって // どこ でも
Is it safe?
あんぜん です か? [安全] or ぶじ です か? [無事]
About the trip…
りょこう の こと…
to wake; to wake up // to become sober; to sober up; to regain consciousness (e.g. after anaesthesia) // to come to one’s senses; to be disillusioned (e.g. realizing sth is bs)
目が覚める (めがさめる)
When (one) wakes up
め が さめた とき
to differ (from); to vary (“It’s not like that”) // to not be in the usual condition // (to not match the correct (answer, etc.)) “That’s wrong”
ちがう (違う)
かって くださいません (でしょう) か // 買ってくれない(だろう)
Would you be so kind as to buy it for me? // Won’t you buy it for me?
Go ffs!
いって くれ! (Kirito told Eugeo when the knight was taking Alice and adults had tackled him into the ground) (くれ is imperative, rather blunt and should be avoided. ください works better, since even if it’s an imperative statement, it’s a honorific verb, so it’s more of a request)
There is a mountain 20 miles ahead
20マイル 先(さき) に 山(やま) があります
Beyond that, I can not remember
その さき で 思い出せない(おもいだせない
ふく (服)
log out
(computer) command
ゆめ (夢)
why?; what for? // how? by what means?
Please show me
見せてください (from verb みせる)
Thank you for everything n.n
strange; odd; peculiar; weird; curious; queer; eccentric; funny; suspicious; fishy
へん (変)
I’m tired vs I’m sleepy
つかれた [疲れた] if you’re physically tired from hard work or a long day. ねむたい [眠たい] if you’re tired because it’s bedtime and you’re feeling sleepy
That would be very helpful, thanks!
それ は たすかる (助かる)、ありがとう!
“Not only that”; “That’s not everything” (as in, there’s more to it)
それ だけ じゃない
Legend // Fairy Tail
おとぎばなし [おとぎ話 - kanji means chat/speach or story/tale]
promise; agreement; arrangement; one’s word; contract; pact; appointment; engagement; date
やくそく (約束)
It’s a promise!
やくそく (よ)
That’s right/Exactly + That was right
そのとおり + そのとうりだった (“That was right” sounds awkward, but it could be used as “You were right” and such)
I believe you
私 は あなた を 信じています (信 is read as しん and is the kanji for trust, truth, fidelity)
“But… they all died :’(“ (Kirito refering to his flowers)
でも みんな しんで [死んで] しまった
“That voice before….”
さき の こえ(声 = voice)….
かがみ (鏡)
Hasta ahí! ; Se terminó! (Raios said this when he decided Humbert’s match against Eugeo was over)
そこ まで!
へん [変] = weird/sus/fishy OR めずらしい (珍しい) = poco común
this tastes great!
おいしい (polite) or うまい (い adj) (ok for adult males, bit crude otherwise - also means skillful)
small quantity; little; few; something
すこし (少し) (adverb/noun) - ちょっと is used more with time-related stuff (it can be used by itself like, “wait what?”)
unthinkable; unexpected; outrageous; offensive; terrible // absolutely not!; not at all!; far from it!; impossible!; preposterous!; what a thing to say!; no way!; bullshit (Humbert said theatrically that he was not offended at all by Eugeo’s accusation - less extreme examples include “Have you finished it?” “On the contrary, I’ve just begun.” and it can even be used as “you’re welcome” :o)
Thanks for your hard work
ごくるさま is used with subordinates. In other situations use おつかれさま. Do not forget that if your boss says “Gokurosama desu” you will have to answer him in return “Otsukaresama desu”, and not “Gokurosama desu”. Otherwise, you could destroy his oversized ego, which would have the effect of nullifying your semi-annual bonuses as well as your requests for paid holidays.
As always, thank you
いつも ありがとう (Eugeo said this (after ごくろうさま) to her subordinate when she finished cleaning)
べんとう (弁当)
bentou (Japanese box lunch)
next time
じかい (次回) Kirito always says it when he announces the name of the next episode at the end
Unacceptable, unforgivable
ゆるされない (許されない
いけません (行けません)
While it CAN mean “Can not go” or “Must not do”, the more popular use is: wrong; not good; of no use. I feel like it’s sorta like “That won’t fly” in English, but they use “go”
その とおり です よ
That’s right
I do not know you
きみのことしらない (君のこと知らない)
I don’t know and I don’t want to know
しらない, しらたくない
best friend; close friend; buddy
しんゆう (親友). 友 means friend and 親 means intimacy; familiarity, etc.
to stop (moving); to come to a stop (e.g. on road signal)
とまる (止まる)
“Really? I hope that’s true…” - Eugeo to Kirito when he tells him he didn’t sin, but was very brave all the way through
“That’s a good name” Kirito to Eugeo when he tells him his sword should be called “Night Sky”
なかないで (泣かないで) ~ Edit: Doesn’t this mean, like, “don’t cry”? . - .
Night Sky Sword
よぞら (夜空) の けん (剣)
Are you home? - Boruto knocking on Mitsuki’s door
いえ (家) に いる (居る)?
“That’s fine/sufficient” - Naruto when Ino said she’d just be able to access a bit of someone’s memories
“Esta es mi voluntad” - Mensaje que dejó Mitsuki
これは ぼく(僕)の いし(意志)
“That’s not all” / “Not only that”
それだけじゃない (それだけ (其れ丈) means that much; to that extent; only that; that alone; that is all (when finished speaking))
“I found them!” Inojin when he spots from his bird drawing Boruto and Sarada escaping
みつけった (見つけった) よ (just to get someone’s attention)
まじ か よ
“Seriously!? u.u” - Inojin when Shikadai and Chouchou decide to go with Boruto and Sarada (まじ seams to mean serious; not joking and is a colloquialism for まじめ)
“In the meantime” (/Until then) - Host as she tells the kids they can eat from a table full with food while they waited for the white snake
それ まで (其れ まで)
surely; certainly
たしかに (確かに)
human being; person; man; mankind; humankind
にんげん (人間)