[Anime] Sword Art Online 4: WotU Flashcards
“It’s beautiful” - Alice when taking a walk with her sister
“I’ll go” - Alice when flying towards the town, which was about to be attacked by ogres. She sorta said it to Kirito, though he wasn’t there at the time >w
わたしは いく
“Your soul”
きみの たましい [君の魂]
たましい [魂]
“Everyone, I’m going to the underworld too” - Asuna in a written message to their Alfheim group
みんな、わたしもアンダーワールドに行ってきます [she lit wrote it this way, not with 私 :o]
Make up - Alice was surprised Lady Fanatio was wearing some (Lipstick)
けしょう [化粧
helmet (of a warrior); headpiece - Lady Fanatio said she started wearing one
かぶと [兜]
Absolutely not!/Not at all! - Alice’s student when she said something about him choosing her because she was female and wanted to protect her heart or something (he then says it was due to her skill)
とんでもない! [とんでも無い]
Show me
みせて [見せて]
To show
みせる [見せる]
“ですが, …”
but; however; (and) yet; nevertheless - Some soldier to the knight’s commander saying something like “We defeated 3 lords. However, we’re still heavily outnumbered”
“(I’m) broken..?” - The green haired knight when Administrator told him he seemed to be broken because he couldn’t use his sacred weapon properly
こわれてる? [壊れてる]
to be broken; to break
こわれる [壊れる]
“I’m not an enemy” - Green haired knight to Kirito’s and Eugeo’s apprentices when coming out of the shadows
てきじゃないよ [敵じゃないよ]
てき [敵]
“Bloom, my flowers!” - Alice before unleashing a super op attack on the enemy with her sacred weapon
さけ はなたち [咲け花たち]
to bloom; to flower; to blossom; to open
さく [咲く]
The sea in Okinawa was very beautiful - Just an example I found in Forvo that’s nice
沖縄[おきなわ]の 海[うみ]は とても きれいでした
What are you saying? - Alice when the wolf lord started saying the emperor wanted her, the priest of light (but she’s no priest)
なに いってる? [何言ってる]
to say; to utter; to declare
いう [言う]
Don’t cry - Eldrie to Alice when he’s about to die in her arms
なかないで [泣かないで]
to cry; to weep; to sob
なく [泣く]
“That’s what I believe” - Alice after saying that their souls would live on
私は そう しんじます [信じます]
to believe; to believe in
しんじる [信じる]
“It’s okay. That’s enough” - Asuna when hugging Kirito who’s still unable to move much (tho he’s trying) and crying
いいよ. もいいよ.
“The same world as Kirito senpai?” - Eugeo and Kirito’s disciples when Asuna explains where she’s from
キリト せんぱいと おなじ せかい? [キリト先輩と同じ世界]
“Leave the rest to me” - Asuna to Kirito when he still can’t move
あとは 私に まかぜて [後は私に任せて]
“Why, you ask? Because Kirito is mine!” - Asuna when Alice attacks her and asks why she went to where Kirito was
なぜて? キリトくんは 私の だからよ!
“Destroy the world?” - The people in the Underworld when Asuna says the enemies intend to erase it after retrieving Alice
せかいの はかい? [世界の破壊]
“Me?” - Alice when Asuna implies the enemy is trying to get her
“There isn’t much time left” - Asuna to the Integrity Knights and soldiers
あまり じかん[は/が?] ありません
あまり [余り]
As a noun: remainder; remnant; rest. As an adverb: (not) very; (not) much, but… apparently it can also mean too much, excessively, etc . - .
“Sorry to keep you waiting, Asuna” - Sinon after her flashy entrance
おまたせ, アスナ [well, Asuna seems to also be written as 明日奈]. Later Yuna also says this to Eiji
“Your name is…?” - Leafa, being nice to the leader of the Orcs (who look like pigs, but yeah)
あなたの おなまえは?
Pig (can also mean “fatty”/”fatso” in a derogatory way) - The, uh, think it was the leader of the witches kept calling the leader of the (pig-looking) orcs this way
ぶた (豚)
“I’m sorry I’m (/we are) late” - Agil to Asuna when he arrives
すまねえ おそくなってしまった
What do you mean?
“Long time no see” - Probably Klein to Asuna when they arrive to the underworld
ひさしぶりだな [久しぶりだな]
Devil’s Child, a.k.a. Prince of Hell (PoH), leader of laughing coffin
あくまの こ [悪魔 子]
Unforgivable (well, Eiji said something like “you’re the one I’ll never forgive!”, but I just caught the not forgive part)
ゆるさない [許さない]
“I won’t lose!” - Asuna fighting PoH, thinking she won’t lose to someone who is just inspired by hatred
まけない [負けない]
“So, let’s go. Together. No matter where” - Eugeo to Kirito when they’re waking him up
さ、いこ. いっしょに . どこまでも.
anywhere; for all time; to the ends of the earth - Eugeo said to Kirito something like “Let’s go. Together. どこまでも”
じゅつ [術]
art; technique / skill; magic
しつれい [失礼]
discourtesy; impoliteness / excuse me; goodbye - Kirito used it in the second way when picking up Asuna after defeating PoH and flying away to catch up with Alice
“Alice is a kind person” - Asuna to Rinko when she stays behind and asks her to take her of her
アリスは やさしい ひと です [アリスは優しい人です]
かまいませんよ [構いませんよ]
“I don’t mind” - Alice when reporter asks to see her “brain” to see she’s not a human/robot. Can also translate to “no problem” or “it doesn’t matter”
To give up
あきらめる [諦める]
“Look at that” - kikuoka to the computer guy when he sees Kirito’s, uh, brain (?) reactivating
あれを みろ.
“It’s been a while, huh?” - Kirito after waking up and seeing Alice
ひさしぶりだね [久しぶりだね]
“You are my hope” - Kirito to Alice when she asks what she means to him
きみは おれの きぼうだ [きみはおれの希望だ]
それでは [其れでは]
It can be translated as “well then…” (or as: in that situation; in which case). Kirito used it before hanging up the phone
“She wasn’t mad” - Kirito to Alice, saying Rinko wasn’t mad at her for escaping
おこってなかったよ [怒ってなかったよ]
To get angry
おこる [怒る]
Black swordsman
くろの けんし [黒の剣士]
“I’ll be sure to do so”/”I promise I’ll do so” - Kirito to his parents when talking about his future
かならず そう する [必ずそうする]
“I’m counting on you” - Kirito kindly to Yui when she said she’d save them if anything happened going back to the underworld
たよりにしてるよ [頼りにしてるよ]
“I am here” - Alice to her world when they return
To keep (a person) waiting
またせる [待たせる]