[Anime] Spy x Family Flashcards
Twilight - Twilight’s secret agent code name
たそがれ [黄昏]
Adventure! - Anya said this when Twilight said he was going out
ぼうけん [冒険]
Enemy - Twilight said it would be harder to handle an enemy ambush if he was holding Anya’s hand
えらい, えらい!
(It’s) Great, great! - Twilight when Anya asked if she had done good after passing the admission exam
(Physical) mail - Anya told Twilight they had gotten some when the postman left her admission letter
ゆうびん [郵便] - mail service; postal service; mail; post
また その はなし[話]
“That conversation/subject again u.u” - Yor when her brother brought up her being single. 話 seems to be chat; conversation // topic; subject // rumor // tale
“I can’t go to the party” - Yor after she noticed her only dress had broken after a fight
さびしい [寂しい]
Lover (/bf/gf/so) - Yor asked Twilight if he could pretend to be hers
こいびと [恋人]
Princess of thorns - Yor’s assassin nickname
いばら ひめ[姫] <– It’s kinda easy, cuz we know “princess” and ばら is rose
Bathtub - Anya when showing Yor the different things in the bathroom (think it was a bathtub)
ふろ [風呂]. Can also refer to the entire bathroom, or to a bath (as in, taking a bath), it seems
“Welcome!” - Anya when Yor enters her room during her house tour
Room - Yor said Anya’s room was beautiful
へや [部屋]
それほど でも [それ程でも]
“it’s not that impressive, really” - Twilight when Yor was impressed at how good his cookies were. それ程 seems to be “to that degree/extent”, so it’s kinda like “To that degree, tho… (not really)”
アーニャ たのみます [頼みます]
Yor said this to Twilight before giving Anya to him and taking down the leader of the cows
何でもいい [なんでもいい]
it doesn’t matter what; anything is fine - Anya when assigning roles, when she got to (drunk) Yor during their pretend spy mission
“The other day” - Lady that makes their clothes said Yor should’ve told him they were married the other day they went there together. Also, the woman from the spy org asked Twi what the expenses from the other day were for
せんじつ [先日] <– the other day; a few days ago
“Seems like it” - Twi when Anya asks him if her clothes are ready after he got a call
Furniture - Woman from spy org complained they payed for a bunch of it for the castle
かぐ [家具]
だまれ [黙れ]
“Shut up” - Damian & co say this quite a bit. 黙る means to be silent; to say nothing
Secret Police - Yuri is part of it
ひみつ[秘密] けいさつ [警察]
“It was not pure luck or something” - Buff kid when Damian says him eliminating 4 kids in 1 shot was just luck or something
まぐれ [紛れ] なんかじゃない <– 紛れ is fluke; pure luck. なんか seems to be “something like …; the likes of …” and Jisho says it’s oft. scornful or dismissive, so it matches Damien’s personality
おんがく [音楽]
“Bubbly bubbles” - Anya said she saw these and that’s how she noticed the kid was drowning
あわ [泡] ぶくぶく. 泡 means bubbles/foam, and is a common word. ぶくぶく is an onomatopeya, I think, and is less common
“Reward” - Anya’s friend asked what she’d ask for as a reward for saving the kid and getting a stella
ほうび [褒美]
“I want a castle!” - Anya said this is what she wanted as a price for getting a Stella
しろ [城] ほしい [欲しい] <– 城 is castle, and 欲しい is wanting (to have); desiring; wishing for
“That is a bit unreasonable, don’t you think?” - Anya’s friend when Anya said she wanted a Castle as a reward
それは ちょっと[一寸] むり [無理] じゃない かしら <– 無理 is unreasonable; unjustifiable // impossible. かしら is “I wonder; do you think?” (mostly used by females tho)
“It’s a coincidence” - Twilight when the old lady says she’s impressed he already had plans to go to the aquarium, where his new mission would be
たまたま [偶々] です
“Octopus” - Anya saw one at the aquarium
たこ [蛸]
“Mom, I’m being kidnapped!” - Anya pretending to be kidnapped by the enemy spy so Yor would stop him
はは、ゆうかいされる! [誘拐される]
The literal translation is “No, far from it!”. Twilight said it when the neighbours said he was a great father, so he used it more like “You flatter me” (that was the translation anyway) before saying he’s just a dad tying to not stumble too much
Rabbit - Anya was excited to see some in the pet adoption event
うさぎ [兎]
We’re matching! - Anya to Becky when they both went to school with the keychains Anya bought
おそろい [お揃い] - matching (clothing); going together