Corrections - Respiratory Flashcards
What is the most common cause of an exudative pleural effusion?
Give some causes of an exudative pleural effusion
1) infection:
- pneumonia
- TB
- subphrenic abscess
2) connective tissue disease:
- RA
3) neoplasia:
- lung cancer
- mesothelioma
- metastases
4) pancreatitis
5) PE
6) Dressler’s syndrome
7) yellow nail syndrome
What is the most common cause of a transudative pleural effusion?
Heart failure
Give some causes of a transudative pleural effusion
1) HF
2) hypoalbuminaemia:
- liver disease
- nephrotic syndrome
- malabsorption
3) hypothyroidism
4) Meig’s syndrome
Can a PE cause a transudative or exudative pleural effusion?
Can Meig’s syndrome cause a transudative or exudative pleural effusion?
Transmission of which type of infection is most likely to occur following a platelet transfusion?
As platelet concentrates are generally stored at room temperature they provide a more favourable environment for bacterial contamination than other blood products.
Who is sarcoidosis more common in?
young adults and in people of African descent
What are the acute features of sarcoidosis?
1) erythema nodosum
2) bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy
3) swinging fever
4) polyarthralgia
I.e. Painful shin rash + cough –> think sarcoidosis
What triad of symptoms is seen in a fat embolism?
1) respiratory
2) neurological
3) petechial rash (tends to occur after the first 2 symptoms)
What is bronchiectasis?
a permanent dilatation of the airways secondary to chronic infection or inflammation.
Features of bronchiectasis?
1) persistent productive cough: large volumes of sputum
2) dyspnoea
3) haemoptysis
4) signs:
- coarse crackles
- wheeze
What treatment is indicated in a pneumonia with CURB 65 score of 0-1?
Consider outpatient treatment with single Abx.
What treatment is indicated in a pneumonia with CURB 65 score of 2?
Consider short inpatient treatment and dual Abx
What treatment is indicated in a pneumonia with CURB 65 score of 3?
Consider in patient treatment and IV dual Abx
What treatment is indicated in a pneumonia with CURB 65 score of 4-5?
Inpatient therapy in HDU/specialist care with IV dual Abx.
The CURB-65 score is often used to choose Abx therapy.
What Abx is indicated in patients with a CURB-65 score of 0-1?
Amoxicillin or doxycycline (oral)
What Abx is indicated in patients with a CURB-65 score of 2?
Amoxicillin and clarithromycin (oral or IV)
What Abx is indicated in patients with a CURB-65 score of 3?
IV co-amoxiclav and clarithromycin
What Abx is indicated in patients with a CURB-65 score of 4-5?
IV co-amoxiclav and clarithromycin
When is a PE classed as ‘provoked’?
If occurs WITHIN 3 months of transient risk factor e.g. surgery.
Who may a V/Q scan be used in instead of a CTPA in a PE?
Contrast allergy, pregnancy, young female, children.
Features of a ‘massive’ PE?
1) Hypotension
2) Cardiac arrest
Features of a ‘sub-massive’ PE?
1) hypoxia
2) cardiac ECHP or ECG features of right heart strain
3) positive cardiac biomarker e.g. troponin