contrasting prefixes Flashcards
Without a prefix, the root traumatic means?
pertaining to injury
a (ah or long “a” sound) means?
without or no
Atraumatic means?
without injury
Without a prefix, the root uria means?
An (ahn) means?
without or no
Anuria means?
absence of urine
ab (ahb) means?
away from
abduction means?
to take away from the midline
ad - (ahd) means?
Adduction means?
move toward the midline
Without a prefix, the root emetic means?
pertaining to vomiting
Anti- means?
Antiemetics means?
work against or prevent vomiting
Dys ((dihs) means?
difficult, painful,or bad
Dysphagia means?
difficulty eating or swallowing
Eu- (yoo) means?
good, easy, or normal
Euthyroid means?
having a normally functining thyroid gland
Endo means?
without or inside
Endocrine means?
to secrete internally
Ex- (ehcks) or exo- means?
without, out of, outside, or away from
Exocrine means?
to secrete externally (via a duct)
Endoparasite means?
an organism that lives within the body of the host
Hyper means?
elevated, higher, or more than normal
Hyperglycemia means?
elevated amounts of blood glucose
Hypo - means?
depressed, lower, or less than normal
Inter- means?
Intercostal means?
between the ribs
Intra- means?
Intramuscular means?
within the muscle
Poly- means?
many or excessive
Polyuria means?
excessive amount or frequency of urination
Oligo- means?
scant or little
Olguria means?
scant amount or frequency of urination
Pre- means?
Preanesthetic means?
pertaining to before anesthesia
post- means?
Postanesthetic means?
pertaining to after anesthesia
Sub means?
below, under, or less
Sublingual means?
under the tongue
Super and supra means?
above, beyond, or excessive
Supernumerary means?
more than the regular number
Suprascaplar means?
above the shoulder blade
Preoperative means?
before or preceding an operation
Peri- means?
Perioperative means?
pertaining to the period around an operation or the period before, during, and after an operation
Postoperative means?
after an operation