Ch 3 the skeleton Flashcards
The skeleton is divided into two parts, what are they?
axial skeleton and appendicular skeleton
Define axial skeleton
is the framework of the body that includes the skull, (sometimes) hyoid bones, vertebral column, ribs, and sternum
Define the appendicular skeleton
the framework of the body that consists of the extremities, shoulder, and pelvic girdle, includes the bones of the front and hind limbs
Appen- means to …?
add or hang - think of the appendages or extremities as structures that hang from the axial skeleton
What does the axial skeleton protect?
the major organs of the nervous, respiratory, and circulatory systems
in the skull in the cranium, define cranium
the portion of the skull that encloses the brain
What does the combining form crani/o mean?
Define incisive bones
forms the rostral part of the hard palate and lower edge of nares
What are air or fluid-filled spaces called in the skull?
What forms the skull?
many individual bones - not just one bone
What are some skull shapes in dogs?
Brachycephalic, Dolichocephalic, Mesocephalic or Mesaticephalic
Define Brachycelphalic and give an example of what dog would have this shape of skull?
short, wide heads - pug, pekingese, bulldog
Define Dolichocephalic and give an example of what dog would have this shape of skull?
narrow, long heads - collies and greyhounds
Define Mesocephalic and give an example of what dog would have this shape of skull?
have average width to their heads - Labrador retrievers
Which breed and what shape of skull are a concern when doing anesthesia?
Pug, Pekingese, and Bulldogs - have a smash looking face and its hard to keep the mask on face
Shape is Brachycephalic
Define vertebral column?
supports the head and body and provides protection for the spinal cord
What is the vertebral column also called?
the spinal column and backbone
The vertebral column is comprised of …?
individual bones called vertebra
What is the plural form of vertebra?
What does the combining form spondyl/o mean?
What does the combining form vertebr/o mean?
Define vertebral formulae
a shorthand for showing how many vertebrae an animal has of each type/section
What is the vertebral formulae for dogs and cats?
C=7, T = 13, L= 7, S=3, Cy = 6-23
What is the vertebral formulae for horses?
C = 7, T = 18, L = 5 - 6, S = 5, Cy = 15 - 21
What are the parts of a vertebra?
Body, arch, lamina, vertebral foramen, processes, and intervertebral discs
A part of the vertebrae is the body, define it
it is the solid portion ventral to the spinal cord
A part of the vertebrae is the arch, define it
the dorsal part of the vertebra that surrounds the spinal cord
Name the parts of the vertebral body

- spinous process 2. lamina 3. foramen
- transverse process 5. vertebral foramen
- lamina 7. arch - shaded area
A part of the vertebrae is the lamina, define it
it is the left or right dorsal half of the arch
What does process mean and what do they do?
process means projection - they project from the vertebrae
A part of the vertebrae is the spinous process, define it
it is a single projection from the dorsal part of the vertebral arch
A part of the vertebrae is the transverse process, define it
they project laterally from the right and left sides ofthe vertebral arch
Define articular processes
are paired cranial and caudal projections located on the dorsum of the vertebral arch
A part of the vertebrae is the foramen, define it
means opening
A part of the vertebrae is the vertebral foramen, define it
the opening in the middle of the vertebra through which the spinal cord passes
The vertebrae are separated and cushioned from each other by cartilage discs called…?
intervertebral discs
Other axial skeleton parts are ribs and sternum - define ribs
paired bones that attach to the thoracic vertebrae
Other axial skeleton parts are ribs and sternum - define sternum
or breastbone, forms the midline vertral portion of the rib cage
Define manubrium
the cranial portion of the sternum
Define the body of the sternum
the middle portion
Define xyphoid process
the caudal portion of the sternum
What makes up the thoracic cavity?
the ribs, sternum, and thoracic vertebrae
The thoracic cavity or rib cage does what?
protects the heart and lungs
The appendicular skeleton is composed of …?
the bones of the limbs
The bones of the front limb from proximal to distal consist of ..?
scapula, clavical, humerus, radius, ulna, carpal bones, metacarpal bones (cannon bone in livestock) and phalanges
What bone is a large trangular bone onthe side of the thorax?
the scapula or shoulder blade
What bone is a slender bone that connects the sternum to the scapula?
clavical or collar bone
Some animals species have only a ______ or rudimentary, clavical.
Other animal species do not have a clavical. What are some of those species?
swine, ruminants, and equine
What bone is the long bone of the proximal front limb?
The humerus is sometimes called the …?
What are the two bones of the forearm or distal front limb?
radius and ulna
The region that the radius and ulna are in is called the …?
Ante- means?
What is the bone that is cranial bone of the front limb?
What bone is the caudal bone of the front limb?
The ulna has a proximal projection called the …?
True or False Some species have a fused radius and ulna.
What bones are irregularly shaped in the area known as the wrist in people?
What are these bones called in small animals and the joint in large animals?
carpal bones
carpus - small animals
knee - large animals
What are the bones found distal to the carpus?
Meta means?
The metacarpals are identified by numbers from _____ to ______.
medial to lateral
What is digit one in dogs and cats?
What digit does equine species have?
Digit 3
What digits do the species with cloven or split hooves have with 2 and 5 as dewclaws?
3 and 5
What plalanges in the horse do not articulate with the metacarpals or metatarsals?
2 and 4
Metatarsals and metacarpals 2 and 5 are commonly called?
splint bones
Splint bones attached by _______ ligament to the large third metacarpal or metatarsal (cannon bone).
interosseous ligament
What are the bones of the digits called?
the phalanges
Phalanges are numbered from _____ to ______.
proximal to distal
What is the long pastern bone in livestock called?
phalanx 1 = P1
What is the short pastern bone in livestock called?
phalanx = P2
What is called the nail or claw in small animals and called the coffin bone in livestock?
phalanx 3 = P3
The combining form onych/o means?
One digit is called the …?
Most digits have ___ phallanges, but the most medial phalanx (digit 1) has only ____ plahlanges
3 and 2
The joint between metacarpal (metatarsal) 3 and the digit is the ..?
fetlock joint
The bones of the rear limb include the …?
pelvis, femur, patella, tibia, fibula, tarsals, metatarsals (cannon bone in livestock), and phalanges
What bone consist of 3 pairs of bones, ilium, ischium, and pubis
the pelvis or hip
What bones of the pelvis is the largest pair and blade-shaped?
What bones of the pelvis is the caudal pair of bones?
What bones of the pelvis is the ventral pair of bones that are fused on midline by a cartilaginous joint (pubic symphysis)
What is the large socket of the pelvic bone that forms when the three bones meet?
the acetabulum
The acetabulum forms the _____ and _____ with the femur.
ball and socket
What is the proximal long bone of the rear leg?
femur or thigh bone
What is a large sesamoid bone in the rear limb?
What is the joint that houses the patella?
What is the bone of the distal long bones that is the larges and more weight-bearing bone of the two?
What is the long, slender bone in the distal long bones?
What are the irregularly shaped bones found in the area known as the ankle in people and what is this same bone in large animals? What is it called in small animals?
tarsal bones, hock, tarsus
What is the long, lateral tarsal bone located in the proximal row of tarsal bones?