Chapter 12 - reproduction Flashcards
oligo- is the prefix for
scant for few
What is pneumovagina?
conformational defect in the perineum of cows and mares that allow air to enter the vagina; also called windsuckers
What is an ovarian cyst?
collection of fluid or solid material in the female gonad
What is orchitis?
inflammation of the gonads of the male; also called testitis
What is oligospermia?
deficient amount of sperm in semen
What is epididymitis?
inflammation of the epididymis
What is an ectopic pregnancy?
fertilized ovum implanted outside the uterus
What is dystocia?
difficult birth; female is having difficulty expelling the fetus
The scrotum or scrotal sac is the …?
external pouch that encloses and supports the testes
The structures of the male reproductive systems include?
- scrotum
- testes
- vas deferens
- epididymis
- accessory sex glands
- urethra
- penis
the male reproductive system is responsible for..?
the production & delivery of sperm to the egg to create life
Genit/o refers to?
the organs of reproduction
The reproductive organs are called?
genitals or gonads
The combining form for the epididymis?
What is epididymis?
the tube at the upper part of each testis that secretes part of the semen before ejaculation & provides a passageway for sperm
The combining forms for spermatozoa?
sperm/o, spermat/o
The testes make..?
spermatozoa - is the main function
Testis is..?
the singular form of testes
The combining forms for the testes are?
test/o, testicul/o, orch/o, orchi/o, orchid/o
What are the testes or testicles?
the male sex glands that produce spermatozoa (sperm)
The combining form for the perineum is..?
What is the perineum?
the area between the scrotum and the anus in males
The combining form for the scrotum is…?
The structures of the female reproductive system include?
- ovary
- uterus
- uterine tubes
- cervix
- vagina
- vulva
- mammary glands
The female reproductive system is responsible for…?
the creation and support of new life
The combining forms for the penis are..?
pen/i, priap/o
the penis is …?
the male sex organ that carries reproductive and urinary products out of the body
The combining form for the urethra is..?
The urethra is?
a tube passing through the penis to the outside of the body that serves the reproductive and urinary systems
The accessory sex glands includes?
seminal vesicles
bulbourethral gland
What are the seminal vesicles?
secrete a thick, yellow substance, nourishes the sperm
What is the prostate?
secretes thick fluid that aids in the mobility of the sperm
What is the bulbourethral gland?
2 glands on either side of the urethra - secrete thick mucus that acts as a lubricant for sperm
What is the ductus deferens?
the tube connected to the epididymis that carries sperm into the pelvic region toward the urethra
Teratogens are?
substances that produce defects in the fetus
The uterus is?
a thick-walled, hollow organ with muscular walls, and a mucous membrane lining that houses the developing embryos pregnant females
The uterine tubes are…?
paired tubes that extend from the cranial portion of the uterus to the ovary (not attached to the ovary)
The combining form for the uterine tubes are…?
The uterine tubes carry..?
ova from the ovary to the uterus and transport sperm traveling up from uterus
The combining forms for ovary are…?
ovari/o, oophor/o
The ovaries produce?
estrogen, progesterone, & ova (eggs)
The ovaries are…?
a small pair of organs located in the caudal abdomen
- female gonad
What is cryptorchidism?
developmental defect in which one or both testes fail to descend into the scrotum; also called undescended testicle(s)
What is cervicitis?
inflammation of the neck of the uterus
What is benign prostatic hypertrophy?
abnormal noncancerous enlargement of the prostate; also called prostatomegaly or enlarged prostate
What is azoospermia?
absence of sperm
What is ultrasound?
diagnostic test using high-frequency waves to evaluate internal structures.
What is ultrasonography?
works well in evaluating the uterus during pregnancy because the fluid present in the uterus helps define structures
What is radiography?
procedure in which film is exposed as ionizing radiation passes through the patient and shows the internal body structures in profile
What is paraphimosis?
retraction of the skin of the prepuce causing a painful swelling of the glans penis that prevents the penis from being retracted; the penis is extruded from the prepuce due to the small orifice.
What is mastitis?
inflammation of the mammary gland(s)
What is pseudohermaphroditism?
the condition of having gonads of one sex but the physical characteristics of both sexes
What is hermaphroditism?
condition of having both ovarian and testicular tissue
What is fibroid?
benign tumor arising from the smooth muscle of the uterus also called leiomyoma
Mutagens are ?
substances that produce change or that create genetic abnormalities
What is amniocentesis?
surgical puncture with a needle through the abdominal & uterine walls to obtain amniotic fluid to evaluate the fetus
Parturition is divided into stages, what are they?
1st stage - dilation of the cervix
2nd stage - uterine contractions and delivery of the fetus
3rd stage - separation of the placenta from the uterus
The combining form for giving birth is …?
The act of giving birth is called?
The combining forms for gestation are…?
gest/o & gestat/o
Gestation is …?
the period of development of the fetus in the uterus from conception to parturition and is the term more used in animals
The combining form for pregnancy is…?
Pregnancy is…?
the condition of having a developing fetus in the uterus & is the time period between conception and parturition
The outermost layer of the placenta is …?
chorion - protective wall connects to uterus
What is the allantois?
the innermost layer of the placenta that forms a sac between itself and the amnion
What is the amnion?
the innermost membrane that envelopes the fetus in the placenta - waste is collected here
The combining form for umbilicus is…?
The umbilicus is…?
the structure that forms on the abdominal wall where the umbilcal cord was connected to the fetus
The umbilical cord is ?
the structure that forms where the fetus communicates with the placenta
The placenta is often referred to as…?
the afterbirth
The placenta is…?
the female organ of mammals that develops during pregnancy & joins mother and offspring for exchange of nutrients, oxygen & waste products
The combining forms for the mammary glands are?
mamm/o & mast/o
Mammary glands are…?
- composed of connective tissue organized into lobes, lobules, and alveoli
- milk producing glands in females
The number of mammary glands varies with the species. Litter-bearing species have _____. Large animals have an ______ with ______.
udder with teats
The combining forms for the vulva are..?
vulv/o and episi/o
The vulva consists of the ..?
vaginal orifice vestibular glands clitoris hymen urethral
The perineum is…?
the region between the vaginal orifice and the anus in females
The vulva is…?
the external opening to the urogenital tract that leads into the vagina
The combining forms for the vagina are..?
colop/o, vagin/o
The vagina accepts the penis during_____.
The vagina is…?
the muscular tube lined with mucosa that extends from the cervix to the outside of the body
The combining form for the cervix is…?
The reproductive system is responsible for…?
the act of producing offspring
-both male and female organs are needed
Theriogenology means?
animal reproduction
The cervix prevents?
foreign substances from entering the uterus
The cervix is …?
the caudal continuation of the uterus & the cranial continuation of the vagina
The combining forms for the uterus are…?
hyster/o, metr/o, metri/o, uter/o