Ch 10 - Skin deep Flashcards
Where and what is the integumentary system?
where - on the outside what - skin
The skin is composed of what kind is of tissue?
epithelium tissue - does not contain blood vessels
What is epithelial tissue sometimes called?
What are the combining forms for skin?
cutane/o, derm/o, and dermat/o
The suffix -derma means…?
What does Dermatology mean?
the study of the skin
The skin is made up of 3 levels, what are they?
The epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous layer
The prefix epi- means?
The epidermis is sometimes called?
vascular layer
The epidermis depends on the deepest layer for …?
The thickest layers of the epidermis are found in the areas of greatest exposure such as…?
foot pads and teats
The epidermis is made up of what kind of cells?
squamous epithelium cells
What is the squamous epithelium composed of?
composed of flat, plate-like cells- arranged in many layers
What is the deepest layer of the epidermis?
the basal layer- cells layer, multiply and push upward
As the cells move superficially they…?
die and become filled with keratin
What is keratin?
a protein that provides skin with its waterproofing properties
The combining form for keratin is…?
kerat/o -also means horny or cornea
The basal layer also contains melanocytes. What do they do?
they produce and contain a black pigment
What is the black pigment that melanocytes produce called?
What is the combining form that means black or dark?
What does the melanin do?
it protects the skin from some of the harmful rays of the sun and is responsible for skin pigmentation
What is the absence of normal pigmentation called?
What does true albinism mean?
the hair, skin, and eyes have no pigmentation
The dermis is…?
the layer directly deep to the eipidermis
What is the dermis also called?
the corium
The dermis is composed of …?
blood and lymph vessels, nerve fibers, the accessory organs of the skin, and connective tissue
The connective tissue of the dermis contains what cells?
fibroblasts, collagen, histiocytes, mast cells, histamine, heparin, perception (tactile perception)
What are fibroblasts?
fiber-producing cells (collagen is the major fiber in the dermis)
What is collagen?
tough, flexible, fibrous protein found in skin, bone, cartilage, tendons, and ligaments
Kolla in Greek means..? and -gen means…?
Kolla means glue and -gen means produce
What does histiocytes mean?
phagocytic cells (a cell that eats) that engulf foreign substances; also called tissue macrophages
What are mast cells?
cells that respond to insult by producing and releasing histamine and heparin
What is histamine?
chemical released in response to allergens that causes itching
What is heparin?
anticoagulant chemical released in response to injury
What is perception?
ability to recognize sensory stimuli - recognizes temperature, touch, pain, and pressure
What is tactile perception?
the ability to recognize touch sensation
What is the subcutaneous layer or hypodermis?
located deep to or under the dermis and is composed of connective tissue
The subcutaneous layer is contains a large amount of…?
fat or lipid
Adipocytes are …?
fat cells that produce lipid
Adip/o is the combining form for…?
What are the layers of the epidermis?
1 - stratum corneum 2 - stratum lucidum 3. stratum granulosum 4. stratum spinosum 5. stratum basale
What is stratum corneum?
most superficial layer of the epidermis - consists of layers of dead, highly keratinized and flattened cells
What is called the horny layer?
stratum corneum
What is stratum lucidum?
layer immediately superficial to the stratum granulosum - is clear because of accumulation of keratin fibers (found in areas of high wear and tear such as foot pads)
What is stratum granulosum?
layer immediately superficial to the stratum spinosum.
What is stratum spinosum?
layer immediately superficial to the stratum basale - Keratinization desquamation begins in this layer
What is keratinization?
the development of the hard, protein constituent of hair, nails, epidermis, horny structures and tooth enamel
What is desquamation?
the process in which cell organelles gradually dissolve.
The stratum spinosum layer is also called …?
the prickle or spinous layer
What is stratum basale or stratum germinativum?
deepest or basal layer that continually multiplies to replenish cells lost from the epidermal surface
Appendages or structures associated with the skin include…?
glands, hair, fur, wool, feather, scale, claws, beaks, horns, and nails
What two main categories of skin glands are there?
sebaceous and sweat glands
Sebaceous glands or oil glands secrete an oily substance called?
Seb/o is the combining form that means…?
sebum or oily substance
Where are sebaceous glands located?
in the dermis and are closely associated with hair follicles
What are ducts?
tubelike passages - tiny ducts are called ductules
Why are sebaceous glands considered holocrine glands?
because the secreting cells and their secretions make up the discharge produced.
Where are sebaceous glands found?
in anal sacs, glands that produce musk, and circumoral and supracaudal glands, which cats use to mark territory when they groom and rub their tail
Sweat or sudoriferous glands are…?
aggregations of cells that are located in the dermis
Sweat glands are divided into 2 types, what are they?
eccrine glands and apocrine glands
What are Eccrine sweat glands and what do they produce and secrete?
are tiny, coiled glands that have ducts that open directly onto the skin surface through pores They produce and secrete water, salt, and waste (sweat)
Eccrine sweat glands are located…?
in various regions of the body depending on the species
What are apocrine glands and what do they produce and secrete?
found throughout the body and the free end or apical end of the cell is cast off along with the secretory products They produce and secrete a strong-smelling substance into the hair follicles
What do sweat glands do?
help regulate body temperature against hyperthermia and hypothermia
What is hyperthermia and hypothermia?
hyperthermia - high body temperture hypothermia - low body temperture
Hidrosis is ….?
the production and excretion of sweat
The combining form hidr/o means…?
Anhidrosis is…?
the abnormal reduction of sweating
Hyperhidrosis is …?
excessive sweating
Ceruminous glands are…?
modified sweat glands that are located in the ear canal
The ceruminous glands secrete…?
cerumen - ear wax
What is hair?
rodlike fibers made of dead protein cells filled with keratin
Pil/i, pil/o, and trich/o are the combining forms that mean…?
What is the portion called that extends beyond the skin surface?
hair shaft
What is the hair shaft composed of …?
the cuticle cortex and medulla
The main component of the hair shaft is … and what is it responsible for?
cortex for coat color
What is the innermost component of the hair shaft?
What are hair follicles?
sacs that hold the hair fibers
What is the arrector pili?
a tiny muscle attached to the hair follicle that causes the hair to stand erect in response to cold temperatures or stress
What is it called when a dog “raises his hackles”?
piloerection - condition of hair standing straight up
What does guard hairs include?
tail and mane hair, bristly hair of swine and most of the fur hair
What are guard hairs, or primary hairs, or topcoat?
long, straight, stiff hairs that form the outer coat
What are secondary hairs or undercoat?
finer, softer, and wavy hair - include wool and wavy hair located near the skin of rabbits
What is tactile hair?
long, brittle, extremely sensitive hairs usually located on the face
What is vibrissae?
a form of tactile hairs but are longer than tactile hairs such as cat’s whiskers
What is cilia in hair and what is an example?
thin, short hairs - an example - eyelashes
What is simple pattern hair growth?
guard hairs that grow from separate follicular openings, as in cattle
What is compound pattern hair growth?
multiple guard hairs that grow from single follicles, as in dogs
Shedding is …?
normal hair loss caused by temperature, hormones, photoperiod (light), nutrition, and other nondisease causes
What do foot pad or tori provide?
cushioning and protection for the bones of the foot
Dogs and cats have _____ pads on the palmar and plantar surfaces of the phalanges.
Metacarpal and Metatarsal pads are..?
singular pads located on the palmar and plantar surfaces of the metacarpal and metatarsal areas
Carpal pads are located…?
on the palmar surface of each carpus
Carpal pads do not _____ the weight when the animal is standing.
Dogs and cats are called _______ animals because they walk on their toes, with only the digital and metacarpal and metatarsal pads making contact with the ground.
_______ animals have well-developed foot pads, such as those in primates
________ animals walk with phalanges, metacarpals and metatarsals, and carpal and tarsal bones making contact with the ground
In dogs and cats _____ and _____ are keratin plates covering the _____ surface of the _____ phalanx.
nails and claws dorsal distal
The dorsal and lateral surface of the claw is covered by the ______, and the ventral surface is the ____.
wall sole
What is the quick?
sensitive skin that is beneath the wall and sole containing numerous blood vessels and nerve endings
Name the parts of the cat’s foot

______ is the term used to describe trimming thenail or claw to the level of the dermis.
The combining form onych/o means…?
_______ are the horny covering of the distal phalanx in ungulates or hooved animals such as equine, ruminants, and swine
What are ungulates?
hooved animals such as equine, ruminants and swine
The combining form ungul/o means…?
In ruminants and swine, the foot pad is called the …?
bulb or heel
The pad of equine is called the …?
The _____ is the dermis of the hoof and is located under the epidermal surface of the hoof wall, sole, and frog.
The corium corresponds to the _____.
Vestigial or rudimentary, structures of the integumentary system include…?
dewclaws, chestnuts and ergots
______ are rudimentary bones
The dewclaw in dogs is the _____ digit, whereas in cloven-hoofed animals, the dewclaws are digits _____ and _____.
1st digit - II and V
Chestnuts and ergots are _____ pads in equine.
______ are located on the medial surface of the leg; in the front leg, they are located above the _____, and in the hind leg, they are located below the _____.
Chestnuts - knee - hock
Chestnuts correspond to ____ pads in the dog.
_____ are located in a tuff ofhair onthe fetlock joint.
Ergots correspond to ______ pads in the dog
The equine hoof is divided into various regions - what are they?
the coronary band, periople, wall, bars, sole, bulb, and frog
What is the corronary band?
it is the region where hoof meets the skin - like the cuticle of the human nail
The coronary band is the site of hoof wall growth; also called…?
the coronet
What is the periople?
a flaky tissue band located at the junction of the coronary band and the hoof wall and extends distally. It also widens at the heel to cover the bulbs of the heel
What is the wall?
epidermal tissue that includes the toe (front), quarters (sides), and heels (back)
What are the bars?
raised v-shaped structure on ventral surface of hoof. Bars are located on either side of the frog
What is the sole?
softer hoof tissue located on the ventral surface of the hoof - bottom of the hoof
What is the frog?
v-shaped pad of soft horn located in the central region of the ventral hoof surface of equine - located between the bars
What is the bulbs of the heel?
upward thickening of the frog above the heels of the wall
True or False No two chestnuts are alike and they do not change in size or shape throughout an equine’s life
What is cornification?
the coversion of epithelium into keratin or horn
Breeds that are naturally hornless are called…?
What is the velvet on antlers?
What causes the antlers to be shed?
when the deer rub off the velvet(after it dies) on the antlers, the bone is exposed, the antlers lose their blood supply, and the antlers are eventuallyshed.
What is biopsy?
the removal of living tissue for examination of life.
The combining form bi/o means…?
The suffix -opsy means…?
view of
An incisional biopsy is…?
the removal of a piece of a tumor or lesion for examination
An incision is…?
a cut into tissue
An excisional biopsy?
the removal of an entire tumor or lesion in addition to a margin of surrounding tissue for examination
An excision is …?
a cut out of tissue
A needle biopsy is …?
is the insertion of a sharp instrument (needle) into a tissue for examination
Examination of biopsies involve the use of a ______.
What is culture?
diagnostic or research procedure used to allow microbes to reproduce in predetermined media (nutient source)
What is tissue culture?
takes epithelia cells and grows them in a medium so that intracellular microbes such as viruses can replicate
What is exfoliative cytology?
scraping of cells from tissue and examination under a microscope
What is exfoliative means…?
falling off
What is intradermal skin testing?
injection of test substances into the skin layer to observe a reaction used for diagnosis
What is atopy?
hypersensitivity reaction in animals involving pruritus with secondary dermatitis commonly called allergies or allergic dermatitis
Tuberculosis testing is called…?
purified protein derivative or PPD, testing
What is a skin scrape?
a microscopic examination of skin for the presence of mites
What is an abrasion?
injury in which superficial layers of skin ar scraped
What is an abscess?
localized collection of pus
What is acne?
skin inflammation caused by plugged sebaceous glands and comedone (blackheads) development from papules (raised skin lesion and pustules
What is chin acne?
a common condition in cats in which acne develops on the chin and lip area
What is acute moist dermatitis?
bacterial skin disease that is worsened by licking and scratching; also called hot spot
What is alopecia?
hair loss resulting in hairless patches or complete lack of hair
What is hypersensitization?
an increase response to an allergen
What is hyposensitization?
a decreased response to an allergen
What is a bullae or bulla (singlular form)?
multiple contained skin elevations filled with fluid that are greater than 0.5 cm in diameter.
What is a burn?
tissue injury caused by heat, flame, electricity, chemicals, or radiation
What is carbuncle?
cluster of furuncles
What is carcinoma?
malignant neoplasm of epithelial tissue
What is cellulitis?
inflammation of connective tissue.
When inflammation is diffused it means its…?
widespread or localized meaning within a well-defined area
What is comedo or comedones (plural form)?
blackhead or buildup of sebum and keratin in a pore
What is a contusion?
an injury that does not break the skin; characterized by pain, swelling, and discoloration
What is crust?
collection of dried sebum and cell debris
What is dermatitis?
inflammation of the skin
What is contact dermatitis?
inflammation of the skin caused by touching an irritant
What is dermatocellulitis?
inflammation of the skin and connective tissue
What is dermatomycosis?
abnormal skin condition caused by superficial fungus; also called dermatophytosis
What is dermatophytes?
are superficial fungi that are found on the skin. An example is a fungus that causes ringworm
What is dermatosis or dermatoses (plural)?
abnormal skin condition
What is discoid lupus erythematosus?
canine autoimmune disease in which the bridge of the nose (and sometmes the face and lips) exhibit depigmentation, erythema, scaling, and erosions - DLE
What is dyskeratosis?
abnormal alteration in keratinization
What is ecchymosis or ecchymoses (plural)?
purplish nonelevated patch of bleeding into the skin; also called a bruise
What is ecthyma?
skin infection with shallow eruptions caused by a pox virus also known as soremouth
What is eczema?
general term for inflammatory skin disease characterized by erythema, papules, vesicles, crusts, and scabs either alone or in combination
What is eosinophilic ganuloma complex?
collective name for autoimmune lesion of eosinophilic ulcer, eosinophilic plaque, and linear granuloma found in cats and rarely in dogs. Affects the skin, mucocutaneous junctions, and oral mucosa of cats, involving raised, ulcerated plaques
What is eosinophilic ulcer, or rodent ulcer is located…?
on the lip and oral mucosa of cats
What is eosinophilic plaques are …
raised pruritic lesions on the ventral abdomen of cats
What is linear granulomas located?
in a line usually on he caudal aspect of the hindlimb of cats
What is erythema?
skin redness
Erythematous means…?
pertaining to redness
What is erythroderma?
abnormal redness of skin occurring over a widespread area
The combining forms erythr/o, erythem/o, and erythemat/o mean…?
Exanthema or exanthem (singular) means…?
cutaneous rash caused by fever or disease
Feline miliary dermatitis means?
skin disease of cats in which multiple crusts and bumps are present predominantly on the dorsum; the disease can be associated with many causes
The fissure is …?
a cracklike sore
What is a fistula or fistulae (plural)?
abnormal passage from an internal organ to the body surface or between two internal organs.
What is a flea allergy dermatitis?
inflammation of the skin caused by an allergic reaction to flea saliva; abbreviation FAD.
An allergen is …?
a substance that produces an allergic response
What is footrot?
bacterial hoof disease that spreads from the interdigital skin to the deeper foot structures
What is frostbite?
tissue damage caused by extreme cold or contact with chemicals with extreme temperature (e.g. liquid nitrogen)
What is furuncle?
localized skin infection in a gland or hair follicle; also called a boil
Furunculosis means?
the abnormal condition of persistant boils over a period of time
Gangrene is…?
necrosis associated with loss of circulation
Necrosis means…?
condition of dead tissue
Necrotoic means…?
pertaining to dead tissue
Putrefaction means…?
decay that produces a foul smell
Granuloma means…?
small area of healing tissue
Hemangioma means…?
benign tumor composed of newly formed blood vessels
Hyperkeratosis or acanthokeratodermia means…?
increased growth of the horny layer of the skin
Infestations means…?
occupation and dwelling of a parasite on the external surface of tissue
Ectoparasites live on the _____ surface.
Ecto- means…?
A louse or lice (plural) is…?
a wingless parasitic
Pediculosis is…?
lice infestation
A mite is …?
an insect with a hard exoskeleton and paired, jointed legs
Mange is…?
a common term for skin disease caused by mites
Two different types of mange are…?
demodetic and sarcoptic
Chiggers are …?
an infestation by mite larvae that results in severe pruitus
Acariasis is…?
an infestation with ticks or mites
Maggots are …?
insect larvae found especially in dead or decaying tissue
Myiasis is…?
infestation by fly larvae
Keratosis or keratoses (plural) is …?
abnormal condition of epidermal overgrowth and thickening
Laceration is…?
accidental cut into the skin
Lesion is…?
a pathologic change of tissue; used to describe abnormalities in many locations
Lipoma is…?
benign growth of fat cells; also called fatty tumor; commonly seen in older dogs
Macule is …?
flat, discolored lesion less than 1 cm in diameter; also called macula
Melanoma is…?
tumor or growth of pigmented skin cells
Malignant melanoma is …?
the term used to describe cancer of the pigmented skin cells
One form is melanoma is amelanotic melanoma which is ….?
an unpigmented malignant melanoma
Nodule is …?
a small knot protruding above the skin
Onychomycosis is …?
superficial fungal infection of the claw
What are some examples of surface lesions?
papule, mascule, scale, wheal, plaque, patch, and a crust
A papule is…?
a small solid raised lesion that is less than 0.5 cm in diameter
A plaque is …?
a solid raised lesion that is greater than 0l5 cm in diameter
A macule is…?
a flat discolored lesion that is less than 1 cm in diameter
A patch is …?
a flat discolored lesion that is greater than 1 cm in diameter
A scale is…?
a flaking or dry patch made up of excess dead epidermal cells
A crust is …?
a collection of dried serum and cellular debris
A wheal is…?
a smooth, slightly elevated swollen area that is redder or paler than the surrounding skin. It is usually accompanied by itching
What are examples of surface lesions?
cyst, pustule, vesicle, bulla, ulcer, and fissure
What is a cyst?
a closed sac or pouch containing fluid or semisolid material
What is a pustule?
a small circumscribed elevation of the skin containing pus
What is a vesicle?
a circumscribed elevation of skin containing fluid that is less than 0.5 cm in diameter
A bulla is…?
a large vesicle that is more than 0.5 cm in diameter
An ulcer is…?
an open sore or erosion of the skin or mucous membrane resulting in tissue loss
A fissure of the skin is…?
a groove or crack-like sore
Two examples of fluid-filled lesions …are
ulcer and fissure
Pallor is…?
skin paleness
Papilloma is…?
benign epithelial growth that is lobed
parakeratosis is …?
lesion characterized by thick scales, cracking and red raw surface caused by the persistence of keratinocyte nuclei in the horny layer of skin
Parakeratosis is…?
lesion characterized by thick scales, cracking, and red raw surface caused by the persistence of keratinocyte nuclei in the horny layer of skin
Paronychia is …?
bacterial or viral infection of the claw
Patch is…?
localized skin color change greater than 1 cm diameter
Pemphigus is…?
group of immune mediated skin diseases characterized by vesicles, bullae, and ulcers
Pemphigus vulgaris is…?
the most common form which consists of shallow ulcerations frequently involving the oral mucosa and mucocutaneous junctions
Pemphix is Greek for…?
Petechiae or petechia (singular) is…?
a small, pinpoint hemorrhages
plaque is …?
solid raised lesion greater than 0.5 cm in diameter
Polyp is…?
a growth from mucous membrane
Pruritus means?
Purpura means?
condition characterized by hemorrhage into the skin that causes bruising.
The two types of purpura are…?
ecchymosis and petechia
Pustule means?
small, circumscribed, pus-filled skin elevation
Circumscribed means…?
contained in a limited area
Pyoderma means?
skin disease containing pus
Pus means?
an inflammatory product made up of leukocytes, cell debris, and fluid
Purulent means?
containing or producting pus
Puppy pyoderma is..?
a skin disease in puppies characterized by pus-containing lesions
Juvenile pyoderma is…?
a skin disease in puppies that progresses to a systemic disease characterized by fever,anorexia, and enlarged and abscessing lymph nodes, juvenile pyoderma - also called puppy strangles
Sarcoma is…?
a malignant neoplasm of soft tissue arising from connective tissue
Scale is…?
- a flake
Scar means…?
a mark left by a healing lesion where excess collagen was produced to replace injured tissue; also alled cicatrix which or ciatrices which are multiple scars
Sebaceous cyst is…?
closed sac of yellow fatty material
A cyst is..?
a closed sac containing fluid or semisolid material
Seborrhea is…?
a skin condition characterized by overproduction of sebum (oil)
Skin tag is…?
a small growth that hangs from the body by stalks
Ulcer means?
erosion of skin or mucous membrane
Decubital ulcers are?
erosions of skin or mucous membranes as a result of prolonged pressure; also called bedsores
Urticaria is …?
a localized areas of swelling that itch; also called hives
Verrucae are…?
Vesicle is…?
contained skin elevation, filled with fluid that is greater than 0.5 cm in diameter; also called a blister, bulla, or bleb
Wheal is…?
smooth, slightly raised swollen area that itches
Cauterization is…?
destruction of tissue using electric current, heat, or chemicals
Cryosurgery is…?
destruction of tissue using extreme cold
Debridement is…?
removal of tissue and foreign material to aid healing
Lance is…?
to open or pierce with a lancet (scalpel blade) to allow drainage; abscesses are lanced to drain the pus present in an area
Laser is a…?
device that transfers light into an intense beam for various purposes; acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation