Ch 2 Flashcards
What is the suffix that means the study of?
The study of the nature, causes, and development of abnormal conditions?
What is the study of changes in function caused by disease?
What is the study of disease causes?
What term is used to describe how the teeth are arranged in the mouth?
the dental arcade
Arcade means…?
a series of arches, which is how the teeth are arranged in the oral cavity
The aspect of the tooth that faces the tongue is what surface?
lingual surface
The tooth surface of the maxilla that faces the tongue is…?
the palatal surface
The tooth surface of the mandible that faces the tongue is…?
The lingual surface
What is the aspect of the tooth that faces the cheek?
buccal surface sometimes called vestibular surface
What is the aspect of the tooth that meet when you chew?
The occlusal surfaces
What is the tooth surface facing the lips?
the labial surface
What are the aspects of the tooth that touch other teeth?
contact surfaces
What are the contact surfaces divided into?
mesial and distal
What is the mesial surface?
the surface that is closest to the midline of the dental arcade or arch
What is the distal contact surface?
the surface that is furthest from the midline of the dental arcade
What is a body cavity?
a hole or hollow space in the body that contains and protects internal organs
What is the cranial cavity?
the hollow space that contains the heart and lungs within the ribs between the neck and diaphragm
What is the abdominal cavity?
the hollow space that contains the major organs of digestion located between the diaphragm and pelvic cavity
What is the peritoneal cavity?
the hollow space within the abdominal cavity between the parietal peritoneum and the visceral peritoneum
What is the pelvic cavity?
the hollow space that contains the reproductive and some excretory systems (urinary bladder and rectum) organs bounded by the pelvic bones
Where is the regional term abdomen located?
the portion of the body between the thorax and the pelvis containing the abdominal cavity
Where is the regional term thorax located?
in the chest region located between the neck and diaphragm
Where is the regional term groin located?
in the lower region of the abdomen adjacent to the thigh; also known as the inguinal area
What is the inguinal area also called?
the groin
What are membranes?
thin layers of tissue that cover a surface, line a cavity, or divide a space or an organ
What is the peritoneum?
the membrane lining the walls of the abdominal and pelvic cavities and it covers some organs in this area
What is the parietal peritoneum?
the outer layer of the peritoneum that lines the abdominal and pelvic cavities
What is the visceral peritoneum?
the inner layer of the peritoneum that surrounds the abdominal organs
What is inflammation of the peritoneum called?
What is the umbilicus?
the pit in the abdominal wall marking the point where the umbilical cord entered the fetus - also called the navel
What is the mesentery?
the layer of the peritoneum that suspends parts of the intestine in the abdominal cavity
What does retroperitoneal mean?
superficial to the peritoneum
What is the only medical term for lying down is …?
recumbent - modified depending on what side is facing down
What does lay mean?
to put, place, or prepare
What does laid mean?
past tense of lay
What is laying?
present tense of lay
What does lie mean?
to recline or be situated?
What does laid mean?
past tense of lie
What does lying mean?
present tense of lie
What does adduction mean?
movement toward the midline
What does abduction mean?
movement away from the midline
What does flexion mean?
closure of a joint angle, or reduction of the angle between two bones
What does extension mean?
straightening of a joint or an increase in the angle between two bones
What is hyperflexion and hyperextension?
occur when a joint is flexed or extended too far
Hyperflexion is the palmar or plantar movement of the joint angles. Hyperextension is the dorsal movement of the joints beyond the reference angle
What is supination?
the act of rotating the limb or body part so that the palmar surface is turned upward
What is pronation?
the act of rotating the limb or body part so that the palmar surface is turned downward
What is rotation?
another term of movement that means circular movement around an axis
What are cells?
the structural units of the body and are specialized and grouped together to form tissues and organs
What is the combining form for cell?
What is cytology?
the study of cells?
What does the suffix -logy mean?
the study of
Cytology means?
studying cell origin, structure, function, and pathology
What is the protoplasm?
what the the cell membrane, cytoplasm, and nucleus are collectively called
What does the suffix -plasm mean?
means formative material of cells
What is the combining form prot/o mean?
means first
What does cell membrane (or plasma membrane mean?
the structure lining the cell that protects the cell’s contents and regulates what goes in and out of the cell
What is cytoplasm?
the gelatinous material located in the cell membrane that is not part of the nucleus
What is the nucleus?
the structure in a cell that contains nucleoplasm, chromosomes, and the surrounding membrane
What is nucleoplasm?
the material in the nucleus
What are chromosomes?
the structures in the nucleus composed of DNA which transmits genetic information
What is genetic?
a term used to denote something that pertains to genes or heredity
What is a genetic disorder?
any inherited disease or condition caused by defective genes
What is congenital?
denotes something that is present at birth
What is an anomaly?
a deviation from what is regarded as normal
What is a tissue?
a group of specialized cells that is similar in structure and function
What is histology?
the study of the structure, composition, and function of tissue
What does the combining form hist/o mean?
the combining form for tissue
What are 4 types of tissue?
epithelial, connective, muscle and nervous
What is epithelial or epitheleum tissue?
covers, lines, and protects internal and external body surfaces. Also made up of tightly packed cells in a variety of arrangements
Epi- is a prefix that means…?
thel/o is a combining form that means…?
nipple - and any thin membrane
-um is a suffix that means…?
What is the epithelial tissue further divided into?
mesothelium and endothelium
What is endothelium?
the cellular covering that forms the lining of the internal organs including the blood vessels
Endo- is a prefix meaning…?
Mesothelium means…?
the cellular covering that forms the lining of serous membranes such as the peritoneum
The prefix meso- means…?
Connective tissue means…?
is another tissue type that adds support and structure to the body by holding organs in place and binding body parts together
What are some types of connective tissue?
bone, cartilage, dense connective tissue (found in tendons and ligaments), loose connective tissue, and blood
What is adipose tissue?
another form of connective tissue, known as fat
Adip/o is the combining form for…?
What is muscle tissue?
another tissue type that contains cell material with the specialized ability to contract and relax
What are the 3 muscle types that exist in animals?
skeletal, smooth, and cardiac
What is nervous tissue?
contains cells with the specialized ability to react to stimuli and conduct electrical impulses
The suffix -plasia means?
used to describe formation, development, and growth of tissue and cell numbers
The suffix -trophy means…?
formation, development, and increase in the size of tissue and cells
Anaplasia means?
a change in the structure of cells and their orientation to each other
Aplasia means?
lack of development of an organ or a tissue or a cell
Dysplasia means?
abnormal growth or development of an organ, a tissue or a cell
Hyperplasia means?
an abnormal increase in the number of normal cells in normal arrangement in an organ, a tissue, or a cell
Hypoplasia means?
incomplete or less than normal development of an organ, a tissue, or a cell
Neoplasia means?
any abnormal new growth of tissue in which multiplication of cells is uncontrolled, more rapid than normal, and progressive.
Tumors may be ___________ or _____________.
benign or malignant
What does benign mean?
not recurring
What does malignant mean?
tending to spread and be life threatening
The suffix -oma means?
tumor or neoplasm
Atrophy means?
decrease in size or complete wasting of an organ, tissue or cell
Dystrophy means?
defective growth in the size of an organ, a tissue, or cell
Hypertrophy means?
increase in the size of an organ, tissue, or cell
The prefix a- and ana - means?
The prefix hypo - means?
less than normal
The prefix hyper- means?
more than normal
The prefix dys- means?
The prefix neo- means?
Glands are..?
groups of specialized cells that secrete material used elsewhere in the body
Aden/o is the combining form for…?
Glands are divided into 2 categories. What are they?
Exocrine and Endocrine
Exocrine glands are…?
groups of cells that secrete chemical substances into ducts that lead out of the body or to another organ Examples: sweat glands, sebaceous glands, and the portion of the pancreas that secretes digestive chemicals
Endocrine glands are…?
groups of cells that secrete their chemical substances directly into the bloodstream, which transports them throughout the body. They are also ductless. Examples: thyroid gland, the pituitary gland, and the portion of the pancreas that secretes insulin
An organ is…?
a part of the body that performs a special function or functions
Under the skeletal system, the combining forms for bones are …?
oste/o, oss/e, oss/i
Under the skeletal system, the combining form for joints is…?
Under the skeletal system, the combining form for cartilage is…?
What are the major functions for the skeletal system that includes bone, joints, & cartilage?
support and shape, protection, hematopoiesis mineral storage
Under the muscular system, the combining form for muscles is…?
Under the muscular system, the combining forms for fascia are…?
fasc/i, fasci/o
Under the muscular system, the combining forms for tendons are…?
ten/o, tend/o, tendin/o
What are the major functions for the muscular system that includes muscles, fascia, and tendons?
locomotion, movement of the body fluids, body heat generation
Under the cardiovascular system, the combining form for heart is…?
Under the cardiovascular system, the combining form for arteries is…?
Under the cardiovascular system, the combining forms for veins are…?
ven/o, phleb/o
Under the cardiovascular system, the combining forms for blood are…?
hem/o, hemat/o
What are the major functions for the cardiovascular system that includes heart, arteries, veins, and blood?
delivers oxygen and nutrients to tissue, transports cellular waste from the body, performs immune function and endocrine function
Under the lymphatic and immune system, the combining form for lymph vessels, fluid and nodes is….?
Under the lymphatic and immune system, the combining form for tonsils is…?
Under the lymphatic and immune system, the combining form for spleen is …?
Under the lymphatic and immune system, the combining form for thymus is …?
What are the major functions for the lymphatic and immune systems that includes lymph vessels, fluid and nodes, tonsils, spleen, and thymus…?
provide nutrients to and remove waste from tissues, protect the body from harmful substances
Under the respiratory system, the combining forms for nose or nares are…?
nas/o, rhin/o
Under the respiratory system, the combining form for pharynx is…?
Under the respiratory system, the combining form for trachea is…?
Under the respiratory system, the combining form for larynx is…?
Under the respiratory system, the combining forms for lungs are…?
pneum/o, pneumon/o
What are the major functions for the respiratory system that includes nose or nares, pharynx, trachea, larynx, lungs?
brings oxygen into the body for transportation to the cells, removes carbon dioxide and some water waste from the body
Under the digestive system, the combining forms for mouth are…?
or/o, stomat/o
Under the digestive system, the combining form for esophagus is…?
Under the digestive system, the combining form for stomach is…?
Under the digestive system, the combining form for small intestine is…?
Under the digestive system, the combining forms for large intestine are…?
col/o, colon/o
Under the digestive system, the combining form for liver is…?
Under the digestive system, the combining form for pancreas is…?
What are the major functions for the digestive system that includes mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, liver, pancreas?
digestion of ingested food, absorption of digested food, elimination of solid waste
Under the urinary system, the combining forms for kidneys are…?
ren/o, nephr/o
Under the urinary system, the combining form for ureters is…?
Under the urinary system, the combining form for urinary bladder is…?
Under the urinary system, the combining form for urethra is…?
What are the major functions for the urinary system that includes kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra?
filters blood to remove waste, maintains electrolyte balance, regulates fluid balance
Under the nervous system and special senses, the combining forms for nerves are…?
neur/o, neur/i
Under the nervous system and special senses, the combining form for brain is…?
Under the nervous system and special senses, the combining form for spinal cord is…?
Under the nervous system and special senses, the combining forms for eyes are…?
ophthalm/o, ocul/o, opt/o, opt/i
Under the nervous system and special senses, the combining form for sight is…?
Under the nervous system and special senses, the combining forms for ears are…?
ot/o, aur/i, aur/o, audit/o, aud/i
Under the nervous system and special senses, the combining forms for external ear = sound are…?
acoust/o, acous/o
What are the major functions for the nervous system and special senses that includes nerves, brain, spinal cord, eyes, sight, ears, external ear = sound?
coordinating mechanism, reception of stimuli, transmission of messages
Under the integumentary system, the combining forms for skin are…?
dermat/o, derm/o, cutane/o
What are the major functions for the integumentary system that includes skin?
protection of body, temperature, and water regulation
Under the endocrine system, the combining form for adrenals is…?
Under the endocrine system, the combining form for gonads is…?
Under the endocrine system, the combining form for pineal is…?
Under the endocrine system, the combining form for pituitary is…?
Under the endocrine system, the combining forms for thyroid are…?
thyroid/o, thyr/o
What are the major functions for the endocrine system that includes adrenals, gonads, pineal, pituitary, thyroid?
integrates body functions, homeostasis, growth
Under the reproductive system, the combining forms for testes are…?
orch/o, orchi/o, orchid/o, testicul/o
Under the reproductive system, the combining forms for ovaries are…?
ovari/o, oophor/o,
Under the reproductive system, the combining forms for uterus are…?
hyster/o, metr/o, metr/i, metri/o, uter/o
What are the major functions for the reproductive system that includes testes, ovaries, uterus?
production of new life
uni- , mono- means?
duo-, bi-, dyo- means?
tri- means?
quadri- or quadro-, tetr- or tetra- means?
quinqu-, quint-, pent- or penta- means?
sex-, hex- or hexa- means?
sept-, septi-, hept- or hepta- means?
octo-, oct-, octa-, or octo- means?
novem- or nonus-, ennea- means?
deca- or decem-, dek- or deka- means?