congenital hip dysplasia Flashcards
What is congenital hip dysplasia?
Congenital hip dysplasia, also known as developmental dysplasia, is a condition characterized by malalignment of the femoral head within the acetabulum.
When does congenital hip dysplasia develop?
The condition develops during the last trimester in utero.
What are the etiological factors of congenital hip dysplasia?
Etiological factors include cultural predisposition, malposition in utero, environmental, and genetic influences.
What are the signs and symptoms of congenital hip dysplasia?
Clinical presentation includes asymmetrical hip abduction with tightness and apparent femoral shortening of the involved side.
What tests are used to diagnose congenital hip dysplasia?
Testing may include Ortolani’s test, Barlow’s test, and diagnostic ultrasound.
What is the focus of treatment for congenital hip dysplasia?
The focus of treatment is dependent on age, severity, and initial attempts to reposition the femoral head within the acetabulum.
What are common treatment methods for congenital hip dysplasia?
Treatment methods include constant use of a harness, bracing, splinting, or traction.
What may be required if conservative treatment for congenital hip dysplasia fails?
Open reduction with subsequent application of a hip spica cast may be required.
When may physical therapy be indicated for congenital hip dysplasia?
Physical therapy may be indicated after cast removal for stretching, strengthening, and caregiver education.