Conflict and tension in Asia, 1950–1975, Part three: The ending of conflict in Vietnam Flashcards
Who was elected in 1968 US presidential elections?
Richard Nixon
What was Nixon’s problem in Vietnam?
- He could not win the war
- If he withdrew, communism would spread and people would question the object of the war.
When did Nixon announce Vietnamisation?
3rd November 1969
What was Vietnamisation?
The ARVN would be trained to a high level and given high-tech equipment and the US forces would gradually come home.
By the end of 1969, what proportion of soldiers came home from Vietnam?
Only 85k of the 540k.
Why did Nixon give permission for Cambodia and Laos to be targeted?
Some of the main Vietcong bases were there.
Why did opposition to the war grow?
- More media coverage of the war
- Too much money spent
- USA not winning
- The ‘draft’ system
How many men were drafted?
2 million between ‘64 and ‘72
What group was particularly involved in the anti-war movement?
College students.
What happened at Kent State Universty?
Four students were shot dead by police during a anti-war protest.
What day was the Kent State University events?
Monday 4th May 1970
What event sparked the Kent State protests?
Nixon announced the US invasion of Cambodia on 30th April 1970.
What day did Nixon order the invasion of Cambodia?
30th April 1970
How many people were gathered at the Kent State protests?
3000: 1500 protesters and 1500 bystanders, watching.
What did the Mayor of Kent do before the Kent State University protests?
He ordered 1000 National Guardsmen to keep order at the protest.
What led to the National Guard firing bullets?
The protest turned violent – protesters throwing rocks and the National Guardsmen firing tear gas.
How many bullets were fired by the National Guard at Kent State?
Between 61 and 67 bullets.
What happened on the 15th November 1969?
The largest anti-war protest in history: 500,000 people marched in Washington DC
What was the most notable anti-war protest and when did it happen?
Washington DC 15th November 1969. 500,000 people present.
How many people died at the Kent State University shootings?
4 people killed, 9 injured.
What was the outcome of the Kent State shootings?
- Colleges closed as two million students refused to show up.
- The media reported it, and the people were shocked.
What did a government report conclude on the Kent State University shootings?
That it was ‘unnecessary, unwarranted, and inexcusable’.
What state is Kent in?
What proportion of Americans had a TV during the Korean War?
Only 9%
What proportion of Americans had a TV in 1961?
What technology made news reporting easier in the Vietnam War than it had been in the Korean War?
Lightweight portable cameras, voice recorders.
Why was the Tet Offensive a turning point in news reporting in the Vietnam war?
Before it, the government had been saying the war was being won. The first-hand reporting showed this was not true.
Who was Walter Cronkite?
The most famous newsreader at the time of the Vietnam war.
What was Walter Cronkite called?
‘The most trusted man in America’
What shocking report did Walter Cronkite make? When?
February 1968, he said ‘the bloody experience of Vietnam is to end in a stalemate’. He exposed the war for what it was to the American public.
What was the Watergate scandal?
Nixon was linked to a burglary at the Democrats’ offices. He took steps to cover it up.
What did Nixon do when the scandal came to light?
He resigned.
What day did Nixon announce his resignation?
8th August 1974
Why did the US public oppose the war more and more as media reported on it?
It turned out the government were lying about involvement in the war. (My Lai, Operation Rolling Thunder, Napalm use)
What day were the Democrats’ headquarters broken into?
17th June 1972
What did the Life Magazine report on that shocked Americans?
It published the names and faces of 242 US troops killed in one week of fighting in June 1969.
What did the New York Times publish that shocked Americans?
Published leaked secret reports on the war in June 1971. It confirmed the public’s suspicion that the government were lying.
What was Nixon guilty of during Watergate?
He was guilty of taking steps to cover up the burglary.
What were Nixon’s three strategies to bring about peace in Vietnam?
- Vietnamisation
- Pressure/Negotiation
- Bombing
Who was Henry Kissinger?
He was Nixon’s National Security Adviser. He led the peace negotiations with North Vietnam.
How long did the Paris Peace talks last?
The secret and public meetings took place over a period of four years.
Who led the US delegation at the Paris Peace talks?
Henry Kissinger
When do the peace talks begin?
January 1969
What does North Vietnam propose to end the war?
An ‘in place’ ceasefire, where North Vietnam can keep all the land it currently occupied.
When does North Vietnam propose the ‘in place’ ceasefire?
October 1972
What does Nixon agree to?
He agrees to the ceasefire, and promises $1 billion worth of military aid to South Vietnam.
When is the Paris Peace Accord signed?
27 Jan 1973
When do the last US troops leave Vietnam?
March 1973
Why does the promised $1 billion military aid never get paid?
Nixon resigns, his successor never pays the promised sum.
When does the US start bombing the Ho Chi Minh trail in Cambodia?
March 1969
When does the US invade Cambodia?
April 1970
How many more soldiers does Nixon call for as US invade Cambodia?
Another 150,000 are needed.
When does Saigon fall?
Saigon is taken over by the communists in April 1975.
Why did the Americans lose the war?
- The soldiers were demoralised
- Soldiers’ tour of duty was only a year long - they couldn’t gain enough experience.
- Vietcong more experienced
- Media coverage led to large anti-war demonstrations.
How many American soldiers were killed in the war?
What was the average age of US casualties?
How many American soldiers were wounded?
How many Vietnamese soldiers were killed during the war?
1 million
How many Vietnamese civilians were killed during the war?
2 million
How many Vietnamese soldiers were wounded during the war?
2 million
How many Vietnamese civilians were wounded during the war?
5 million
How many Vietnamese people became refugees?
11 million; their homes were destroyed as a result of raids and bombing.