Component Cooling Water Flashcards
What is the purpose of CCW?
- Removes heat from various HX’s, pumps, and miscellaneous loads.
- Provides support to ESF systems.
- Serves as an intermediate barrier between the RCS and ESW.
What is the corrosion inhibitor used in the CCW system?
Sodium Molybdate
What are the CCW Pump Auto-Starts?
- Operating pump discharge # < 80#
- SI sequence
- Load Shed sequence
What are the CCW Pump Auto-Starts with the switch in Neutral?
- Load Shed sequence
- SI sequence
What are the CCW pump Trips?
- Load Shed
- Overload
- Overcurrent
CRV-412 (Surge Tank Vent) Auto Closes on?
High Radiation in the CCW system.
What is the normal CCW flow through the RHR HX’s and what does it throttle to on SI?
- Normal: 5000gpm when RCS >200F
- SI: Throttle to 3000gpm
When does CRV-470 (CCW from Letdown HX) auto close and what is special about it?
- Auto close on SI
- Once SI is reset, the valve controller must be run to minimum output to reset the valve.
What is the sequence loading time for CCW pumps on a LOOP WITHOUT SI?
About 3 seconds after the EDG is ready for loading
What is the sequence loading time for CCW pumps on a LOOP WITH SI?
About 15 seconds after the EDG is ready for loading
What is the sequence loading time for CCW pumps on SI?
- Running pump stays running.
- Standby pump sequences on the RAT about 15 seconds after SI signal.
What are the high and low Surge Tank Level Alarms?
- High: 148in
- Low: 42in
What is the correlation in gallons/in for the Surge Tank?
70 gal/in
What are the CCW Safeguards Loads?
- RHR Pump Seal HX
- CTS Pump Seal HX
- SI Pump LO Cooler and Seal HX
- CCP LO Cooler and Speed Increaser
What are the CCW Miscellaneous Loads?
- Letdown HX
- Excess Letdown HX
- RCP LO and Thermal Barrier HX
- RCP Seal Water HX
- CEQ Fan Motor Air Coolers
- RX Vessel Support Coolers
- Containment Penetration Coolers
- Sample HX’s
- MS Penetration Coolers
- Reciprocating CCP
- Hydrogen Monitor
What happens in the CCW system on a Containment Phase A?
- SFP HX isolates
- Excess Letdown HX isolates
- RX Support Cooler Isolates
- NBAE isolates
What happens in the CCW system on a Containment Phase B?
- RCP Cooling Isolates (Thermal Barrier and LO Coolers)
- Requires manual trip on the RCP’s in 3 minutes
What happens in the CCW system on an SI?
- CCW HX Outlet opens
- CCW Outlet for RHR HX’s throttle to 3000-3500gpm
- ESW to CCW HX throttles to 5000gpm
- Letdown HX Isolates
What are the CCW Pump power supplies?
- West CCW Pump: T11(21)A
- East CCW Pump: T11(21)D
How tall is the baffle plate in the Surge Tank?
- 5 feet
- 48” indicated
What is the purpose of the Surge Tank baffle plate?
Provides train separation and redundancy for passive failure during recirculation phase of a LOCA.
What is the fail position for CRV-410/411? (Demin water makeup valves)
Fail Closed on a loss of air and control power
What is the purpose of the RCP Thermal Barrier Safety Valve?
Lifts at 2485#
Allows for controlled shutdown.
What happens in the CCW system when containment pressure reaches 1#?
CEQ fan motor cooler CIV’s open
What does CMO-410/420 (CCW HX Outlet Valves) throttle to on an SI signal?
Full Open
Why is there one supply line to the RCP’s from CCW and two return lines from the RCP’s to CCW?
So the thermal barrier can be isolated if it’s leaking from the RCS.
Why don’t the Main Steam Penetration Cooler CCW CIV’s close on a Containment Phase A?
The Main Steam Stops don’t close on a Containment Phase A, therefore they still have steam going through them.
If a load on the Miscellaneous Header is isolated, is the CCW system still OPERABLE?
- The CCW system can still perform its safety function.
If a load on the Safeguards Header is isolated, is the CCW system still OPERABLE?
- NO
- The equipment on the safeguards header are required safety functions.
- Also (depending on the load) minimum CCW flow may not be achievable during the injection phase.