Comp exam prep test Research and Evaluation 1 Flashcards
Clinical vs. actuarial prediction research is concerned with:
- which type of therapy is best evaluated with either method
- the best evaluative procedure for career assessment
- the best way to interpret information
- parametric vs. non-parametric analysis
Research in psychotherapy regarding the effectiveness of different theoretical orientations suggests:
- outcome research although improving is sparse
- difficulty in comparing cure rates across theories because of differing philosophies
- different techniques produce different results
- effectiveness of the models is not the most important variable
Measuring change in psychotherapy has typically been accomplished by which of the following?
-observation by trained individuals
- insight
- matched assignments of individual
-random assignment
Early research by Eysenck (1952) and later by Bergin (1971) regarding effectiveness of psychotherapy emphasized that:
- all therapy is effective
- Eysenck said no effect with psychotherapy was evident, while Bergin said psychotherapy was more effective than no treatment
- Eysenck said psychotherapy was more effective than no treatment, while Bergin said there was no difference with psychotherapy
- both said psychotherapy was not effective
Research by several investigators suggested that success in treatment is more likely with which type of client?
- borderline
- phobic
- alcoholic
- low self-esteem
A “placebo” is designed to serve:
- as treatment
- as a control
- in lieu of a drug
- as a non-effective change agent
Which therapy has been known to be effective with depression?
- Lowen’s bioenergy
- Loveinger’s ego therapy
- Stampfl’s Implosive therapy
- Beck’s cognitive therapy
Anxiety problems appear to be best remediated with which type of therapy?
- cognitive-behavioral
- rational-emotive
- existential
- eclectic
In conducting therapy with a phobic problem, the best way to measure change would be to use:
- subjective evaluation
- physiological changes
- self-report
- behavior rating
A control group is:
- the dependent variable
- the group who receives the “halo effect” but not the treatment
- a group of individuals who are not exposed to the treatment
- a double-blind group in which the researcher does not know who is in the control group
The attempt to scale down therapy to a few workable variables studied in the laboratory is what type of research?
- analog
- comparative
- experimental
- historical
When utilizing inferential statistics, the central tendency considered the most helpful is the:
- mean
- median
- mode
- standard deviation
If you calculated the score on a math test for 15 sophomores and they all had the same score, then you could determine that the variance would be:
- the score itself
- zero
- one
- need the actual math score to be able to determine the variance of a set of scores
If the appropriate variance for a set of test scores is the interquartile range, then the appropriate central tendency would be:
- mean
- median
- mode
- mean, median, mode
When a two-tailed test of significance is being utilized one can safely say:
- one is rejecting both ends of a sampling distribution
- one is rejecting one end of a sampling distribution
- one is rejecting the middle of a sampling distribution and accepting the two ends of the distribution
- failure to reject the hypothesis because the two tails are not in the distribution free sampling
A factor-analyzed statistical technique is especially useful for which of the validity measures?
- content
- construct
- concurrent
- predictive
An investigator is conducting a survey of classical reading and has listed 10 of the most-often-read classics. He administered the survey to 30 eighth grade students. How many degrees of freedom are there?
- 9
- 10
- 30
- 29
The null hypothesis is not rejected when:
- a Type I error was made
- a Type II error was made
- the difference between the sample mean and population mean is due to chance
- the difference between the sample mean and the population mean is zero
A research comparison between dogsled drivers and wind variability was planned for the Greater Alaska Dogsled Race. The drivers were compared on height, weight, and body surface with three different wind speeds. This type of comparison is:
- a posteriori
- post hoc
- a priori
- multiple comparison
A 2x2x3 factorial design is described as which one of the following?
- 2 independent variables for Factors A and B and 3 independent variables for C
- 2 independent variables for 3 levels of Factors A, B, and C
- 3 independent variables with two levels for A and B and 3 levels for C
- 3 dependent variables with 2 levels for Factors A and B and 3 levels for Factor C
If a correlation is reported at -.40 for snowfall and sunshine, then what percent of the variance in snowfall is associated with less sunshine?
- 40
- 60
- 16
- 84
In order to utilize a two-way Analysis of Variance the following must be true:
- the data must be discrete and ordinal
- the data must be interval or ratio, and subjects must be randomly assigned to groups
- the data must be both discrete and continuous, and the subjects need not meet randomization
- the dependent variable must be discrete, and students must be randomly assigned
You are interested in establishing the relationship between dogs and cats. One of the variables under study is continuous data, and the other is dichotomous data. What correlation coefficient would be most appropriate?
- Spearman Rank
- Point Biserial
- Phi Coefficient
- Pearson Product
A school counselor is of the opinion that vitamin C is effective in improving reading comprehension one hour after taking the vitamin. She conducts the experiment and administers the standardized portion of the Albright Reading Comprehension Test on a pre-post basis. What is the dependent variable?
- Vitamin C
- Albright Reading Comprehension Test Scores
- one hour
- students in the experimental group
Two tests measuring the same variable have been correlated and yield a correlation of .80. The first test has a separate correlation of .70 and the second of .60. The coefficient of determination is: