Comp exam prep test Group work 1 Flashcards
Which type of group emphasizes education and prevention?
- therapy groups
- psychoeducational groups
- task groups
- structured groups
psychoeducational groups
Which of the following types of groups would not likely be found on a college campus?
- personal growth groups
- psychoeducational groups
- groups for a psychotic population
- unstructured groups
groups for a psychotic population
Which of the following would NOT be considered one of a group member’s rights?
- protection from verbal & physical assaults
- complete confidentiality
- knowing the leader’s qualifications
- freedom from undue group pressure
complete confidentiality
Which of the following is considered a psychological risk of participating in a therapeutic group?
- Confidentiality may be breached
- Scapegoating may occur
- Members may end up feeling vulnerable and defenseless
- all of the above
all of the above
Which of the following would be the best method of recruiting for a group?
- commercial advertising
- a written public flier
- asking people you know to join
- seeking referrals from colleagues
seeking referrals from colleagues
Which of the following is NOT appropriate for a screening interview for a prospective group member?
-Taking a personal history of the client
-explaining the purpose of the group
-allowing the applicant to interview the group leader
-encouraging the applicant to form a judgment of the group and
the leader
Taking a personal history of the client
When working with involuntary group members it is important to
- insist that they participate
- tell them to go and come back when they are more motivated
- discuss with them how they could use the time beneficially
- assume that they will come on board after a few sessions
discuss with them how they could use the time beneficially
Which of the following are healthy ideas about the purpose of groups?
-Groups are good places to get an emotional high
-Groups are places where people might tear you down and then
try to rebuild you
-the goal of a group is to leave feeling close with and loving
towards all other members
-Groups are places for people to rehearse personal changes in
a safe context
Groups are places for people to rehearse personal changes in a safe context
Which of the following is good advice for prospective co-leaders?
-Cooperation between you is necessary but it is reasonable to
expect that you will have different ideas about group goals and
-You should be in agreement about ethical aspects of group
-You should meet together at least five minutes before the
group begins
-You should not waste time getting to know each other
personally since you will be able to do this during the group
You should be in agreement about ethical aspects of group work
During the initial stage of a group, members can best build trust by
-waiting until someone else takes the first risk and then
opening up
-revealing their lack of trust
-using trust building exercises
-sharing nonintimate details about themselves
revealing their lack of trust
Which of the following should NOT be expected in the initial stage of a group
- anxiety
- a high degree of cohesiveness
- expressions of boredom
- a lot of tension
a high degree of cohesiveness
Which of the following statements is accurate about group norms?
-Implicit norms may develop as a result of leader modeling
-group cohesion requires that everyone have as close as
possible to an equal amount of speaking time
-Group norms often contradict the preconceived ideas that
members bring with them into the group
-none of the above
Implicit norms may develop as a result of leader modeling
The major task to be worked through in the initial stage of a group is
- the development of cohesion
- the development of trust
- the development of norms and rules
- the working through of transference feelings about the leader
the development of trust
Which of the following can be expected in the transition stage of a group?
- Lots of group cohesion
- lowered anxiety
- group members express liking of each other
- resistance to the leader
resistance to the leader
During which phase are group leaders most likely to be confronted professionally by group members
- initial phase
- termination phase
- norming phase
- transition phase
transition phase
When a group member is consistently silent in a group it is best to
- confront them for not contributing
- consistently call on them
- ask them what their silence means
- say nothing and wait
ask them what their silence means
The major task in the ending stage of a group is
- consolidation of learnings
- development of trust
- development of a group identity
- working hard towards group members’ personal goals
consolidation of learnings
The tapering off of a group’s energy in the final hour of its meeting most likely suggests that
- group members are having trouble trusting each other again
- motivation for working on group goals is not high
- members are mourning the anticipated end of the group
- the group has not been therapeutic
members are mourning the anticipated end of the group
Which of Schutz’s emotional issues is likely to be pre-eminent in the working stage of a group?
- inclusion
- control
- power
- affection
Which of the following is an appropriate guideline for leader self-disclosure
- Leaders should reveal a little of their personal struggles in response to what is happening in the group but not too much
- Leaders should consistently take the lead in self-disclosure as a model for group members
- Leaders should make frequent use of group time to explore their own problems
- Leaders should never self-disclose
Leaders should reveal a little of their personal struggles in response to what is happening in the group but not too much