Comp exam prep test Professional Orientation 1 Flashcards
The NBCC and ACA Codes of Ethics do NOT include a statement reflecting the principle that
- counselors have a right to protect clients from themselves if the clients give evidence of being self-injurious.
- revelation of a counselor’s notes on a client should not be made to other professionals unless the client has provided written permission to do so or the information has been subpoenaed by a court of law.
- counselors should receive appropriate fees for services rendered regardless of the situations or settings in which the services were rendered.
- improvement of the profession through a variety of professional involvements is a responsibility of all counselors.
counselors should receive appropriate fees for services rendered regardless of the situations or settings in which the services were rendered.
Suppose the state in which you reside does not yet have counselor licensure. A local civic club has asked you to address their members to present an overview of counselor licensure and its benefits to the public. In your presentation to the group, you note that
- licensure automatically entitles counselors to receive third-party payments from insurance companies.
- some professional groups (e.g., psychologists) have opposed counselor licensure although the need for mental health services for the public has increased steadily.
- state-level counselor licensure laws have existed for over 40 years although it is only recently that a majority of the states have counselor licensure laws.
- one of the ways that counselor licensure laws protect the public’s general welfare is through restriction of the use of the term “counselor” to those persons who have graduated from counselor education programs.
one of the ways that counselor licensure laws protect the public’s general welfare is through restriction of the use of the term “counselor” to those persons who have graduated from counselor education programs.
A client has concluded a series of counseling sessions with another counselor and has now come to you for counseling. According to the NBCC Ethical Standards, you should
- proceed as you would with any other new client.
- contact the other counselor and find out if it is appropriate for you to counsel the client.
- contact the other counselor to ensure that you do not cover the same topic areas with the client.
- advise the client to continue with the other counselor.
contact the other counselor and find out if it is appropriate for you to counsel the client
A member of the local clergy telephones and asks for your evaluation of the moral values of a person whom the caller knows was one of your clients. The caller wants your opinion because the former client is an applicant to a theological institution for which the caller is the local applicant evaluator. You should
- respond orally but require that no records be made of the conversation and that no comments be attributed to you.
- inform the caller that you are not ethically permitted to divulge whether a person is or has been a client or any information about a client without the client’s permission.
- inform the caller that you need to call the former client and obtain the client’s permission before you can express your opinions.
- seek the counsel of your supervisor to determine what types of information it would be permissible to divulge.
inform the caller that you are not ethically permitted to divulge whether a person is or has been a client or any information about a client without the client’s permission.
Your employer has a policy that necessitates that you report all instances of child abuse to state authorities. A client alludes (in your judgement) to the possibility of (the client) being a child abuser. As a counselor, you should
- contact your lawyer; the policy is a violation of the “fair trade” laws.
- refer the person elsewhere; receipt of a salary constitutes voluntary agreement with the employer’s policies.
- inform the client of the policy and let the client decide how to proceed.
- contact a consultant; then do as the consultant suggests.
inform the client of the policy and let the client decide how to proceed.
A married couple comes to you, as a counselor in private practice, and tells you that they are having marital difficulties and have sought counseling for resolution of them. In the course of an initial session with them, one of the spouses reports being a new and active member of the local Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) group. You should
- investigate the nature of the local AA’s activities and continue counseling if those activities do not include accepted definitions of counseling.
- terminate counseling with one spouse but continue to work with the spouse who is not an AA participant.
- offer to co-counsel with the staff of the local AA.
- refer both spouses to the local AA.
offer to co-counsel with the staff of the local AA.
The Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs(CACREP) Standard of Preparation does all of the following EXCEPT
- constitute the legal basis for certification and licensure requirements for professional counselors.
- specify the minimum professional competencies (i.e., skills) which a counselor is expected to possess.
- have been adopted by more than 60% of the approximately 480 counselor preparation programs in the United States.
- provides a set of guidelines for the desirable elements of and experiences in counselor preparation programs
constitute the legal basis for certification and licensure requirements for professional counselors.
As applied to the professional licensure of counselors, the term reciprocity means that
- one licensing agency agrees to accept the licensing standards of another as sufficient for its own
- a licensed counselor may legally perform the functions of a licensed psychologist
- certification is synonymous with licensure
- graduation from a fully accredited counselor education program automatically constitutes eligibility for licensing
one licensing agency agrees to accept the licensing standards of another as sufficient for its own
The publication likely to average the largest number of current research articles on the counseling process is the
- Journal of Counseling Psychology
- Review of Educational Research
- Journal of Consulting & Abnormal Psychology
- Journal of Nervous & Mental Diseases
Journal of Counseling Psychology
According to the ACA Code of Ethics when should a counselor try to persuade the client to report knowledge of a crime to the appropriate authorities
- when there is imminent danger to others
- when there is a crime in progress
- after the crime
- never
when there is imminent danger to others
Third party reimbursement is a term pertinent to
- transactional analysis
- behavior therapy
- insurance practices
- veterans’ educational programs
insurance practices
A student completed a manuscript and submitted it to 3 different journals. This was inappropriate. The student should have
- obtained preliminary reviews from each journal before submitting formally
- only submitted the article to one journal at a time
- co-authored with a faculty advisor to increase likelihood of acceptance
- reviewed each journal’s acceptance rate to determine the order of submission
only submitted the article to one journal at a time
A counselor & client begin the counseling process by discussing informed consent, number of sessions authorized, required fees, confidentiality & duty to warn. The counselor omitted to discuss which important area of informed consent?
- immediacy issues
- the nature of the therapeutic process
- the counselor’s personal values
- the likelihood of achieving counseling goals
the nature of the therapeutic process
Privileged communication is a legal concept that allows
- a counselor not to disclose client information because of a court order
- court-ordered access to client information
- a client protection from having to disclose information in court proceedings
- either clients or counselors to release information by court order
a counselor not to disclose client information because of a court order
In the Tarasoff v. University of California case, the counselor was cited for failure to
- protect client rights & confidentiality
- warn & protect a victim from harm
- accurately evaluate a client’s psychological state
- document the efficacy of the counselor’s work
warn & protect a victim from harm
If a counselor engages in sexual relations with a clinical supervisor the basis for misconduct is focused upon
- lack of positive regard
- power differential
- moral turpitude
- issues of informed consent
power differential
Bartering is discouraged by ACA but may be appropriate when
-the client is indigent & without other counseling
-it is a common accepted practice in the client’s culture
-problems covered in counseling are of a minor nature
-clients are not overly dependent on the counselor
it is a common accepted practice in the client’s culture
aspirational ethics calls for counselors to
- meet at least minimum standards of ethical performance
- apply ethics based on high levels of moral development
- hold to the highest standards of professional conduct
- model high standards of practice for other counselors
hold to the highest standards of professional conduct
A female adolescent client discloses to her counselor that her father has fondled her in a sexually inappropriate way. No penetration took place. With the client’s permission the mother corroborates the story. The counselor is legally obligated to
-report the father’s behavior as child abuse to the
-ensure that the father receives counseling
-provide referral for the client to a child abuse expert
-explore the client’s unconscious sexual desires for her
report the father’s behavior as child abuse to the authorities
A counselor is working with an adolescent who is addicted to opiates. The counselor is not trained in addictions counseling. The counselor should
-work with the student but on other than addiction issues
-seek substance abuse training urgently
-refer the student to a qualified substance abuse
-begin a co-counseling situation with another counselor
refer the student to a qualified substance abuse counselor