Community Pharmacy Flashcards
Describe the purpose of the CP contract.
Ensures provision of essential services
Who monitors essential services?
NHS England
What is an essential service in a CP?
Must be offered by all CPs as part of the CP contract
What is an advanced service and who is it commissioned by?
Can be offered by CPs as long as they meet the requirements and it is commissioned by the local authority (LA)
What are locally commissioned services?
Commissioned by LAs, CCGs, NHS England depending on local needs.
What are the 8 essential services?
- Dispensing medicines/appliances
- Repeat Dispense
- Clinical governance
- Disposal of unwanted medicines
- Promotion of healthy lifestyle
- Signposting
- Self-care support
Describe dispensing medicines/appliances.
Maintain records and record interventions
Describe Repeat dispensing
For patients with stable medication regimen, managed for up 1 year using batch Rx
Describe clinical governance
SOPs, practice audits, CP patient questionnaire, patient safety incident report
Describe promotion of healthy lifestyle
opportunistic advice of patients receiving Rx requirement to do up to 6 health campaigns
Describe signposting
Referring patient to other healthcare professionals, info should be held in pharmacies for local signposting
Describe self care support
Advice and support for patient and their families for long term conditions - responding to symptoms
Describe DMS
This is suitable patients identified by hospitals to:
- reduce medicines harm at care transfer
- reduce hospital readmissions
- improve patient understanding of meds and optimise their use
What are the 9 advances services that are available?
- Appliance use review
- Hep C testing
- Stoma appliance customisation
- Stop smoking
- Flu vaccine
- C-19 LF distribution service
- HPT case funding
What are the 9 advances services that are available?
- Appliance use review
- Hep C testing
- Stoma appliance customisation
- Stop smoking
- Flu vaccine
- C-19 LF distribution service
- HPT case funding
Describe appliance use review
Products in part XI of drug tariff
Describe Hep C testing
Point of care to people who inject drugs
Describe stoma appliance customisation
specific training is required
Describe stop smoking
for patients referred by hospitals
Describe Flu vaccine
to maximise uptake in risk groups by increasing accessibility
Describe C-19 LF distribution service
aims to identify positive cases and reduce transmission
Describe HPT case finding
initial BP check followed by 24 hour ambulatory monitoring
Describe NMS
4 week support for patients with long term conditions such as asthma, HPT and who have been prescribed new medicines to ensure proper use and adherence
Describe CPCS
Connects patient with minor illness/urgent supply of medicines to CP which relieves pressure on NHS via 111 referral
Describe the pharmacy quality scheme (PQS)
Supports the NHS long term plan by rewarding CPs with PGS payments for meeting the 2021/22 domains
Briefly explain the 2021/22 domains
- Medicines safety & optimisation - anticoagulation audit
- Respiratory - PAAP and promoting spacer use for children and pMDI use. Inhaler technique checks for new inhalers. Return of unwanted/used inhalers.
- Digital - remote consultation
- Primary care network - flu vaccinations
- Prevention - infection, prevention, control & review of anti-microbial use
- Addressing unwanted variation in care - CPPE e-learning and assessment on health inequalities
- Action plan promoting C-19 vaccine & myth busting
- Health living support - weight management, CPPE learning and action plan