Common household products Flashcards
Ethylene Glycol uses
- antifreeze
- coolant
- industrial solvent
- rust remover
Ethylene glycol properties
- readily soluble in water
- sweet, colorless, odorless
- lowers the freezing point of water
Ethylene Glycol toxicity
- common in dogs and cats
- mortality= 59-70% in dogs
- minimum lethal dose 1.4mL/kg in cats
- mld in dogs= 4.2-6.6 mL/kg
Ethylene glycol toxicokinetics
- Absorbed from GIT (can be delayed by food)
- Rapidly distributes to all tissues
- half life 3-4 hours in dogs
- half life shorter in cats
- dogs= peak plasma level at 2 hours
- toxic metabolites produced by liver
Order of oxidization of ethylene glycol
ethylene glycol –> glycoaldehyde –> glycolic acid –> glycoxylic acid –> oxalic acid and a bunch of other not important stuff
Bad metabolite of ethylene glycol
oxalic acid
How does oxalic acid work
- binds to serum calcium
- forms insoluble calcium oxalate crystals and hypocalcemia
MOA of ethylene glycol
- GI irritation
- increased serum osmolality= osmotic diuresis
- CNS depression
- metabolites can cause metabolic acidosis and acute renal failure
ethylene glycol EARLY clinical signs
- 30 min- 12 hrs
- nausea/ vomitting
- CNS depression
ataxia - tachycardia and tachypnea
- muscle fasiculations
- dehydration, coma, death
ethylene glycol LATE clinical signs
- 24-72 hours in dogs
- 12-24 hrs in cats
- oliguric renal failure
anuria by 72 hours
ethylene glycol lesions
- hemorrhagic gastroenteritis
- pulmonary edema
- pale and swollen kidneys with gray or yellow streaks
- yellow calcium oxalate crystals in kidney, urine or brain
Ethylene glycol lab findings
- Increased serum osmolality
- Increased anion gap (more than 40-50 mEq/L)
- low urine specific gravity
- blood pH less than 7.3
- hypocalcemia and hypoglycemia
- Increased creatinine and BUN
- Hyperphosphatemia and hyperkalemia
- Increased PCV and TP
- Calcium oxalate in urine
Ethylene glycol chemical analysis
- Kacey EG test
- run on plasma
- negative test does not rule out exposure
- false positives from propylene glycol, mannitol, sorbitol, glycerol and ethanol
ethylene glycol chemical analysis- Catachem test
- No false positives with ethanol
- variable interference with propylene glycol
ethylene glycol serum osmolality
- increases as early as 1 hr after
- other stuff in antifreeze solution might glow with woods lamp
ethylene glycol treatment general
- activate charcoal
- antidotes- inhibitors of alcohol dehydrogenase
Fomepizole treatment for ethylene glycol
- Inhibits alcohol dehydrogenase
- dogs and cats IV
- better than treating with ethanol (no CNS depression, diuresis or hyperosmolality)
- fluids: IV 5% dextrose in half stength saline
Ethanol treatment for ethylene glycol
- 20% ethanol
- has a higher affinity for alcohol dehydrogenase than ethylene glycol
- Causes CNS depression
- not used after first 24 hrs
Ethylene glycol prognosis
- Early treatment= good
- Once azotemic prognosis is grave