What is an express term in a contract? (2)
A term that has been expressly agreed between the parties and can be written or oral. Usually recorded in a written contract in a commercial contract.
What do further terms in commercial contracts give effect to? (1)
The presumed but unexpressed intentions.
What can any term in a contract be classified as? (2)
Condition or warranty.
What is a condition? (1)
A term which is fundamental to the performance of the contract and is considered to go to the ‘root of the contract.’
What is a warranty? (1)
A less important term than a condition and does not go to the substance of the contract.
What is the innocent party entitled to if the other party breaches a condition? (1)
To repudiate/terminate the contract and / or sue for damages.
What is the innocent party entitled to if the other party breaches a warranty? (1)
Damages only.
What is a ‘condition precedent’? (1)
Something that is to happen before the contract will fully come into effect.
How does a warranty work in regard to sale of goods? (2)
A warranty is similar to a guarantee by a seller or manufacturer regarding a product. It refers to situations in which the product will be repaired or replaced in the event that it fails to work as intended.