Com 3--Topic 8 Flashcards
How do TRs support high levels of biodiversity
4 layers mean 4 different environments
Climate is constant so animals don’t have to adapt as much as in other climates
Climate allows continuous growth throughout the year for plant and animals, animals can reproduce more often as there is a constant food source to feed offspring
Ecosystem stress
When plants and animals can’t live in hot dry conditions and may become extinct
CITES (Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species) preserve the forest
Global warming could undermine its success
Protects species, not ecosystems
Relies on countries setting up and funding monitoring and policing systems which low income countries cant afford
Protected species include a very wide variety of species both geographically and by type
Why are REDD needed
Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation in Developing countries
Needed to prevent degradation or deforestation of parts of the Amazon.
Without protection 60% of Jumas forest would be destroyed by 2050
Funding has built 7 school and provided clean water, solar panelsamd trained people in sustainable forestry
Ecotourism is being developed
Impact of Roads of deforestation
They provide accessibility for workers and machinery
As levels increase more areas become accessible leading to more deforestation, creating a upward cycle of destruction
How REDD operate
Families that live in Juma are paid $28 per month not to deforest their area (called the ‘Bolsa Forest’ programme)
This money is donated by the TNC Marriott Hotels, a Brazilian bank and the regional government of Amazonia State
The idea is to give people an alternative income so they don’t need to rely on the forest for an income
Direct threats to the Taiga
Exploitation of natural resources (opencast mining and tar sands)
Other threats to the taiga
As there is a limited number of species of tress, if a disease infects a certain species then it can wipe out large areas of forest
Forest fores are increasingly common due to global warming